伊朗戰勝菲律賓取得奧運會的席次 - 籃球

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2019-09-08T23:46

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Iran signs off with victory over Philippines and seals spot in the Olympics

08/SEP/19 16:00

Philippines goes out of FIBA World Cup with empty hands.

By Eurohoops team / [email protected]

Iran achieved its second victory in this FIBA World Cup with a stunning 95-75
performance against the Philippines, that will go out with five defeats. Iran
now qualifies for the Olympics of 2020, leaving China behind to the
pre-Olympic qualifying tournament.


“Unbelievable. The highs and lows of this World Cup are ridiculous. We
showed resilience. It’s a great day to be an Iranian”, said Michael

今天是個很棒的日子。"Michael Rostampour說

Paced by Hamed Haddadi’s 19-point performance, the Iranian selection imposed
its fast pace right from the second quarter, while the Philippines didn’t
fall far behind to make the score 30-24 heading to the second.

在Hamed Haddadi 19分的支持之下,伊朗隊從第二節開始加快了節奏,進入第二節時比分

Iran got ahead with as much as 29 points, with a crazy run in the third
period that helped them set the foundations for the victory and sign off the
competition on a positive note.


The mood was not the same for the Philippines. Despite a 16-point performance
by Andrey Blatche, the rest of the squad seemed numb in their last game and
will head off with a discouraging 0-5 record.

而菲律賓的心情大不相同。除了Andrey Blatche的16分以外,其餘球員在他們的最後一場


Photo credit: FIBA.basketball

eurohoops https://tinyurl.com/y3se6rad

Tags: 籃球

All Comments

Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2019-09-11T03:12
前幾天誰扯一袋一魯 非洲霸主會讓中國的


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2019-09-08T23:31
Nigeria clinches Olympic berth with win over China 奈及利亞取勝中國拿下奧運門票 08/SEP/19 16:05 Nigeria will be among Africa’s representatives in the 2020 Olympic Gam ...


Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2019-09-08T23:27
塞爾維亞主帥:我不喜歡約基奇愚蠢的反應,他應該保持冷靜 在比賽期間,尼古拉-約基奇向裁判抱怨連吃2T被驅逐出場,本場約基奇得到6分5籃板1助 攻。 賽後塞爾維亞主教練談及約基奇被驅逐時說道:“我不喜歡尼古拉-約基奇愚蠢的反應, 作為球隊的領袖之一,他應該保持冷靜的。” 談到這場失利,球隊前鋒波格丹-波格 ...


Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2019-09-08T22:58
各位版友大家好,第一次在這裡發文,想詢問一下今天打球遇到的一個爭議。 鬥牛兩方分別為A方和B方 A方投籃沒進,B方拿到防守籃板,在禁區傳給三分線外的隊友被在三分線內的A方抄截,這樣的情形下A方可以直接進行進攻嗎?還是一樣要回場才行? - ...


Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2019-09-08T22:44
王仕鵬: 球員已不年輕,沒有時間再去學習,打不了奧運這波球員廢了,無法評價他們 影片 https://bbs.hupu.com/29336248.html 王仕鵬之前曾罵過周琦,現在覺得球員不再年輕 如果打不進奧運會就等同於廢了 認為後面四年沒有什麼大賽舞台可以展現他們了 覺得大家對這批球員太寵 ...


Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2019-09-08T22:14
易建聯:用了所有方法去贏下比賽,但還是沒能如願 虎撲9月8日訊 2019世界盃第二階段小組賽M組中國隊對陣奈及利亞隊的比賽結束,最終中 國73-86不敵奈及利亞隊錯失直通奧運資格。賽後,中國男籃隊員易建聯接受了記者採訪 。 談到本次世界盃之旅,易建聯說道:“意味著很多,非常想贏下這場比賽,盡了所有的能 力 ...