勇士記者Q&A:球隊應考慮交易智將 - NBA

By Oscar
at 2021-05-06T18:10
at 2021-05-06T18:10
Table of Contents
勇士記者Connor Letourneau在網路上回答了在休賽季勇士的調整方向的可能
@vincent93661651:You think Mychal Mulder is on the roster next season?
你認為Mychal Mulder下賽季還會留在球隊的輪換陣容裡嗎?
Mulder has done what the Warriors have asked him to do: hit open 3-pointers,
defend multiple positions, be the consummate teammate. But he has been in a
nd out of the rotation, and his contract is non-guaranteed next season.
The Warriors should make bringing back Damion Lee and Kent Bazemore a higher
priority than Mulder. If they believe they could use another wing on the 20
21-22 roster, guaranteeing his $1.8 million contract would be wise. Golden S
tate could do far worse than having Mulder as a 13th or 14th man.
勇士應該將續約Damion Lee和Kent Bazemore擺在更優先的位置,如果勇士下賽季想在鋒
線上換掉前面兩位,這時再去續約Mulder會是明智的選擇 ,Mulder更有可能是球隊中的
However, I know that the Warriors plan to invite Justinian Jessup the No. 51
pick in November’s NBA draft — to training camp. Jessup, who has thrived
as a catch-and-shoot specialist in Australia’s National Basketball League t
his season, would figure to occupy a role quite like the one Mulder currentl
y fills. Between the two, I think the Warriors would prefer Jessup. He’s lo
nger and could have a higher ceiling than Mulder.
然而,我得到的消息是,勇士計劃邀請Justinian Jessup(勇士去年選中的51號秀)參
@bqc24: Do you think JTA can develop into an Andre Iguodala-type player?
你認為Juan Toscano- Anderson能夠成長為Iguodala這樣的球員嗎?
I think Juan Toscano-Anderson has blossomed into a key rotation player and a
n important part of the Warriors’ future, but it might be unfair to compare
him to Iguodala. Still, I understand what you’re getting at: Can Toscano-A
nderson anchor the second unit for a championship contender, help as a secon
dary ballhandler and make life difficult on some of the league’s best score
Iguodala比較是不公平的。 我理解你想問的點:Anderson能成長為爭冠第二陣容嗎,能
成為第二陣容的組織者嗎,能在防守端給聯盟最好的得分手們製造一些麻煩嗎 ?
I think he can do all of that, which is a testament to how much he has impro
ved and how great of a fit he is in Steve Kerr’s read-and-react system. As
I wrote a couple of days ago, Toscano-Anderson is more than just a feel-good
story. He is an elite role player who deserves to be a foundational piece o
f this franchise for years to come. Who would’ve thought anyone could say t
hat just a season ago?
。 Anderson是一名精英級別的角色球員,他完全能夠成為一支球隊長年計劃裡的一塊基
礎性的拼圖。 而僅僅在一個賽季之前,沒人對他會有這樣高的評價。
@arzo008: Do you think there will be significant roster changes next season?
It seems our roster is very limited, especially in terms of offensive threa
ts. Too easy to help on Steph.
你認為球隊下賽季的陣容會有大的變動嗎? 感覺現在的陣容能力有限,特別是在進攻端
If the Warriors have learned anything this season, it’s that the time has c
ome to go all-in on maximizing what’s left of Stephen Curry’s prime. Every
decision the front office makes in coming months must be about putting a ch
ampionship-caliber supporting cast around him.
Curry is enjoying one of the best offensive seasons in NBA history, but he’
s doing it on a team that’s one game above .500. That’s unacceptable. To h
elp ensure that Curry, 33, spends the rest of his peak years competing for t
itles, the Warriors must surround him with proven players who understand how
to play off him, high-level role guys and another All-Star-caliber player o
r two.
。 這是不可接受的,為了確保已經33歲的Curry在職業生涯的剩餘時間都能為爭冠努力
As great as Curry, Draymond Green, Klay Thompson and Andrew Wiggins are, Gol
den State needs another big-time difference-maker next to them to vault into
serious contention. That’s why I think the Warriors should start thinking
seriously about trading James Wiseman and the top-three-protected 2021 pick
from Minnesota.
員,才能正式被納入爭冠討論。 這也就是為什麼我認為,勇士需要認真考慮將Wiseman
Golden State doesn’t need to get any younger right now. And as much as the
Warriors would like to follow the Spurs’ blueprint for sustained success, t
hat is secondary to bringing Curry another title. Golden State should be wil
ling to stomach whatever it takes — perhaps even a long-term, post-Curry re
build — to see its core of Curry, Green and Thompson hoist another Larry O’
Brien trophy.
在讓Curry再拿一冠才是最重要的事。 勇士應該會願意為了再看浪花、Green三人一起奪
@30Neymarjr: If the Warriors pick 4-7, what would be your choice in the draf
The Timberwolves own the NBA’s third-worst record, which gives Golden State
— the owner of Minnesota’s top-three-protected 2021 pick — a 59.8% chanc
e of acquiring a selection between Nos. 4 and 7. Given that Oklahoma State’
s Cade Cunningham, USC’s Evan Mobley and Gonzaga’s Jalen Suggs are expecte
d to go top-three in some order, the Warriors would probably be picking betw
een G League Ignite’s Jonathan Kuminga and Jalen Green if they pick fourth.
大學的Cade Cunningham,南加州大學的Evan Mobley, 剛薩加大學的Jalen Suggs預計
會是前三順位,如果勇士得到第四順位簽,他們可能會簽目前在發展聯盟的Jonathan K
uminga或者是Jalen Green。
Between those two,i'd go with Green. He’s a freak athlete better suited to
play within the flow of the Warriors’ system than Kuminga, who was a bit of
an offensive black hole at the G League bubble.
在這二人之間,我會選擇Green。 他的運動能力超群,比起Kuminga,更加適合勇士隊的
If Golden State drafts fifth, I think they take whoever is left over between
Green and Kuminga. Things become a bit murkier, however, if the Warriors se
lect sixth or seventh. Florida State’s Scottie Barnes, Arkansas’ Moses Moo
dy and Tennessee’s Keon Johnson could all be possibilities in that range.
如果勇士抽到五號簽,我認為他們會選擇Kuminga和Green兩人中剩下的那一位。 如果勇
士抽到第六或者第七順位,那麼局勢就不夠明朗了。 佛羅里達州立大學的Scottie Bar
nes,阿肯色大學的Moses Moody,田納西大學的Keon Johnson,都是有可能的選擇。
But as I mentioned earlier, Golden State might want to trade Minnesota’s to
p-three-protected pick altogether. Front offices throughout the league love
this draft, and the Warriors could certainly get a good return for that pick
if they make it available.
但就像我之前說的,勇士可能會選擇交易這個選秀權。 全聯盟有多支球隊都對其有意,
@Folabz_: What should the Warriors do with Kelly Oubre Jr. this offseason?
I don’t think Oubre is a great fit, but the Warriors would be wise to at le
ast try re-signing him. Given its luxury-tax situation, Golden State has no
other way to sign a player of Oubre’s caliber in free agency.
我認為Oubre不是最完美的選擇,但勇士如果嘗試去與他續約,將是明智的選擇。 考慮
Perhaps the Warriors would even be willing to overpay for Oubre — say, some
where in the $15 million range — just to bring him back as an asset. He cou
ld be a worthy sixth man once Thompson returns, or he could be traded for so
meone who makes more sense for Golden State’s system.
勇士為了帶回Oubre,可能甚至願意多給他一些錢(1500萬左右)。 KT回歸後,Oubre能夠
Of course, who’s to say Oubre would even want to re-sign with the Warriors?
He has made it clear he sees himself as a starter, and he’d almost definit
ely be a bench player for Golden State.
當然了,誰又能確定Oubre是否願意與勇士續約呢? 他表示自己應該是先發球員,而他
勇士記者Connor Letourneau在網路上回答了在休賽季勇士的調整方向的可能
@vincent93661651:You think Mychal Mulder is on the roster next season?
你認為Mychal Mulder下賽季還會留在球隊的輪換陣容裡嗎?
Mulder has done what the Warriors have asked him to do: hit open 3-pointers,
defend multiple positions, be the consummate teammate. But he has been in a
nd out of the rotation, and his contract is non-guaranteed next season.
The Warriors should make bringing back Damion Lee and Kent Bazemore a higher
priority than Mulder. If they believe they could use another wing on the 20
21-22 roster, guaranteeing his $1.8 million contract would be wise. Golden S
tate could do far worse than having Mulder as a 13th or 14th man.
勇士應該將續約Damion Lee和Kent Bazemore擺在更優先的位置,如果勇士下賽季想在鋒
線上換掉前面兩位,這時再去續約Mulder會是明智的選擇 ,Mulder更有可能是球隊中的
However, I know that the Warriors plan to invite Justinian Jessup the No. 51
pick in November’s NBA draft — to training camp. Jessup, who has thrived
as a catch-and-shoot specialist in Australia’s National Basketball League t
his season, would figure to occupy a role quite like the one Mulder currentl
y fills. Between the two, I think the Warriors would prefer Jessup. He’s lo
nger and could have a higher ceiling than Mulder.
然而,我得到的消息是,勇士計劃邀請Justinian Jessup(勇士去年選中的51號秀)參
@bqc24: Do you think JTA can develop into an Andre Iguodala-type player?
你認為Juan Toscano- Anderson能夠成長為Iguodala這樣的球員嗎?
I think Juan Toscano-Anderson has blossomed into a key rotation player and a
n important part of the Warriors’ future, but it might be unfair to compare
him to Iguodala. Still, I understand what you’re getting at: Can Toscano-A
nderson anchor the second unit for a championship contender, help as a secon
dary ballhandler and make life difficult on some of the league’s best score
Iguodala比較是不公平的。 我理解你想問的點:Anderson能成長為爭冠第二陣容嗎,能
成為第二陣容的組織者嗎,能在防守端給聯盟最好的得分手們製造一些麻煩嗎 ?
I think he can do all of that, which is a testament to how much he has impro
ved and how great of a fit he is in Steve Kerr’s read-and-react system. As
I wrote a couple of days ago, Toscano-Anderson is more than just a feel-good
story. He is an elite role player who deserves to be a foundational piece o
f this franchise for years to come. Who would’ve thought anyone could say t
hat just a season ago?
。 Anderson是一名精英級別的角色球員,他完全能夠成為一支球隊長年計劃裡的一塊基
礎性的拼圖。 而僅僅在一個賽季之前,沒人對他會有這樣高的評價。
@arzo008: Do you think there will be significant roster changes next season?
It seems our roster is very limited, especially in terms of offensive threa
ts. Too easy to help on Steph.
你認為球隊下賽季的陣容會有大的變動嗎? 感覺現在的陣容能力有限,特別是在進攻端
If the Warriors have learned anything this season, it’s that the time has c
ome to go all-in on maximizing what’s left of Stephen Curry’s prime. Every
decision the front office makes in coming months must be about putting a ch
ampionship-caliber supporting cast around him.
Curry is enjoying one of the best offensive seasons in NBA history, but he’
s doing it on a team that’s one game above .500. That’s unacceptable. To h
elp ensure that Curry, 33, spends the rest of his peak years competing for t
itles, the Warriors must surround him with proven players who understand how
to play off him, high-level role guys and another All-Star-caliber player o
r two.
。 這是不可接受的,為了確保已經33歲的Curry在職業生涯的剩餘時間都能為爭冠努力
As great as Curry, Draymond Green, Klay Thompson and Andrew Wiggins are, Gol
den State needs another big-time difference-maker next to them to vault into
serious contention. That’s why I think the Warriors should start thinking
seriously about trading James Wiseman and the top-three-protected 2021 pick
from Minnesota.
員,才能正式被納入爭冠討論。 這也就是為什麼我認為,勇士需要認真考慮將Wiseman
Golden State doesn’t need to get any younger right now. And as much as the
Warriors would like to follow the Spurs’ blueprint for sustained success, t
hat is secondary to bringing Curry another title. Golden State should be wil
ling to stomach whatever it takes — perhaps even a long-term, post-Curry re
build — to see its core of Curry, Green and Thompson hoist another Larry O’
Brien trophy.
在讓Curry再拿一冠才是最重要的事。 勇士應該會願意為了再看浪花、Green三人一起奪
@30Neymarjr: If the Warriors pick 4-7, what would be your choice in the draf
The Timberwolves own the NBA’s third-worst record, which gives Golden State
— the owner of Minnesota’s top-three-protected 2021 pick — a 59.8% chanc
e of acquiring a selection between Nos. 4 and 7. Given that Oklahoma State’
s Cade Cunningham, USC’s Evan Mobley and Gonzaga’s Jalen Suggs are expecte
d to go top-three in some order, the Warriors would probably be picking betw
een G League Ignite’s Jonathan Kuminga and Jalen Green if they pick fourth.
大學的Cade Cunningham,南加州大學的Evan Mobley, 剛薩加大學的Jalen Suggs預計
會是前三順位,如果勇士得到第四順位簽,他們可能會簽目前在發展聯盟的Jonathan K
uminga或者是Jalen Green。
Between those two,i'd go with Green. He’s a freak athlete better suited to
play within the flow of the Warriors’ system than Kuminga, who was a bit of
an offensive black hole at the G League bubble.
在這二人之間,我會選擇Green。 他的運動能力超群,比起Kuminga,更加適合勇士隊的
If Golden State drafts fifth, I think they take whoever is left over between
Green and Kuminga. Things become a bit murkier, however, if the Warriors se
lect sixth or seventh. Florida State’s Scottie Barnes, Arkansas’ Moses Moo
dy and Tennessee’s Keon Johnson could all be possibilities in that range.
如果勇士抽到五號簽,我認為他們會選擇Kuminga和Green兩人中剩下的那一位。 如果勇
士抽到第六或者第七順位,那麼局勢就不夠明朗了。 佛羅里達州立大學的Scottie Bar
nes,阿肯色大學的Moses Moody,田納西大學的Keon Johnson,都是有可能的選擇。
But as I mentioned earlier, Golden State might want to trade Minnesota’s to
p-three-protected pick altogether. Front offices throughout the league love
this draft, and the Warriors could certainly get a good return for that pick
if they make it available.
但就像我之前說的,勇士可能會選擇交易這個選秀權。 全聯盟有多支球隊都對其有意,
@Folabz_: What should the Warriors do with Kelly Oubre Jr. this offseason?
I don’t think Oubre is a great fit, but the Warriors would be wise to at le
ast try re-signing him. Given its luxury-tax situation, Golden State has no
other way to sign a player of Oubre’s caliber in free agency.
我認為Oubre不是最完美的選擇,但勇士如果嘗試去與他續約,將是明智的選擇。 考慮
Perhaps the Warriors would even be willing to overpay for Oubre — say, some
where in the $15 million range — just to bring him back as an asset. He cou
ld be a worthy sixth man once Thompson returns, or he could be traded for so
meone who makes more sense for Golden State’s system.
勇士為了帶回Oubre,可能甚至願意多給他一些錢(1500萬左右)。 KT回歸後,Oubre能夠
Of course, who’s to say Oubre would even want to re-sign with the Warriors?
He has made it clear he sees himself as a starter, and he’d almost definit
ely be a bench player for Golden State.
當然了,誰又能確定Oubre是否願意與勇士續約呢? 他表示自己應該是先發球員,而他
All Comments

By Ethan
at 2021-05-11T05:08
at 2021-05-11T05:08

By Quintina
at 2021-05-13T03:12
at 2021-05-13T03:12

By Yedda
at 2021-05-17T14:57
at 2021-05-17T14:57

By Andrew
at 2021-05-22T04:06
at 2021-05-22T04:06

By Hedy
at 2021-05-26T18:55
at 2021-05-26T18:55

By Carolina Franco
at 2021-05-28T12:25
at 2021-05-28T12:25

By Jack
at 2021-06-01T12:02
at 2021-06-01T12:02

By Zanna
at 2021-06-04T16:33
at 2021-06-04T16:33

By Isabella
at 2021-06-05T16:45
at 2021-06-05T16:45

By Barb Cronin
at 2021-06-08T03:18
at 2021-06-08T03:18

By Barb Cronin
at 2021-06-10T23:53
at 2021-06-10T23:53

By Franklin
at 2021-06-14T07:58
at 2021-06-14T07:58

By Barb Cronin
at 2021-06-17T17:33
at 2021-06-17T17:33

By Callum
at 2021-06-19T18:56
at 2021-06-19T18:56

By Oliver
at 2021-06-23T11:16
at 2021-06-23T11:16

By Dinah
at 2021-06-27T00:37
at 2021-06-27T00:37

By Barb Cronin
at 2021-06-28T06:39
at 2021-06-28T06:39

By Connor
at 2021-06-30T10:52
at 2021-06-30T10:52

By Noah
at 2021-07-01T21:57
at 2021-07-01T21:57

By Carolina Franco
at 2021-07-04T23:14
at 2021-07-04T23:14

By Oscar
at 2021-07-07T20:22
at 2021-07-07T20:22

By Ida
at 2021-07-12T09:05
at 2021-07-12T09:05

By Mia
at 2021-07-13T11:42
at 2021-07-13T11:42

By Dinah
at 2021-07-14T00:30
at 2021-07-14T00:30

By Zenobia
at 2021-07-16T14:33
at 2021-07-16T14:33

By Megan
at 2021-07-19T00:13
at 2021-07-19T00:13

By Hardy
at 2021-07-22T10:53
at 2021-07-22T10:53

By Todd Johnson
at 2021-07-27T06:05
at 2021-07-27T06:05

By Hardy
at 2021-07-30T09:52
at 2021-07-30T09:52

By Una
at 2021-08-02T10:53
at 2021-08-02T10:53

By Kama
at 2021-08-02T16:47
at 2021-08-02T16:47

By Charlie
at 2021-08-05T22:20
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By Frederic
at 2021-08-07T06:22
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By Sandy
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By Lauren
at 2021-08-11T16:31
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By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2021-08-14T23:01
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By Ingrid
at 2021-08-17T11:45
at 2021-08-17T11:45

By Quanna
at 2021-08-20T23:35
at 2021-08-20T23:35

By Ida
at 2021-08-21T09:48
at 2021-08-21T09:48

By Doris
at 2021-08-22T13:24
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By Belly
at 2021-08-26T05:28
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By Gary
at 2021-08-29T08:11
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By Susan
at 2021-08-29T18:45
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By Zora
at 2021-09-01T21:33
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By Kristin
at 2021-09-04T03:26
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By Elvira
at 2021-09-07T19:43
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By Cara
at 2021-09-09T23:56
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at 2021-09-14T17:30
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By Kumar
at 2021-09-16T11:24
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By George
at 2021-09-20T20:12
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at 2021-09-21T22:05
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By Hedda
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By Oscar
at 2021-09-24T18:53
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By Dorothy
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By Gilbert
at 2021-10-01T04:57
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By Lucy
at 2021-10-05T21:32
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By Todd Johnson
at 2021-10-09T06:38
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By Connor
at 2021-10-11T06:23
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By Carolina Franco
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By Liam
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By Edward Lewis
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By Eartha
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at 2021-10-30T21:39
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By Carol
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By Liam
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By Caroline
at 2021-11-30T14:38
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By Skylar Davis
at 2021-12-02T08:11
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By Noah
at 2021-12-06T02:05
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By Anonymous
at 2021-12-06T18:10
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By Rebecca
at 2021-12-07T14:46
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By Caroline
at 2021-12-11T03:01
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By Lucy
at 2021-12-14T16:43
at 2021-12-14T16:43

By Carolina Franco
at 2021-12-18T10:52
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By Enid
at 2021-12-20T09:16
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By Doris
at 2021-12-24T10:52
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By Puput
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By Christine
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By Harry
at 2022-01-14T23:59
at 2022-01-14T23:59

By Jessica
at 2022-01-15T18:48
at 2022-01-15T18:48

By Ethan
at 2022-01-19T20:54
at 2022-01-19T20:54

By Delia
at 2022-01-21T21:45
at 2022-01-21T21:45

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