免費收看美網的方式(美國地區) - 網球 Tennis

By Bethany
at 2014-08-26T07:06
at 2014-08-26T07:06
Table of Contents
1.官網 live 直播
The U.S. Open website will stream all U.S. Open matches for free, without
the need to verify that you’re a cable subscriber. You can find a schedule
of all the matches on the U.S. Open website as well.
go to video-> choose watch live
2. iDevice用戶
iPad and iPhone users will have access to select matches through the
official U.S. Open iPhone app as well as the U.S. Open iPad app: The
mobile app will carry live streams of all of the matches during Labor Day
weekend (8-30 – 9/1) and the Finals weekend (9/5 – 9/8).
有iDevice的人,請去下載官網app. 在勞動節週末(8/30-9/1)和決賽週(9/5-9/8)會
3. Android用戶
Android users can access live streams during Labor Day weekend (8-30 – 9/1)
and the Finals weekend (9/5 – 9/8) through the U.S. Open Android app.
4. ESPN 3 直播
住在學校的人通常都可以免費看ESPN 3。我蠻喜歡ESPN 3的神畫質直播的。有iPad的人
可以去下載watch espn,然後看ESPN 3直播
WP的用戶... 我不知道耶...用IE連它們的官網我猜應該可以播吧?
1.官網 live 直播
The U.S. Open website will stream all U.S. Open matches for free, without
the need to verify that you’re a cable subscriber. You can find a schedule
of all the matches on the U.S. Open website as well.
go to video-> choose watch live
2. iDevice用戶
iPad and iPhone users will have access to select matches through the
official U.S. Open iPhone app as well as the U.S. Open iPad app: The
mobile app will carry live streams of all of the matches during Labor Day
weekend (8-30 – 9/1) and the Finals weekend (9/5 – 9/8).
有iDevice的人,請去下載官網app. 在勞動節週末(8/30-9/1)和決賽週(9/5-9/8)會
3. Android用戶
Android users can access live streams during Labor Day weekend (8-30 – 9/1)
and the Finals weekend (9/5 – 9/8) through the U.S. Open Android app.
4. ESPN 3 直播
住在學校的人通常都可以免費看ESPN 3。我蠻喜歡ESPN 3的神畫質直播的。有iPad的人
可以去下載watch espn,然後看ESPN 3直播
WP的用戶... 我不知道耶...用IE連它們的官網我猜應該可以播吧?
All Comments

By Donna
at 2014-08-27T09:44
at 2014-08-27T09:44

By Robert
at 2014-08-28T12:23
at 2014-08-28T12:23

By Hedy
at 2014-08-29T15:02
at 2014-08-29T15:02

By Xanthe
at 2014-08-30T17:41
at 2014-08-30T17:41

By Mary
at 2014-08-31T20:20
at 2014-08-31T20:20

By Eartha
at 2014-09-01T22:58
at 2014-09-01T22:58

By Ethan
at 2014-09-03T01:37
at 2014-09-03T01:37

By Xanthe
at 2014-09-04T04:16
at 2014-09-04T04:16

By Andy
at 2014-09-05T06:55
at 2014-09-05T06:55
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