介紹Naeba English Snow School - 滑雪板 Ski Snowboard

By Emma
at 2015-01-08T22:36
at 2015-01-08T22:36
Table of Contents
※ 引述《IloveHC (紐西蘭駕車自遊行)》之銘言:
: 有關English Snow School早鳥的優惠
: 在Naeba官方網頁中可以找到
: http://ppt.cc/uZHg
: 左邊數來第二選項レッスン(Lesson)點進去
: 在レッスンメニュー (Lesson Menu)裡面的第七個課程
: 就有提到
: お得パック新登場!
: 時間帯限定のお得なプライベートレッスン!【要予約】
: ■対 象 1~3名様限定
: ■時 間 早朝8:00~10:00(2時間)、夕方16:00~17:00(1時間)
: ■料 金 早朝2時間パック¥16,000 夕方1時間パック¥8,000
: ※時間帯の変更はできません。※上記の時間帯に重なるプライベートレッスンは通常料
: 金となります。
: ==========以下是重點的分隔線=============
: 我有寫信去詢問與預訂早鳥課程
: 根據他的回應,重點如下:
: 1. 早鳥課程優惠只能給會說日文的人使用,其他語言是一般價格
: 2. 有報名課程(無論早鳥與否)的人使用纜車不用排隊
: 3. 裝備要先借好才不會耽誤到上課時間
: 4. 農曆新年是旺季要加價1000/Hr
: ===========以下是全文騙P幣用 想要得知更多資訊可以自行閱讀============
: Dear XXXXX,
: Thats excellent you had the chance to Snowboard for 2 month in New Zealand.
: Regarding cost, you have sent me the information for the Japanese lessons
: which is separate to the English lessons.
: You can't take a Japanese lesson if youcan't speak Japanese.(重點1)
早鳥課程是有外語的(PRIVATE LESSON) 可享有此優惠
: Please refer to the bellow information if you would like an English lesson:
: Naeba English Snow School Lesson Prices
: 2014/15 Season
: Reservations are highly recommended for peak periods like Christmas through
: New Years, Chinese New Year period and Japanese 3-day weekends.
: ‘You must book either a Ski or Snowboard lesson, your designated instructor
: can't teach Skiing and Snowboarding at the same time.The allocated instructor
: will teach to the lowest level of the group, no one will be left behind!’
: Private lesson 1-3 people (Ski/Snowboard)
: 1hr – 10,000 JPY
: 2hr – 18,000 JPY
: 3hr – 27,000 JPY
: 4hr – 32,000 JPY
: 5hr – 40,000 JPY
: 6hr – 48,000 JPY
: 7hr – 56,000 JPY
: 8hr – 64,000 JPY
: A private lesson is the best way to make the most or your time on the
: mountain.Lessons are available by the hour from when the lifts open until
: the liftsclose, and are tailored to suit skiers age 3 and up,
: boarders age 5 and up and all ability levels.
: Private lesson guests get lift line priority on key lifts and both gondolas.
: No lift line up means you get the most our of your time on snow!(重點2)
: Family lesson (Private)
: (Ski 4-10 people)(Snowboard 4-8 people)
: 2hr – 22,000 JPY
: 3hr – 33,000 JPY
: 4hr – 40,000 JPY
: Private Group Lesson
: (Must be booked at least 1 week in advance)
: (Ski 4-10 people)(Snowboard 4-8 people)
: 2hr – 20,000 JPY
: 4hr – 36,000 JPY
: *Important information*
: At the bellow peak dates of the season an additional 1,000 JPY per hour will be
: charged as we have a limited number of English Speaking instructors available.
: December 30th to January 3rd (New Year)
: February 18th, 19th, 20th, 23rd and February 24th (Chinese New Year)(重點3)
: Equipment Rental (裝備租借)
: For all lessons please make sure to rent your equipment from one of the rental
: shops at the resort in time to start your lesson on time(重點4). Rental shops are
: located in: For Hotel Guests, the ground floor of the following: In Building 2
: next to the main elevator. In Building 4 down the hall to the left of main
: hotel reception. In Building 6 behind the Phenix shop.
: For Day Visitors: In the SouthGate services building where you get you lift
: tickets, right next to the ski school reception counter.
: In the N-Plaza services building outside the foodcourt.
: Booking and Cancellation Policy (取消費用)
: All guests are encouraged to book in advance and no lessons are guaranteed
: unless confirmed by the school in advance. Please confirm pricing and
: availability at the time of booking.
: A 100% charge will be taken if there is a cancellation on the day of the
: lesson.
: A 50% charge will be taken for a cancellation from one day before the lesson.
: A 10% charger will be taken for a cancellation from two days before the
: lesson.
: If you have any other questions please don't hesitate to ask.
: Looking forward to seeing you on the snow soon!
: Kind regards,
: Angus Brown
: Head of Naeba English Snow School
: Facebook – Naeba English Snow School
: Twitter – @SkiNaeba
: Instagram – Ski_Naeba
: 有關English Snow School早鳥的優惠
: 在Naeba官方網頁中可以找到
: http://ppt.cc/uZHg
: 左邊數來第二選項レッスン(Lesson)點進去
: 在レッスンメニュー (Lesson Menu)裡面的第七個課程
: 就有提到
: お得パック新登場!
: 時間帯限定のお得なプライベートレッスン!【要予約】
: ■対 象 1~3名様限定
: ■時 間 早朝8:00~10:00(2時間)、夕方16:00~17:00(1時間)
: ■料 金 早朝2時間パック¥16,000 夕方1時間パック¥8,000
: ※時間帯の変更はできません。※上記の時間帯に重なるプライベートレッスンは通常料
: 金となります。
: ==========以下是重點的分隔線=============
: 我有寫信去詢問與預訂早鳥課程
: 根據他的回應,重點如下:
: 1. 早鳥課程優惠只能給會說日文的人使用,其他語言是一般價格
: 2. 有報名課程(無論早鳥與否)的人使用纜車不用排隊
: 3. 裝備要先借好才不會耽誤到上課時間
: 4. 農曆新年是旺季要加價1000/Hr
: ===========以下是全文騙P幣用 想要得知更多資訊可以自行閱讀============
: Dear XXXXX,
: Thats excellent you had the chance to Snowboard for 2 month in New Zealand.
: Regarding cost, you have sent me the information for the Japanese lessons
: which is separate to the English lessons.
: You can't take a Japanese lesson if youcan't speak Japanese.(重點1)
早鳥課程是有外語的(PRIVATE LESSON) 可享有此優惠
: Please refer to the bellow information if you would like an English lesson:
: Naeba English Snow School Lesson Prices
: 2014/15 Season
: Reservations are highly recommended for peak periods like Christmas through
: New Years, Chinese New Year period and Japanese 3-day weekends.
: ‘You must book either a Ski or Snowboard lesson, your designated instructor
: can't teach Skiing and Snowboarding at the same time.The allocated instructor
: will teach to the lowest level of the group, no one will be left behind!’
: Private lesson 1-3 people (Ski/Snowboard)
: 1hr – 10,000 JPY
: 2hr – 18,000 JPY
: 3hr – 27,000 JPY
: 4hr – 32,000 JPY
: 5hr – 40,000 JPY
: 6hr – 48,000 JPY
: 7hr – 56,000 JPY
: 8hr – 64,000 JPY
: A private lesson is the best way to make the most or your time on the
: mountain.Lessons are available by the hour from when the lifts open until
: the liftsclose, and are tailored to suit skiers age 3 and up,
: boarders age 5 and up and all ability levels.
: Private lesson guests get lift line priority on key lifts and both gondolas.
: No lift line up means you get the most our of your time on snow!(重點2)
: Family lesson (Private)
: (Ski 4-10 people)(Snowboard 4-8 people)
: 2hr – 22,000 JPY
: 3hr – 33,000 JPY
: 4hr – 40,000 JPY
: Private Group Lesson
: (Must be booked at least 1 week in advance)
: (Ski 4-10 people)(Snowboard 4-8 people)
: 2hr – 20,000 JPY
: 4hr – 36,000 JPY
: *Important information*
: At the bellow peak dates of the season an additional 1,000 JPY per hour will be
: charged as we have a limited number of English Speaking instructors available.
: December 30th to January 3rd (New Year)
: February 18th, 19th, 20th, 23rd and February 24th (Chinese New Year)(重點3)
: Equipment Rental (裝備租借)
: For all lessons please make sure to rent your equipment from one of the rental
: shops at the resort in time to start your lesson on time(重點4). Rental shops are
: located in: For Hotel Guests, the ground floor of the following: In Building 2
: next to the main elevator. In Building 4 down the hall to the left of main
: hotel reception. In Building 6 behind the Phenix shop.
: For Day Visitors: In the SouthGate services building where you get you lift
: tickets, right next to the ski school reception counter.
: In the N-Plaza services building outside the foodcourt.
: Booking and Cancellation Policy (取消費用)
: All guests are encouraged to book in advance and no lessons are guaranteed
: unless confirmed by the school in advance. Please confirm pricing and
: availability at the time of booking.
: A 100% charge will be taken if there is a cancellation on the day of the
: lesson.
: A 50% charge will be taken for a cancellation from one day before the lesson.
: A 10% charger will be taken for a cancellation from two days before the
: lesson.
: If you have any other questions please don't hesitate to ask.
: Looking forward to seeing you on the snow soon!
: Kind regards,
: Angus Brown
: Head of Naeba English Snow School
: Facebook – Naeba English Snow School
: Twitter – @SkiNaeba
: Instagram – Ski_Naeba
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