伊斯坦堡及索菲亞排名參考 - 0806 - 台灣女網 Tennis

Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2012-08-06T09:04

Table of Contents

在此針對 伊斯坦堡之路 索菲亞之路 進行資料整理及分析。這篇文章之所以會在這邊
發文主要是因為有台將 (謝) 有機會打其中一場賽事,故將針對他的排名資訊進行列表。

內容 頁次

伊斯坦堡之路 Road to Istanbul 2
索菲亞之路 Road to Sofia 3
伊斯坦堡及索菲亞之路詳細規則 4
謝淑薇成績列表 5-6
問答集錦 7+

伊斯坦堡之路 Road to Istanbul 0806 備註

1 +1 Maria Sharapova RUS 7290 W Stuttgart/Roma/RG
2 -1 Victoria Azarenka BLR 7285 W Sydney/AO/Doha/IW
3 +1 Serena Williams USA 5675 W Charleston/MAD/WIM/Olympics
4 -1 Agnieszka Radwanska POL 5568 W Dubai/Miami/Brussels
5 Angelique Kerber GER 4245 W Paris/Copenhagen
6 Sara Errani ITA 3572 W 四場國際賽賽事
7 Petra Kvitova CZE 3266
8 Samantha Stosur AUS 2723
-Possible Alternates-
9 Marion Bartoli FRA 2662
10 Li Na 李娜 CHN 2472

1 Errani/Vinci ITA/ITA 7871 W 七場賽事包括 RG/Madrid/Roma
2 Huber/Raymond USA/USA 5690 W Paris/Dubai/IW
3 Hlavackova/Hradecka CZE/CZE 4480 W Memphis
4 Petrova/Kirilenko RUS/RUS 4055 W Miami
-Possible Alternates-
5 Kops-Jones/Spears USA/USA 2733

索菲亞之路 Road to Sofia 0806 備註

-- Angelique Kerber GER 4245 W Copenhagen
-- Sara Errani ITA 3572 W Acapulco/Barcelona/Budapest
1 Kaia Kanepi EST 1659 W Estoril
2 Nadia Petrova RUS 1541 W 's-Hertogenbosch (Rosmalen)
3 Francesca Schiavone ITA 1359 W Strasbourg
4 Mona Barthel GER 1250 W Hobart
5 +1 Daniela Hantuchova SVK 1248 W Pattaya City
6 +1 Alize Cornet FRA 1183 W Bad Gastein
7 -2 Zheng Jie 鄭潔 CHN 1162 W Auckland
8 Tsvetana Pironkova BUL 943 Bulgaria Wild Card
-Possible Alternates-
9 Sofia Arvidsson SWE 993 W Memphis
10 Hsieh Su-Wei 謝淑薇 TPE 941 W Kuala Lumpur

本年度尚有十場國際賽賽事 (因應今年成績,去年年終 ITF 成績最後調整)

Rules & Qualifications 規則及資格





保加利亞,故外卡其一資格已確定為 Tsvetana Pironkova (除非直接獲得資格)。另一

兩場賽事均使用 Round Robin 小組循環賽建立各小組前二名,再由小組的第一名對上

謝淑薇成績表 2011 年 紅字因超過十六場無法計分

Ningbo ITF 20 Sep
Guangzhou International 46 Sep
Osaka International 10 Oct
Seoul International 50 Oct
Taipei ITF 20 Nov

2012 年無法計分之比賽

Clearwater ITF 8
Eastbourne Premier 1
London Olympics 1

謝淑薇成績表 2012 年 紅字因超過十六場無法計分

Australian Open Grand Slam 40
Pattaya City International 140
Kuala Lumpur International 296
Miami Premier Mandatory 20
Wenshan ITF 70
Budapest International 30
Madrid Premier Mandatory 20
Roma Premier 5 20
Strasbourg International 30
Roland Garros Grand Slam 5
Nottingham ITF 30
Birmingham International 70
Wimbledon, The Champ Grand Slam 160
Montreal Premier 5
Cincinnati Premier 5
Dallas International
931+10 (實 960)

Q & A

craigua:Errani Vinci 的 Roma 應是 Rome XDDDY 06/30 18:51
brad0104:莎娃少羅馬冠軍喔! 06/30 18:55
coolfish1103:拍謝補上莎娃羅馬冠軍 @@" 06/30 18:57

fjuchk:索非亞按照WTA官網似乎是單淘汰賽,而非小組循環? 06/30 19:38
fjuchk:另,請教「替補選手未上場亦有獎金」之資訊來源? 06/30 19:39


The fourth annual Tournament Of Champions is scheduled for October 30 to
November 4, 2012 in Sofia, Bulgaria. Featuring top WTA players and next
generation champions competing in an eight woman, round robin singles format
(with the singles final on finals day), it offers $750,000 in prize money.

Six players who have captured at least one International tournament during
the year and who are not participating in singles at the season-ending WTA
Championships - Istanbul 2012 will qualify for the event, plus two wildcards.

The event debuted in 2009 in Bali, where it was held until 2011. Below is a
look at the Road To Sofia - the 29 International tournaments (each offering
at least $220,000 in prize money) leading up to the season-ending finale.


15 matches for the new champion in Sofia

There will be something special in Sofia at the end of the year. The
Bulgarian capital hosts for a first time the tennis Tournament of the
champions. And there is a surprise for the expected fans: 15 matches to watch
before congratulating the new winner.

Until this year, the tournament was played on a knock-out format. Recently,
the Bulgarian federation’s idea for a change was approved by the WTA. The
result: there will be 2 round-robin pools, 4 players each, semi final and a
championship clash.

The new formula was made official at the presser for the 3-year international
TV rights contract signed by Stefan Tzvetkov, head of the Bulgarian tennis
federation, and Victor Blundell, IMG Media sales vice president for the

The Tournament of the Champions features players with WTA International title
over the season. Tzvetana Pironkova will take the field - if not qualified,
with an WC.


第 182 頁

6. Prize Money and Ranking Points

The International Tournament of Champions prize money for 2012 is as follows:

$125,000 Final Win
$ 65,000 Semifinal Win
$ 10,000 Semifinal Loss
$ 15,000 Per Round Robin Win
$ 35,000 Participation Fee
$ 7,500 Alternate Fee

The International Tournament of Champions ranking points for 2012 are as

120 points Final Win
75 points Semifinal Win
35 points Per Round Robin Win
25 points Per Round Robin Match Played

craigua:問一下大大,Sofia看的是純排名還是如伊斯坦堡是race排名? 07/04 07:18
craigua:印象中應該是前者(?) 07/04 07:18
craigua:貌似 Leaderboard 只看純排名(?) XDD 07/04 07:19


The top six (6) ranked singles players as of the Monday the week prior to the
Tournament, who have won an International Tournament singles event during the
current Tour Year and have not qualified for entry into the Premier WTA
Championships singles draw, shall qualify. The final two (2) singles
alternates in the Premier WTA Championships are eligible to play the
Tournament, even if they participate in matches in the Premier WTA

不過由於那個時候當年度的比賽已經都結束,所以除非去年有選手打 ITF 今年又剛好有

craigua:大大又來提問了XDD,所以說最後參照的排名日期是比賽前周 07/07 09:23
craigua:星期一的排名,也就是Oct 22?(比賽10/30-11/4) 07/07 09:25
craigua:那這樣去年某些賽事積分失效日是 Oct 23 的就算不到(?) 07/07 09:26
craigua:換個問法,最後參照排名當周對應去年賽事積分生效底限是何 07/07 09:38
craigua:時XDDD? (超饒口) 07/07 09:38
coolfish1103:Sofia 於 2012/10/29 開打,所以會使用 2012/10/22 07/08 13:24
coolfish1103:,目前看起來淑薇唯一有機會用到的分數只有去年海碩 07/08 13:28
coolfish1103:,而那只有 20 分,不一定會列入計分考量... 07/08 13:28

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2012-08-10T09:47
Errani Vinci 的 Roma 應是 Rome XDDDY
Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2012-08-14T10:30
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2012-08-18T11:14
拍謝補上莎娃羅馬冠軍 @@"
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2012-08-22T11:57
Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2012-08-26T12:40
Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2012-08-30T13:23
Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2012-09-03T14:06
貌似 Leaderboard 只看純排名(?) XDD
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2012-09-07T14:49
Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2012-09-11T15:33
星期一的排名,也就是Oct 22?(比賽10/30-11/4)
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2012-09-15T16:16
那這樣去年某些賽事積分失效日是 Oct 23 的就算不到(?)
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2012-09-19T16:59
換個問法,最後參照排名當周對應去年賽事積分生效底限是何時XDDD? (超饒口)
Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2012-09-23T17:42
Sofia 於 2012/10/29 開打,所以會使用 2012/10/22
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2012-09-27T18:25
,目前看起來淑薇唯一有機會用到的分數只有去年海碩,而那只有 20 分,不一定會列入計分考量...
Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2012-10-01T19:08
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2012-10-05T19:52
樣子,該績分生效日為 Nov. 6, 2011。依照 ITF 規則,績分
Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2012-10-09T20:35
Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2012-10-13T21:18
周一才會失效。比賽參照的排名日是 2012/10/22,往前推52
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2012-10-17T22:01
周,對選手排名之路有影響的績分生效日是 2011/10/23。
Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2012-10-21T22:44
Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2012-10-25T23:27
是:Kanepi > 鳳姐 > 派娃 > 鄭姐 > 韓娃 > Barthel >
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2012-10-30T00:11
Arvidsson > 淑薇 > Cornet。然後派娃若和小瑪莉入圍伊斯
Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2012-11-03T00:54
Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2012-11-07T01:37
總之希望淑薇衝刺一下,一方面突破成績,一方面可打小年終也是不錯 ^^

花旗杯網賽 張凱貞女雙奪冠

Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2012-08-05T15:42
(中央社記者廖漢原華盛頓4日專電)中華女子職業網球選手張凱貞,昨天在華府舉行的 花旗盃網球公開賽獲得女子雙打冠軍,預計全球排名將上升至90名。 張凱貞與日本選手青山修子首度搭檔,在女子雙打賽事中,一路晉級至決賽,美東時間3 日傍晚在華府炎熱天候下,以7比5和6比2直落兩盤的成績擊敗對手,贏得花旗盃網球公開 ...


Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2012-08-04T23:27
唉... 剛看了奧運金牌戰 莎娃整個超級慘烈... 讓我瞬間想念老大Henin無限多無限多無限多 我好想看著妳再出來跟小威抗衡 挫挫她的銳氣 說真的~每次只要看到小威就想到老大07年那輝煌戰績 但也是每次想到就每次的無限感嘆 到底妳為什麼要這麼任性QQ 自從老大退休之後~女子網壇真的好難 ...


Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2012-08-04T14:04
coupe Rogers 羅傑斯盃 Uniprix Stadium, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 蒙特婁、魁北克、加拿大 August 04-1 ...


Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2012-08-03T00:43
謝淑薇今天表現差就算了 旁邊的男球評還一直亂講話 聽了真的很怒 ex 1.對手發內角,謝/莊接發猜錯邊,球評馬後砲的說: 澳洲式發球,通常就是發內角,搭檔比較閃得過(那前排幹嘛蹲...) 2.剛剛那一球,如果是男選手的話,會用切球製造低彈跳。 3.如果這一 ...

奧運 謝淑薇莊佳容 進八強

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2012-08-02T16:17
倫敦奧運網球女子雙打第二輪,謝淑薇跟莊佳容一場球拖了三天, 總算在一號傍晚結束,兩人以六比七、七比五跟六比四險勝義大利組合, 晉級八強也是我國奧運網球史上最佳戰績。(陳楷報導) 第二輪的比賽因為下雨打打停停拖了兩天,謝淑薇跟莊佳容等了又等, 31號傍晚首盤從五比三領先打到搶七三比七丟掉,第二盤又是五比三被追 ...