兩年前洋基與小熊的Chapman交易案 - 棒球

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2018-07-26T01:18

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潛力新秀,並且在今年大放異彩的Gleyber Torres。



當Torres 2018年重新回到賽場上時,在3A的14場比賽中繳出了3成47 打擊率及 .903 OPS

Gleyber Torres went from trade chip to All-Star in just two years

By Andrew Mearns @mearnspsa
July 25, 2018 at 9:00am

The old saying goes, "Good things come to those who wait." It fails to specify
how long that wait has to be, but Yankees general manager Brian Cashman has to
be quite content with the small amount of time he had to wait for rookie sens
ation Gleyber Torres.

New York had begun its 2016 season with high hopes following an appearance in
the 2015 American League Wild Card Game. But a middling 44-44 first half left
them 5 1/2 games out of a postseason spot and forced them to re-evaluate their
place in the AL hierarchy -- for the first time in decades, the Yankees became
sellers at the Trade Deadline.

Closer Aroldis Chapman was the first big name to go, and Cashman found a taker
in the Cubs, who were looking for a final addition to bolster their eventual 2
016 World Series run. The cost for a closer of Chapman's caliber was high, but
on July 25, the Cubs ultimately agreed to acquire him in exchange for a four-
player package highlighted by Torres, their top prospect.

Cashman had long coveted Torres. The Cubs beat the Yankees to signing Torres w
hen he was a 16-year-old international free agent in 2013, and in just a few y
ears, he rocketed up the prospect rankings.

MLB Pipeline had Torres as the No. 24 prospect in baseball and the best Minor
Leaguer in the Cubs' system at the time. Even down in the Carolina League, he
was opening eyes:

The Cubs, of course, got their long-awaited championship in 2016 with Chapman.
Few fans would give back the feeling of finally seeing them win it all. But To
rres was quick to make a name for himself in the Yankees' organization.

Torres finished the year with the Tampa Yankees before going on to steal the s
how in the Arizona Fall League, becoming the youngest player in AFL history to
win MVP honors. A hot start in 2017 with Double-A Trenton led to a promotion
to Triple-A Scranton/Wilkes-Barre at age 20, and he might very well have made
it to The Show that season had an errant slide not forced him to undergo seaso
n-ending surgery in June.

When Torres returned in 2018, he was ready. He hit .347 with a .903 OPS in 14
games with Scranton/Wilkes-Barre, and the Yankees called him up for his MLB de
but on April 22. Soon, he was entrenched in the Yankees' lineup at second base

In just 63 first-half games, Torres crushed 15 homers with a .905 OPS. Beforee
ven the second anniversary of the trade, he was a part of the MLB All-Star fe
stivities in 2018, cheering on Yankees teammate Aaron Judge:

Now, he'll play a pivotal role on a Yankees team eyeing a return to the postse
ason, all while matching dance moves with shortstop Didi Gregorius. That's a T
rade Deadline success story.

Andrew Mearns is a writer for Cut4 whose baseball obsession was born from the
shattered dreams of Mike Mussina's perfect game attempt in 2001. He has a star
tling memory of World Series highlights that barely functions as a party trick


Tags: 棒球

All Comments

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2018-07-30T20:41
小熊拿冠 洋基刷一波農場 都賺
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2018-08-02T10:52
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2018-08-07T00:29
Torres並不是熊熊農場24 他是No.1、全MLB 24
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2018-08-09T16:05
Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2018-08-12T19:58
Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2018-08-13T02:44
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2018-08-17T19:55
雙贏的交易 OK啦
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2018-08-22T17:14
Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2018-08-26T09:45
Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2018-08-27T21:44
Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2018-08-28T11:11
說不定往後一百年就只拿到那次冠軍而已 (?)
Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2018-09-02T07:51
Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2018-09-02T11:59
不管出誰 有冠軍就是贏
Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2018-09-05T07:12
Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2018-09-08T07:11
球員 球隊都贏
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2018-09-12T06:42
Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2018-09-15T06:18
那次交易案真的經典 小熊破魔咒 洋基快速重建
Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2018-09-15T17:25
小熊也不虧 把查普曼操爆奪冠 不換他的話不知道還要等幾
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2018-09-19T07:47
Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2018-09-22T07:57
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2018-09-25T18:43
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2018-09-27T10:56
Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2018-09-28T07:12
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2018-10-03T03:44
小熊二壘有八耶子其實就夠了啦 內野就游擊比較慘一點
吧 除非天子可以扛游擊


Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2018-07-26T00:45
印象中小聯盟球員的薪水是只能打平生活支出的 這樣根本存不到錢 而身為一個職業球員 一生的技能大概就只有打球 但不是所有人都很厲害的可以在大聯盟生存 大部分都是小聯盟默默無名的退休 那這樣未來生活要怎麼過呢? 打零工? 當警衛? 考國考? - ...


Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2018-07-26T00:43
※ 引述《b08297 ()》之銘言: : 如題 : 從昌仔報名選秀開始 : 版上就就一堆質疑的文章 : 說什麼年紀大 : 搞不好無法適應中職 : 結果今天完美初登板 : 說真的他是穩定3a未滿大聯盟 : 跟很多來中職的洋將差不多 : 而且那些洋將許多人年紀都比昌仔大 : 昌仔水準應該不會輸那些洋投 : 他今 ...


Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2018-07-26T00:26
在台灣,有誰不認識鋒哥?但你有跟鋒哥當面說過話嗎?! 現在只要留言想對鋒哥說的話,就有機會與鋒哥球迷見面會,讓你當面說! 【活動步驟】即日起至8/13 1.上傳想對鋒哥說的話至活動討論區即符合資格(有夠簡單 活動專區:https://lihi.cc/p5mV8 2.如果附上與鋒哥有關照片非常加分 3.如果 ...

盤得金鶯終結者 洋基牛棚組4大金剛

Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2018-07-26T00:17
擁有大聯盟最佳的鐵牛棚的洋基仍積極補強,今天送出農場3名新秀,向金鶯討來終結者 布里頓(Zach Britton),讓後段局數的投手戰力如虎添翼。 洋基沒進補最需要的先發投手,反倒先鞏固牛棚,用自家小聯盟排名第9的右投泰特( Dillon Tate)、第15名的凱羅(Cody Carroll)及投羅傑斯(J ...


Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2018-07-26T00:11
王維中維仔當年靠規則五上到大聯盟,之後浮浮沉沉幾年後被賣到韓國,NC恐龍 還給他高薪對他寄予厚望,三.四月真的是鬼神成績,到了五月當月防禦率4.50WHIP1.5 算是小爆但是可能是小低潮,不過六月超級爆炸單月防禦率衝到5.94,七月也是不好的 4.71而且WHIP衝到1.7,真的是鬼神搖頭的成績,目前 ...