保齡球問答(八) - 保齡球

Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2009-08-04T19:12

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保齡球答問 (八)

Bob Korth

Q. Is it possible to compete at a high level using a 13-pound ball?


I am going to give you a no on that one because the weight
of that ball can leave too many weight related corner pins. As
of this time I think that down as low as 14 is proven to be ok
but 13 is very iffy. In some balls you also start getting
different weight blocks at 13. 14,15 and 16's however all use
the same weight block and the actual dynamics of a 14 is higher
than the15 and 16. If you absolutely can't use at least 14
however you can still get some very good scores with the 13 but
I believe you will be at a disadvantage over the long haul.

我的答案是 No,因為13磅的球會留下太多的角落瓶。比賽時把球的

I've been bowling for about 2 yrs plus. I don't understand
why my ball doesn't seem to react at the backend of the lane.
No matter what ball I use, the ball simply rolls and rolls. I
did not specifically change the drilling to make the ball hook
or not hook. Could it be my timing that causes all this? Or
maybe my release is not correct?

彎。所有的情形是時間差的問題? 還是我的釋球方式不對?

I would like to take this opportunity to clear up a common
misconception; you cannot have a ball drilled to make it hook.
It will only hook if thrown with the proper wrist action.
There is also no such thing as hook in a box. Just because the
ads say a ball will hook more or less than another ball this
is not always true. It will still go straight if you don't
know how to throw the hook ball. If you have the ability to
throw the hook ball then balance and cover stock does come
into play. So knowing that this is true then this sounds like
a release problem. In order to throw a hook ball you have to have
wrist turn. If you take a football and throw it underhand and
make it spiral, or spin without a wobble this is the same wrist
action needed to make the bowling ball hook. So this is a way to
begin to learn the proper method of turning the ball. You should
also get a coach to help with this if one is available in your area.

” hook in a box” 事實上是不存在的!就好像廣告上說: 一顆球會比

I am having trouble with my release I have been pulling
the ball. When I try to adjust for that the ball won't hook
back. I don't think I am lined up in the wrong place is there
something I can work on in practice that could help me?


I have a favorite exercise I use when I get in this type
of trouble. This is not my own invention I have to say I got
it from the great John Jowdy the coach of the pros. He teaches
close your eyes in the slide step. When you try this after
you get past the fear you will find that you can feel your arm
swing as never before. You will almost never pull the ball and
you will begin to post at the line. This keeps you from cutting
off the armswing and steering the ball. It is almost like having
a coach watching you while you bowl but the coach is you. You
learn to bowl by feel. I have used this method when I am having
problems trusting myself with great results. I have even done
it during league and tournament play. It takes some nerve but I
have had two 300's while closing my eyes in the slide step. You
will also find your concentration improving because the last
thing you see when you close your eyes better be your mark. To
adjust to changing conditions using this method you rely on
watching the ball as it enters the pins and from what you leave
for spares. You won't be able to get your eyes back open until
the ball reaches the break point so pay attention to where it
hits the pins.

發明的,是從專教職業選手的名教練John Jowdy那裡學來的。他教人

What are the considerations when drilling a ball with a
cg-pin distance of 1/2" or less? There is no problem
understanding the "usual" 2-4 inch affairs. Does a shorter
distance complicate things?

鑽一顆cg-pin的距離小於1/2"的球,有什麼是需要考量的? 一般

This does complicate things. A pin-in ball's c.g. is located
very near or on the pin. Wherever you choose your pin placement,
the added weight of the c.g. accompanies it. Placing the pin
anywhere other than close proximity between fingers and thumb
usually forces a very large weight hole to be used to make the
ball "legal". For instance, if the pin placement is over the finger
holes, a large weight hole near the pin in the positive quadrant
must be used. This will have the effect of lowering the differential
and decreasing the flare, and so, weakening the ball. It would make
sense in most cases to use a pin-out. A pin-out ball is much more
versatile, and with it's core mass tilted nearer one side of the
ball creating a pin-out and a mass bias, enabling you to fine-tune
the ball reaction.


What is meant by the statement: "the dynamics of a 14lb.
ball is higher that either 15 or 16 lbs".

”14磅的球在動能的表現會高於15或16磅” 請問這種說法是什麼意思?

What is meant by the statement, “the dynamics of a 14lb.
ball is higher than either 15 or 16 lbs”. That means the
relationship between the core of the ball and the cover is
greater in a 14 lb. ball. This can be a good thing if you
are after more ball reaction. The same weight blocks are used
for all 3 weights so putting an imbalance in a 14 lb. ball can
affect the lighter weight more than the heavier weights.

”14磅的球在動能的表現會高於15或16磅” 這種說法是指14磅球的


○   ¯ ̄ ﹉﹊ 我 祈 許 著 . . .
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■Π ﹌ 能 夠 找 到 解 答...


All Comments

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2009-08-08T00:06
看過這篇 感覺 14磅的球 似乎比15磅的球 優勢還來的多@
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2009-08-11T02:07
我之前看另外一邊實驗結果怎麼說 15磅效果>16磅>14磅

2009.08.09 黃金早安團

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2009-08-04T18:23
PTT 保齡球黃金早安團 時間:08月09日 星期日 08:00前到球館 07:45前請來電與我聯繫確認是否會到 0934151237 阿緋 地點:黃金保齡球館 地圖:請參考本版 #1ACzn8G2 ...


Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2009-08-03T22:28
以下文章有版權,未經同意請勿轉載 感謝鄭行超先生資料的提供、鄭爸爸的翻譯 以及吳宥霆先生的圖。 圖片密碼:bowlinglover 保齡球答問(七) Attacking the PBA experience oil patte ...

D牌鞋 一雙~

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2009-08-03T21:06
幫球友代售一雙 鞋子 雙腳都可以滑步 但是這朋友是右撇子 穿了2次 打球都會跌倒 XD 之後就不敢穿 收起來一陣子都沒有動過~ 認為這雙鞋子 是給左撇子穿 會比較適合 故 想便宜賣只求換現金啦 0.0a 地點 :高雄 or 鳳山 (我目前是放在冠源球館) 有需要的球友 寄信討論囉~^^ - ...


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2009-08-03T20:40
請問各位大大你們心愛的武器通常都打多少局之後 裁汰換掉呢? 還是有哪些徵狀出現的時候,就是該買新球了? 小弟手上兩顆球都放了快八年沒有打過,以前打過的局數應該 在300局左右~ 看了ninja fury spin 有點心動 XDDDD~ 也請問大家~ 打 ...

0806週四XY聯合團 新增顧問團 歡迎新手

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2009-08-03T18:16
PTT 保齡球週四XY聯合練球團 時間: 8月6日 星期四 19:30 地點: 聯合保齡球館 http://www.unitedbowling.com.tw/ 地圖: http://tinyurl.com/dm2q7n 費用: 6局300元(提供免費公鞋,汽機車停車免費) 活動內容: 六 ...