印地安泉大師賽單打四強 - 羅傑·費德勒 Federer

Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2011-03-22T00:03

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前文恕姍...姍姍來遲 (冷)



I felt pretty sad for Roger losing his SF match against Djokovic. Not for the
loss itself but for watching how Roger struggled to maintain focus. He looked
particularly well moving around the court in the 2nd set and into the 3rd,
even younger and more lithe than Djokovic who, by the way, is athletically at
his very best. Roger exposed Djokovic's weaknesses, that he's beatable, but
Roger couldn't hold it together and keep his momentum going into the 3rd. A
real pity.


For a long time, I've argued that Roger doesn't bear down mentally on key
points in his matches. For all those years he was winning slams and
practically everything else related to tennis. I'm sure that the 'calm' state
of mind he sought - by playing every point the same - was key to his match
rythym. The challenge now is that Roger doesn't have the mental strength to
focus on every point in a game, set and match. He must pick and choose what
big points to fight for. To know, in advance which ones demand more
intensity. Technically, he's got everything he needs and still moves
beautifully and even better than Djokovic part of the match today.


When Roger was winning everything under the sun, he was the center of
attention. His tennis, his exercise, his diet, his sleep, his sugar intake,
his commitments, everything and that's what it must be for a person to not
only innovate (through movement) and dominate his own sport but to be the
best athlete in the world.


And it's what the other guys are doing now. Not Roger, not anymore.


The pain of losing in singles and the doubles final today must have been
eased by finding his children waiting for him at the hotel. They love him no
matter what his BP OPP %'s might be. (So do his fans but we're in

多少 (當然我們也是 XD 但我們在網路上)

This is the life Roger has chosen and I wish him every happiness.


But it's not the lifestyle of a tennis player who wishes to dominate his



Usually the strategy unveils itself in the first 15-20 minutes of the match
if you look closely. It seemed to me that Roger had two things in mind that
he planned to change from Dubai.

通常戰術比賽15-20分鐘就可以知道。對我來說 Rog 有兩件事是他杜拜那場之後想改變的

1. On serve, he was avoiding the Djokovic forehand quite a bit. He got the
kick serve from time to time in the Ad court and took a little more risk with
the second serve.

1. 發球,他一直避免 Djo 的正拍。他有在 Ad 區發一些 kick serve,二發也有多一些

2. He wanted Novak to create the pace on the shot rather than give him the
pace to counterpunch. So he hit a number of deep topspins until he worked
Novak out of position and then go for the thunderbolt.
The idea behind the number 2 was to try and push Novak behind the baseline
and then attack.

2.他想要Djo發力而不是自己巴球給Djo 回抽,所以打了許多很深的上旋球讓Djo失去位置

I think that his serve strategy worked well for the most part but Novak
countered the second tactic by generating the pace and showing that he can be
aggressive and not just need to counterpunch. So Roger had to abandon the
topspin approach and go for the flatter shots. Unfortunately, he missed a lot
in doing so. The problem with the serves was that he wasn't doing enough
damage with the first serve and to Novak's credit, he was getting the returns
in deep. So it appears like there was no gameplan. I think the problem was
that the gameplan did not work as well as he hoped and the execution decively
let him down. That said, this match was more competitive and when Roger got
more clinical with his finishing, he appeared to have Djokovic's number. He
has just become mentally sloppy I suppose and the number of UFE he commits on
x-30 points is diabolical. The one tactic I hope he employs a lot of next
time he plays Novak is the BH slice. It makes Novak uncomfortable and even if
it is not pretty, I think it will be effective.

我想發球策略還不錯,但針對戰術二 Djo還是自己發力,證明他可以具攻擊性而不只是防
守。所以 Rog 必須放棄上旋球改打平擊。不幸的是,因此他 UE 很多。發球的問題是一
發攻擊性不足,而且 Djo 也回得頗深。所以看起來好像 Rog 沒啥策略。問題應該是戰術
並沒有如他預期這般奏效,執行方面也讓他失望。也就是說這場相當競爭,當 Rog 想更
照計畫打,他看起來好像有抓到 Djo 的缺點。他就是魂飛了所以我想那些 X-30 打的UE
更是令人抓狂。下場對上 Djo 有個戰術我希望他多用,那就是反拍切球。這讓 Djo 很不

Confidence also plays a part to almost every player. Djokovic appears very
decisive on the court because of all the confidence he has gained in his
ability. In the past 1 set all 2-2 having squandered a lead, Novak would have
been mentally tuning out of the match and now he believes that he is still
the favorite. So the odd point here and there that Roger would gain from the
opponent's mental state is now reversed. Roger has lost a few tight ones
recently that reduce his own confidence and Novak feels like he is always in
control on the court.

信心也是重要因素。Djo 看起來非常果決,正是因為球技所為他帶來的信心。過去第三盤
2-2後丟掉領先,Djo 會心思上跳出比賽但現在他相信自己還是贏面較大。所以以前 Rog
因為對手懼怕他的氣場所得到的分數,現在已經反轉過來了。Rog 近期輸掉一些接近的比
賽減弱了自己的信心,Djo 則覺得自己是主導比賽的人。





鼻血警報 (孕婦、高血壓、心臟病患者服用前請自行斟酌)

http://0rz.tw/fEwDj (!!!!!!!!!!!)

http://0rz.tw/wqh9Q (太害羞了 撇頭吹口哨)

http://0rz.tw/tQkDh (失血過多要送醫院啦!!!!)

http://0rz.tw/QwbGU (回過神來右鍵準備好)








是說這麼好的人到底哪裡找啊啊啊啊 (迷妹模式開啟XD)

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2011-03-22T20:49
推第一句 XDDD
Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2011-03-23T17:35
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2011-03-24T14:20
推 覺得分析得不錯^^
Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2011-03-25T11:06
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2011-03-26T07:51
哇 Rogi人好好喔~ >///<
Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2011-03-27T04:37
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2011-03-28T01:23
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2011-03-28T22:08
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2011-03-29T18:54
步到位,以致於會常看到人好像到位了,球卻打飛了= =
George avatar
By George
at 2011-03-30T15:39
Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2011-03-31T12:25
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2011-04-01T09:11
Rogi好貼心 照片拍得好棒!


Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2011-03-21T23:18
Roger Federer The sun is shining! In Miami getting ready for Key Biscayne. Looking forward to another Masters 1000 event. about an hour ago 人到邁阿密準備啦,期待 ...


Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2011-03-21T21:43
這是我第二次寄了 2/9寄出 今天剛收到 這張應該是去年澳網冠軍的吼 真的是超開心的XDDDDDDD 真相在這裡 http://www.wretch.cc/album/show.php?i=yenlings17andamp;b=26andamp;f=1851331429andamp;p=90 - ...

Joachim Johansson宣佈二次退役

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2011-03-21T18:36
世界排名曾高踞第9位的瑞典選手Joachim Johansson, 繼2008年因肩傷宣佈退役後(但同年宣佈復出),再次退役。 只是這次退役原因並非受傷患困擾,相反他表示自己現在身體健康, 只是對網球已失去動力。 Joachim Johansson在剛結束的台維斯盃比賽協助瑞典以3:2擊敗俄羅斯, 他說退役 ...


Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2011-03-21T18:20
六位亞洲女選手參加了邁阿密會外賽, 連贏兩場才能晉級會內賽。 另外沒有亞洲選手參加男單會外賽。 (3)Magdalena Rybarikova (SVK) v (wc)Michelle Larcher De Brito (POR) 土居美咲 (JPN) v (21)Arantxa Rus (NED) ( ...

WTA的實境節目(reality show)...

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2011-03-21T18:15
之前就一直看到消息說WTA要跟Xperia Hot Shots合作一個網路實境節目 結果今天公佈六位參加的選手了 分別是: Alizé Cornet (France) Bethanie Mattek-Sands (USA) Dominika Cibulkova (Slovakia) Heather Wats ...