值得一看的直排輪推刃技巧 - 溜冰 Skating

Una avatar
By Una
at 2005-04-09T13:16

Table of Contents

Increase Your Pushing Power

By Liz Miller

1.把身體姿勢壓低(Get low)- 使溜冰足成90度, 可以推更長距離
Bend your support leg close to 90 degrees while your pushing leg is at work.
That makes it possible to keep the wheels pushing across a longer distance,
which adds power and speed. On the gliding foot, be sure to keep your nose,
knee and toes lined up one over the other to maximize the push.

For the entire length of each stroke,keep all 4 (or 5)
wheels of the pushing skate in contact with the pavement, concentrating the
most pressure on the heel wheel. If you lift the back wheels before the end
of your stroke, you lose both power and friction.

3.Push to the side, not back - 往側邊推刃, 不是往後推刃
A side-directed push results in forward momentum (Don't ask me how!) Tip #2 is easy if you do as
speedskaters do and imagine you are pushing the right heel toward 2 o'clock
and the left heel toward 10 o'clock. Yes, that's more forward than lateral,
but the attempt is what results in 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock strokes. To me, it
feels like I'm trying to paint a giant handlebar mustache with my heel wheels.

4.polish your swizzles -精練葫蘆
Swizzle practice (making figure eights
with both skates in constant pavement contact) is one of the best ways to get
used to pushing with the heels and pushing laterally. Be assertive: listen
for a slight scrubbing sound from your heel wheels at that moment of greatest
force when you steer your toes inward. Then sink to a 90-degree knee bend
when both skates are under your hips to regroup for another forceful push.
Enjoy the fitness benefits while you're at it!

5.Straighten your knee -推刃時自由足拉直膝蓋
A stroke is incomplete if your knee is still bent when you lift it off the pavement for recovery. This could
lose you several inches of contact with the pavement, which means lost power
and efficiency.

6.Slow your stroke tempo -放慢推刃節拍
it's time to focus on longer strokes and glides.
My favorite game for this is to skate behind somebody and try to
match their speed with half the number of strokes. This practice makes a good
test for what you've learned so far this summer!

7.Make Air D's -- To conserve energy, keep your wheels close to the pavement
as you bring back (recover) your skate at the end of the stroke. While you
trace a sideways D with your toe wheel, your knee follows the same path
higher up. The knee comes in behind the support leg so close that you brush
it as you move the skate ahead for the set-down.

8.Fine tune your set-down -改良著地方式
Put your skate back on the pavement
slightly ahead of you, with the wheels parallel to the direction of travel,
rather than angled which deflects your speed. Land on the "tops" or center
edges, not on the inside wheel edges. Later, once your stroke is powerful
enough, try landing that skate beyond your center line of travel and touching
down on the outside edges. This is the classic component of the Stride 3 or
"power stride" taught by IISA-certified instructors. Try learning it on just
one side at first, skating along a long painted line to gauge your set-down

9.Push with your hip -用臀部推
By fully extending your pushing leg from
both the hip and knee joints at the end of each stroke, you access power
stored in some of your largest muscle groups. Just try unkinking at the hip
when you finish each stroke.

10.Let gravity help -重心轉移多一點, 讓重力助你一臂之力
You can use gravity to aid in stroke efficiency. At the end of each glide, when your body is
aligned nose-knee-toes over the support leg, delay set-down of the recovered
skate while you let your support leg begin the a new push. As your weight
begins its shift toward the recovered skate, you feel a slight "fall" just
before it touches down to catch you. That falling feeling is your body using
gravity to add more power to what your muscles give. You want each set down
to make a loud "clomp" for this drill. Make sure you're still making lateral
pushes throughout.


All Comments


Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2005-04-05T10:39
北縣二○○五年青年盃直排輪溜冰錦標賽實施計劃 奉北府教體字第 函淮予辦理 一、主 旨:為推展全民體育加強社會及學校體育活動,提倡溜冰運動風氣,培養青少 年正當休閒活動,促進身心健康,享受直排輪溜冰運動的樂趣、並達到人口倍增之目標。 歡迎本縣市和外縣市選手踴躍報名。 二、主辦單位:台北縣 ...

Re: 『賣』特技直排輪鞋 USD Dustin skate DESIGN

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2005-04-03T19:43
※ 引述《cjnganax (cjnganax)》之銘言: : 『賣』特技直排輪鞋 USD Dustin skate DESIGN : 這雙鞋是買來有一段時間了 : 底座只有右腳的右側的滑塊磨損比較嚴重 : 其他底座部分只有髒髒的而已 : 還有左後腳後方的滑塊 可能因為振到有裂開一點點 但應該不會影響 ...

『賣』特技直排輪鞋 USD Dustin skate DESIGN

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2005-04-03T19:33
『賣』特技直排輪鞋 USD Dustin skate DESIGN 這雙鞋是買來有一段時間了 底座只有右腳的右側的滑塊磨損比較嚴重 其他底座部分只有髒髒的而已 還有左後腳後方的滑塊 可能因為振到有裂開一點點 但應該不會影響作招 左腳中間的兩個輪子也換成是定位輪了 SIZE ...


Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2005-04-02T23:27
我想買花式溜冰在穿的水褲 台北市或台中市 哪裡有在賣啊?? - ...