印地安泉第二輪 vs. Vera Dushevina - 瑪麗亞·莎拉波娃 Sharapova

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2010-03-14T17:29

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March 12, 2010

M. SHARAPOVA/V. Dushevina
4-6, 7-5, 6-2

An interview with:MARIA SHARAPOVA

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Back against the wall there? Two points from defeat.

Q. You rallied pretty hard.
MARIA SHARAPOVA: I started really slow. You know, I was
kind of giving her the match, to be honest, and wasn't
doing anything well, just making errors.

But to be honest, I think it was good for me to have one of
these matches. I felt like maybe in the same situation I
had those opportunities against Kirilenko in Australia and
didn't win those few points.

And being down today 15 30, she's two points away from
winning the match, you know, I turned things around. So I
can only look ahead and definitely started playing better
towards the end of the match, and that's what counts the

Q. Yeah. It seemed like once you just got the game, that
you managed to push. Your level went way up after that.

MARIA SHARAPOVA: Yeah, um, everything was kind of in slow
motion in the beginning. You know, felt good going in and
just sometimes that's just the way it goes.

And like I said, I think it'll help me in the future. I
haven't had one of those matches where I've been really
close but haven't been able to change things around, so
that was good to have that.

Q. How is your health right now and the overall state of
your game? Are you getting closer to where you want to be?

MARIA SHARAPOVA: Absolutely. You know, I mean, I've
certainly put in the work and I've you know, I'm definitely
not short of that. Maybe, you know, short of matches
outdoors a little bit.

But, you know, I'm ready to take on, you know, any matches
that come my way, and hopefully there will be many this
year. Yeah.

Q. How close are you to being where you were before, do you
think, in your game?

MARIA SHARAPOVA: To be honest, if there's a scale and I
have to say where I was before, I really wouldn't know, you
know. I mean, I know what I'm capable of, and the only
reason why I get back on the practice court every day after
taking tough defeats is because I know I can be better than
I was and that I'm capable of, you know, becoming a better
player and winning more Grand Slams.

Q. What were your emotions, not immediately following the
match in Australia, but in the days that followed? What
kinds of things were you feeling?

MARIA SHARAPOVA: You know what, you can ask my team. I was
back on the court in three or four days, and I just started
working and working on my fitness and my game.

Q. Were you pissed? Were you frustrated?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: I was disappointed. It's not it's
certainly not easy leaving the first day of the Grand Slam,
but it's life. It was bound to happen one day or another,
and that's the way things go.

But, you know, I'm fortunate to have a life that I can come
back home to and appreciate what I've already achieved in
my life, and still have the desire to go out and try to do
more. You know, there's not a doubt in my mind that I
didn't want to go back out there and have better.

Q. Memphis obviously must have been good just to get the
title, but coming into this tournament and Miami, I would
think getting a lot of matches and competing against the
best again has got to be something you really want to do.

MARIA SHARAPOVA: No. 1 goal, yeah, is to get the matches
and, you know, matches like this, as well. I think this
will only help me, and, you know, when I'm pushed and have
to find a way to win.
It's never easy when you're maybe things are not going as
you planned or you lose early a few times, and you have to,
you know, find ways to get back out there. There's no real
secret. It's just about going out there and doing it. The
more matches you play, the easier it becomes.
Q.Memphis 顯然是滿好的體驗,但來到這兩項大賽,跟最優秀的球員

Q. When you play in this country, do you feel almost like
you have a home court advantage? Even tonight you have got
a lot of fan support. You're a very popular player here and
across America. Does that help out out there?

MARIA SHARAPOVA: I'm certainly grateful for all the
support. I've lived in this country since I was seven years
old. Most of my friends live here and my family lives here.
I've certainly embraced the country and the culture and
everything about it.

You know, playing here certainly makes me feel comfortable,
because California is one of my second homes. So it's just
a drive away for me, and it's always a warm welcome.

Q. How do you assess your spot in the draw and looking
MARIA SHARAPOVA: I mean, a draw is a draw. You know,
there's a draw every almost every week, and it's just about
going out there and winning matches no matter what the draw

Q. You don't look ahead to see who you potentially will
play? You just worry about each match as they come?

MARIA SHARAPOVA: Yeah, pretty much. I'm not so
superstitious that I don't look who's in my side of the
draw or stuff like that.
You can't really worry too much who is in third or fourth
or second round until you get there. That's really the

Q. Are you at the point now where the shoulder is so good
where you can say to yourself, I just want matches; I want
to play; I need titles; I know where I want my level is; I
can play here, Miami, then more on the clay; just get me
out there; get me on court and let's see what happens?

MARIA SHARAPOVA: I mean, at a certain point I am. Sometimes
if I take like five days off or something and I come out,
you know, or I'll play like practice matches with guys and
stuff and they come out and they warm up their serves and
they're swinging away 120 miles per hour, I'm like and I'm
hitting like 50 mile serves to warm up, then I think to
myself, I'm like, I don't think it will ever be the same,
because I can't just go out there and hit a serve out of
nowhere that I could have maybe when I was younger.
So those are kind of the things that you monitor. You don't
play for a little bit, you go back out there, you know, and
the first few days it's a little stiff. You have to warm
things up.

You know, the conditions change. It doesn't always feel
100%. So I think once you have obviously I've never had
anything like that before, so it's a whole new experience
for me.

But I will tell you one thing: I'm in a much better place
than I was here last year.

Q. Reflect on that. You came back to play doubles.

Q. Just because you wanted to get back on court essentially?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: Yeah, and, you know, I was it was at about
the time where I started practicing again, and I just
wanted to see how the arm was in competition because it's
never the same as it is in practice.
Yeah, after the doubles I still knew that it would be a
little while.

Q. As I told you earlier, I cover the Lakers, and I was
wondering, your expectations of them right now.
MARIA SHARAPOVA: Oh, goodness. Please don't ask me those


Q. I mean, as a fan, right? Don't you think they should be
better, too?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: Let me just tell you the last couple weeks
when he was out saved me a few heartbeats, so... (laughter.)
I don't you know, I don't know. I just watch and I enjoy
and, you know, I'm proud to know that there is someone else
who comes home and works just as hard as I do even harder
to be out there and to play. It's inspiring as well.

Q. I bet you have expectations, too. Like, Hey, you have to
do this again, right?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: You know, I sometimes become a little bit
of an expert, but that's just my personality.

Q. When you came back, did you really sort of come full
circle? And you were conscious of where you were a year ago
and where you are today?

MARIA SHARAPOVA: When I came here this year? Oh, yeah. Last
year was it was just to see I mean, I knew that I was
nowhere close to 100%, but I wanted to feel things out

I mean, after you're away for so long, it's kind of a
nightmare going out and to a treatment room and practice
facility and just keep doing the same thing, hoping you're
going to get better and you never really know when.
Obviously it's pretty cool to be back here and being pretty

Q. As you know, playing out here can be a little difficult,
because when you started, for example, your match today, it
was warm, and then the temperature drops 20, 30 degrees.
How do you prepare for that? You'd probably rather play
during the day than at night because it's a totally
different atmosphere.

MARIA SHARAPOVA: You can't really prepare for that.
Mentally you know that that's going to happen and things
are going to slow down and you might not get as many
winners, aces as you'd like, so you have to be a little bit
more smarter and know that points are going to be longer
and whatnot. You maybe have a few, you know, different
tensions in your bag just to help yourself out, but you
just have to be prepared.

also with the shadows, I mean, this is an outdoor
tournament. That's what you get. We know that coming into

Q. So you're one of the few players that actually admits
you look at the draw. You have Zheng coming up. Can you
talk about that?

MARIA SHARAPOVA: Yeah, she's a tough opponent. Fights well,
gets a lot of balls back, makes you hit, and is a perfect
example of just having to be patient, and, you know,
knowing that exactly the right time when you should go for
it and things like that.
But she definitely I played her a few months ago in Hong
Kong. That was an exhibition. That was our preparation for
Australia, and it was a tough match. We'll see.

Q. Is this a fun level coming in to play with your success,
having fun, then to say I don't have to worry about my
shoulder now, I can actually enjoy it?

MARIA SHARAPOVA: Just being able to step on the line and
not worrying if you're going to throw your shoulder out at
any second, that helps a lot mentally when you're out there.
It's a great feeling. I mean, there's no doubt about it.
We're all athletes, and it's not like we wake up and
nothing hurts. I mean, we're always dealing with little
things here and there, but we don't necessarily come out
and set up a press conference to announce our little

Q. But the fun level, is that an important part of your
success, enjoying playing, besides the injury part? Just
saying this is fun for me besides I'm competitive, as well?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: I mean, that's the best part about it is
it's fun. I mean, I love competing. I love going out there.
I love the moments where you have to, you know, dig deep
and find a way to win.

For me, that's since I was young, that's what it was all
about. I mean, unfortunately I was in those situations
where I could have dug deep in Australia and didn't, and
you end up losing the match and you're going home.

It's tough. But, you know, you still have to go out there.
And if you feel you can be better than you were, you are,
then I think you should go back out there and work hard.

Q. What do you think has improved the most since surgery?
And I'm not talking about physically, because you spent so
much time on the practice court working on a lot of
different things. What do you think has improved the most
that you can actually bring in the matches?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: I feel like I'm returning a lot better,
maybe not by today's match. I think there are many matches
that got me through the matches with my return, especially
last summer when I was wasn't serving great.

I don't know. I mean, I'm not going to spill all the beans
here. (laughter.)

Q. So when you see, I mean, someone like Justine have a
rough match today; we saw Kim lose sort of surprisingly in
Australia, I mean, all of you are coming back, is that sort
of what you expect to see, that they're going to stumble
from time to time?

MARIA SHARAPOVA: Everybody is coming from a little bit of a
different position in their careers and their lives, and
all of our comebacks are a little bit different. Kim had a
baby and came back and won a Grand Slam. You know, so just
because she lost in Australia can't be saying she's having
a downfall. I'd take a win at a Grand Slam second or third
tournament back any day. (laughter.)

You know, Henin who was retired and all of a sudden came
back. You know, she's a competitor and it's probably tough
sitting at home and, you know, watching everyone else
compete and knowing that you're not in the draw. I knew the
feeling for a while.

Me, someone that, you know, still has many years to go and
that's in a little bit of a different stage than those two
girls I mentioned, coming from, you know, surgery. Everyone
is in a little bit of a different spot, and I think that
makes it more interesting, you know, in a way.
Q.今天 Justine 苦戰,澳網時 Kim 意外出局,妳們這種復出的球員
也想一回來就贏得大滿貫阿,哈哈。Henin 是退休又復出,她是個鬥

Q. Are you patient to get back to where you were?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: I mean, I think when the time is going to
be right it will happen. I can only I can only do a certain
amount of things, you know, just let things happen. And if
they don't happen, then what am I going to do? I'm not just
going to drive off a cliff or something. (laughter.)

Honestly, when I'm sitting there in the press conference of
the Australia Open after you lose listening to some of
those questions, I mean, you'd think I committed a crime or
something, you know? Really.

I mean, there is a way to get somebody down, it's just
like, Go to one of those press conferences.

Q. That damn media again.
MARIA SHARAPOVA: Just get a car and drive off the cliff. I
mean, if I let those things bother me, then I don't think
I'd ever be back after the injury. You just -- many of the
girls just have to be so strong mentally just to be out
there and competing.

Q. But you get surprised by your own losses occasionally,
MARIA SHARAPOVA: I get surprises when I feel that that my
level of play wasn't where it was supposed to be. I get
more mad at the fact that I kind of let my opponent win the
match because I did something wrong, not because she did
something so well. That's always more frustrating.
I mean, today could have been a great example.

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2010-03-18T08:30
好長的一篇訪問稿XDD 莎娃不只一次用了To be honest:p
Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2010-03-21T23:30
大概是去年沒問到的份補齊吧 xD
Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2010-03-25T14:31
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2010-03-29T05:31
那年印地安泉也真的很好看 莎娃狀態好 打起來超過癮
Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2010-04-01T20:32
這麼一說我才驚覺我們板成立已經超過四年了 XD
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2010-04-05T11:32
對:P 時間過真的好快 哈哈哈
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2010-04-09T02:33
怎麼回事的突然有股懷舊的氣息 XD
Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2010-04-12T17:33
來個閃光練習照:http://0rz.tw/zEA7O http://0rz.tw/akftY
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2010-04-16T08:34
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2010-04-19T23:34
Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2010-04-23T14:35
樓樓上 這要問你阿 ( ̄▽ ̄#)﹏﹏


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2010-03-14T16:24
如題~ 之前冬天短袖POLO都下架了 前幾天到台大體育也尚未有多少款式 北門的舒邁也只有老費澳網那件繡著F的淺藍POLO 請問各位朋友們~ 還有哪些推薦的地方呢?~ 感謝回答^^ - ...

印地安泉男網 約克維奇被賞蛋

Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2010-03-14T16:24
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