伊達公子澳網第一輪賽後訪問 - 亞網 Tennis

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2011-01-19T01:23

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Q. A tough loss to swallow, that one?

KIMIKO DATE KRUMM: Yeah, it was very tough match today. I try my best. I was
leading 4 1 in the third set, and then she took the medical timeout. Always I
have a problem after opponent to get medical timeout. My body, it's getting

After that start a little bit cramp, so difficult to concentrate the ball,
focus the ball. Difficult to focus the ball. Couldn't move very well. So I
was very disappointed like that.

Q. At 4 1, you had all the momentum. You must have thought you were nearly
there. So it was particularly untimely.

KIMIKO DATE KRUMM: Yes. But always play out to find out how to win. So she
took the medical timeout. Is not illegal to get medical timeout, so it's no

But for my age and for my case, it's not easy. So I tried to find out
something when I go back to Japan, ask to my physio or doctor how to continue
to keep high level. So I will. Next time I don't want to lose like that, yes,

Q. So no plans to hang up the racquet as yet?


Q. What do you think of the weather conditions?

KIMIKO DATE KRUMM: Yeah, because little bit cold, not high temperature, but
humid. So sometimes difficult to drink a lot. So I don't know how much I
drink. Maybe more than three liter already. But maybe still not enough.

Two years ago I had many, many times happen my body cramp. So I went to the
special doctor to talk, and then last year never happen like that. So today's
a little bit special case because of the temperature, not high. And then, I
don't know, still not enough water or not enough sodium. So I need to talk to
my doctor again.

Q. You would prefer warmer conditions, do you think?

KIMIKO DATE KRUMM: Yeah. And then hot, if it's too hot, of course it's happen
like that also. But always how much I sweating and how much I took the
sodium. So difficult to saying, yeah.

Q. Can you talk a little bit about the differences that you feel now on the
court at 40 as compared to, say, 20 or 30, both the physical differences but
also the mental approach?

KIMIKO DATE KRUMM: Of course, physically it's a little bit young people have
advantage because always I have problem for the recovery. And today is fast
match, so still I had some energy.

But, of course, if I play the three set, long game, and then also getting of
course feel normal power, and physically, of course, it's very tough.

But when I was on the court, I don't think about the age. I just try my best.
I don't excuse my age. So of course I have more advantage mentally compared
to other young player.

But today she's always top 10 player, so of course she also has many
experience. So difficult to use the mentally advantage also.

So physically it's more big difference I think, yeah.

Tags: 網球

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Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2011-01-22T04:55

Radwanska d. 伊達公子

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2011-01-18T23:57
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Callum avatar
By Callum
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Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
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