伊凡諾維奇:阿茲皮利奎塔很棒 - 切爾西足球俱樂部 Chelsea Football Club

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2012-11-20T23:08

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Posted on: Tue 20 Nov 2012

Three points against Juventus this evening will see us qualified for the
Champions League knockout rounds.

That is the simple fact Branislav Ivanovic feels we must keep in mind at
the rebuilt Juventus Stadium, and while a draw would leave us favourites
to progress, the Serbian defender believes we must approach the game with
nothing less than the maximum return in our thoughts.

Having beaten Shakhtar a fortnight ago we have already come through one
proverbial cup final, and it is now time for another potentially decisive

'Tuesday is a crucial game for our season. We have already had a couple of
games like this this year, but this one is like a final for us,' said the
28-year-old Ivanovic. 'It can decide a lot, but if we do what we know it
is going to be fine.'

These are the calm words of a European champion, albeit one who was forced
to sit out last season's final after a yellow card against Barcelona
denied him a place in Munich. It is the team spirit and strength of
character that pulled us through in the last campaign Ivanovic believes
can serve us well in northern Italy as we seek a group-defining win.

It would also prove a vital confidence boost following four domestic
league games without a win.

'We know we cannot lose, of course,' Ivanovic nods. 'But the mentality of
the team is not like this. We have to follow our philosophy of attacking
and trying to win the game, because we are Chelsea and we have a way of

'We want to win every game and qualify as soon as possible, and we have to
be true to our philosophy.'

Ivanovic was an unused sub at West Brom at the weekend, but will expect to
regain his place for Juve, either at centre-back or at right-back, though
he has been impressed with Cesar Azpilicueta, who created our goal at The
Hawthorns three days ago.

'Cesar is great. He takes up good positions and it's important we have
players like this who can play games, because we have a lot in the
season,' Ivanovic said. 'I hope he will use every chance he has to play.'

Whoever is alongside him, Ivanovic will be eager to make sure things are
kept tight in defence. Anything else and it could be a long night.


Tags: 足球

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