前印度名將談喬帥事件 「他有點沒常識」 - 網球 Tennis

Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2020-07-02T22:46

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前印度名將談喬帥事件 「他有點沒常識」
2020/07/02 10:19


維傑(Vijay Amritraj)告訴路透社的記者,他認為喬帥應該要有點常識。

r Dimitrov)、丘里奇(Borna Coric)和楚易基(Viktor Troicki)等人。多位選手確






Djokovic event lacked bit of common sense, says Amritraj
Sudipto Ganguly

MUMBAI (Reuters) - Novak Djokovic's intentions in organising the ill-fated Adr
ia Tour were good but the world number one could have applied a bit more commo
n sense to how the exhibition event was run, former ATP players' council head
Vijay Amritraj has told Reuters.

The Serbian has faced fierce criticism after he, Grigor Dimitrov, Borna Coric
and Viktor Troicki contracted COVID-19 following the charity event in Serbia a
nd Croatia.

Indian Amritraj told Reuters that while the world number one's intentions were
"absolutely correct", and that he had followed local government protocols, he
should have went the extra mile to ensure the health and safety of everyone i

"In hindsight, yes, obviously he could have taken a lot more precautions befor
e running the event," the 66-year-old television pundit told Reuters by teleph
one from Los Angeles.

"In spite of certain local government mandates, I think it is critical to foll
ow some common sense."

Djokovic has apologised and admitted it was probably "too soon" to run the eve
nt, which was played in front of packed stands in Belgrade.


Amritraj, who reached a career-high ranking of 18 and beat Bjorn Borg, Rod Lav
er and Jimmy Connors in his playing career, thought the tournament would have
been good for tennis as it would bring the sport back on television.

"As days progressed, I realised that they were going to put about 1,000 people
in a stadium and I really didn't know how big the stadium was," he added.

"And later on ... after finding out that the event itself had pretty much a fu
ll house from the perspective of fans and none of this social distancing, mask
s, all of that were even in play, it became very much more of a concern."

Djokovic also heads up the players council on the ATP Tour and Amritraj, who h
eld the same post for four terms from 1989, said it came with a "huge" respons

"Same for Roger (Federer) and Rafa (Nadal), whatever they say or do is going t
o have a great degree of influence over the sport worldwide and what people th
ink," he added.

Amritraj said the Adria Tour debacle showed there should be no crowds if, as p
lanned, the main circuits restart in August after a gap of five months.

"The crowd usually makes a huge difference," he said.

"Unfortunately you will lose that element of the match. It'll be pretty straig
htforward to see a spectacular point and there'll be no applause in the way.

"So that certainly will affect the players. But again, it's something that we
have to get used to, and it's better than not having it at all."

(Reporting by Sudipto Ganguly; editing by Nick Mulvenney and Peter Rutherford)

Tags: 網球

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Andrew avatar
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沒常識 XDDD


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