十六強比賽(def. Sargsian) - 網球

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2004-09-07T13:41

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Monday, September 6, 2004

A. AGASSI/S. Sargsian
6-3, 6-2, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Questions for Andre.

Q. You are ranked No. 6. Did you expect to cruise through this match
so easily like you did?

ANDRE AGASSI: I never expect to win easily, and I think matches have the
potential of looking that way more than feeling that way. Sarge hasn't won
four matches for no reason here, and playing in the fourth round for no
reason. He played some great matches. I just wanted to take care of
business in tough conditions.

Q. You played some really memorable matches here. What do you think about
the Federer quarterfinal?

ANDRE AGASSI: Well, looking forward to it. Should be a lot of fun. I mean,
there's nothing more you ask for than to play a big event against the best
player in this environment. It's time to bring the best tennis.

Q. You've given Sarge advice over the years on how to play other players.
Did you talk with him last night? What did you talk about? Did you talk
about the match at all?

ANDRE AGASSI: No, we didn't speak last night. I congratulated him the
night before after he won, but not last night.

Q. Did you watch that match on TV?

ANDRE AGASSI: Yes, I did. Never been so nervous in my life. It's a lot
easier playing than watching when you really care about it. You know,
I was pulling for him. It was a great display of tennis and heart,
by both players.

Q. Of course, many times you played against friends. He's quite a close
friend, as I understand.


Q. Is that a little harder or does it matter?

ANDRE AGASSI: Yeah, I don't think it's quite as comfortable playing
against somebody that you root for. I mean, if I were to lose,
I probably wouldn't want to lose to anybody more than him, if that makes
any sense at all. But you have a lot of respect for each other personally,
professionally, too. In order to maintain that respect, both guys have to
go out there and lay it on the line, give a hug afterwards. That's what we
both expect.

Q. What do you appreciate most about Roger's game?

ANDRE AGASSI: Well, I think his biggest weapon is his forehand and his
movement. He's a really explosive mover. His forehand's just a nasty shot.
You know, he does a lot of things really well. He does a few things really
great. That makes him quite a tough player.

Q. When you're not playing him, what degree of enjoyment do you have in
watching his style of play?

ANDRE AGASSI: It depends who his opponent is because, you know,
most of the time he's making it look too easy to enjoy. But, you know,
I study the game for the sake of always aspiring to be a better tennis
player. You know, there are just some guys that you can learn a lot from,
and then there are other guys that you just can't do what they do and how
they do it. And Federer's one of those guys that just plays the game on
his own terms in a way that others just can't. That's his style,
and it's very unique.

Q. In the past, which player have you been able to learn the most from?
(Andre提到他請Darren Cahill當教練的原因

ANDRE AGASSI: Well, that's hard to say. I mean, I learned a lot from guys
that make great decisions out there. You know, I think Lleyton Hewitt is
a great example. It's why I'm working with Darren now, is the respect that
I have for what Darren has taught him since he's been a little boy,
which is how to make good decisions out there. You watch that.
You watch the strengths of other guys. Anybody that's No. 1 in the world,
you can absolutely count on the fact that they're setting the standard
for the rest of the guys, and the rest of the guys are constantly trying
to figure out how to beat them and how to learn from them.

Q. And the decisions that Lleyton makes, is that in terms of constructing

ANDRE AGASSI: Yeah, just shot selection, movement, intensity. You know,
watching the way these guys play big points. I mean, you finish the year
No. 1 in the world, and guys are breaking you down and learning from you.
We'll just go through it. Andy last year. You know, year before, Lleyton,
Lleyton, Guga. You learn from the best.

Q. For a 34-year-old man, you come on the court like the Energizer Bunny.
What is your training regimen? Due to your circumstances that you're
married, have children, has it changed?
(記者笑稱34歲的Andre 在場上跑動就像不知疲累的金頂電池兔一樣 :PP)

ANDRE AGASSI: Well, my regimen sort of changes. It's a juggling act.
You always have to make the adjustment for where you are. We don't have
an off-season. I train hard. I believe in being stronger. I believe the
stronger you are, the more capable you are. And, yeah, everything's
changed after having children.

Q. You enjoy it?

ANDRE AGASSI: Yeah, I love it. Love it. It's the greatest thing in the

Q. How much can the crowd, the fact that Roger is going to have to play
the very popular US legend on Ashe stadium, how much will that play
into your favor?

ANDRE AGASSI: I'm going to have to establish a lot from the basic
X's and O's before that's a factor. I think not playing in four days
is not ideal for him. I think that going out there in a big environment
is something that he has proven to be the best at this year. I'm going to
try to give something for the crowd to cheer about. But that's going to
start with me.

Q. Did you see today your son applauding you?

ANDRE AGASSI: I didn't see it, but I knew he was here.

Q. He was clapping.

ANDRE AGASSI: Good boy (smiling). Give him some candy when I get home.

Q. You mentioned playing big points. Is there a particular game plan
or approach, what are the keys when you know it's a big point,
how you handle that different from ordinary points?

ANDRE AGASSI: You know, there's a skill and a discipline to not making
a point any more or less important than the next for me and my style of
game, because my game is about sort of squeezing somebody out there
and putting the pieces of a puzzle together. But when you get to
a crucial point of a match, you have to be willing to win it. You have to
show that you're willing and expect to win the point, not hope that your
opponent's going to lose it. So it's a fine line because you don't want to
live too dangerously, but you need to try to take it.

Q. Willing to take risks, having confidence to take risks?

ANDRE AGASSI: Calculated risk, calculated risk. It's calculated.
It's controlled aggression.

Q. When you play Roger, talk about how fine a line it is between
playing maybe too conservatively, or playing super-aggressive.

ANDRE AGASSI: I go out there with the intention of having to play
my best tennis, there's no question about it. That's the good news
playing him, if that is good news. The good news is there's not
a whole lot of thinking. You better shoot for your best stuff right away,
not take your foot off the pedal. When you see him dance around,
hit a forehand winner, know that I didn't walk that line very well
that point. And when I press and just miss the line, know that I didn't
walk that line very well. But if I can hit my shots aggressively
and play to the standard I know I can, I have every intention of winning
the match.

Q. How do you stay so mentally tough?

ANDRE AGASSI: Just keep trying to improve, that's all.
Just keep trying to get better.

Q. I think it was three years ago when you had the night match
quarterfinal against Pete. A lot of anticipation before that match.
Talk about your feelings now going out against Roger versus then
going out against Pete.

ANDRE AGASSI: Well, I think it's a difference when you've played somebody
35 times. You know, it's a magical thing when you spend your whole life
competing against somebody, competing for No. 1 in the world,
competing for Grand Slam titles, doing it again and again, and then doing
it in your 30s, you know, out here at the US Open. It's a whole different
animal as far as that goes. But needless to say, the standard is
every bit the same. I need to get out there and put together a great match.

Q. I noticed today during your match, the overhead big screen wasn't on.
Was that something you requested?

ANDRE AGASSI: I have been asked in years past if I mind that it actually
plays the point, and that's something that, I've not proactively but
in answering the question, said I would prefer it not to be on.
Hasn't been asked to me this year yet.

Q. Sargsian said the other day he had been taking some pills to recover,
were his words, that you had given to him. Will you please develop
what kind of pills, what they are?

ANDRE AGASSI: Just very basic electrolytes.

Q. What are you drinking right now?

ANDRE AGASSI: A little Kool-Aid (smiling).

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All Comments


Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2004-09-07T09:10
我朋友告訴我在美國不會在重播了, 那請問一下台灣會不會重播? - ...

Re: 第四輪Sargsian vs. Agassi

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2004-09-07T05:08
※ 引述《asd1 (asd1)》之銘言: : Agassi def. Sargsian 6:3 6:2 6:2 : Sargsi由於前兩輪都激戰到五盤(有一場打5小時) : 未得到充分休息 加上腳傷復發 後兩盤打的有點力不從心 : 終場Agassi輕鬆擊敗好友Sargsian : 下場將對上因對手棄賽不戰而 ...

Re: 第四輪Sargsian vs. Agassi

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2004-09-07T05:05
※ 引述《asd1 (asd1)》之銘言: : Agassi def. Sargsian 6:3 6:2 6:2 : Sargsi由於前兩輪都激戰到五盤(有一場打5小時) : 未得到充分休息 加上腳傷復發 後兩盤打的有點力不從心 : 終場Agassi輕鬆擊敗好友Sargsian : 下場將對上因對手棄賽不戰而 ...

第四輪Sargsian vs. Agassi

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2004-09-07T04:56
Agassi def. Sargsian 6:3 6:2 6:2 Sargsi由於前兩輪都激戰到五盤(有一場打5小時) 未得到充分休息 加上腳傷復發 後兩盤打的有點力不從心 終場Agassi輕鬆擊敗好友Sargsian 下場將對上因對手棄賽不戰而勝的Rogi 希望A.A能有更棒的表現! Go! Go ...

Re: 耶~

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2004-09-07T04:54
※ 引述《BOOGIEWOO (........)》之銘言: : 晉級ㄌ : 希望能幹掉Federer 恭喜Andre! 不意外的 6-3, 6-2, 6-2 贏囉!!! 即將碰上Federer 這樣超強卡司應該終於會擺到夜間賽事了吧... Andre有短短又有點輕鬆的熱身機會 Federe ...