介紹Naeba English Snow School - 滑雪板 Ski Snowboard

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2015-01-07T10:55

Table of Contents

有關English Snow School早鳥的優惠



在レッスンメニュー (Lesson Menu)裡面的第七個課程

■対  象 1~3名様限定
■時  間 早朝8:00~10:00(2時間)、夕方16:00~17:00(1時間)
■料  金 早朝2時間パック¥16,000 夕方1時間パック¥8,000



1. 早鳥課程優惠只能給會說日文的人使用,其他語言是一般價格
2. 有報名課程(無論早鳥與否)的人使用纜車不用排隊
3. 裝備要先借好才不會耽誤到上課時間
4. 農曆新年是旺季要加價1000/Hr

===========以下是全文騙P幣用 想要得知更多資訊可以自行閱讀============


Thats excellent you had the chance to Snowboard for 2 month in New Zealand.
Regarding cost, you have sent me the information for the Japanese lessons
which is separate to the English lessons.
You can't take a Japanese lesson if youcan't speak Japanese.(重點1)

Please refer to the bellow information if you would like an English lesson:

Naeba English Snow School Lesson Prices
2014/15 Season

Reservations are highly recommended for peak periods like Christmas through
New Years, Chinese New Year period and Japanese 3-day weekends.

‘You must book either a Ski or Snowboard lesson, your designated instructor
can't teach Skiing and Snowboarding at the same time.The allocated instructor
will teach to the lowest level of the group, no one will be left behind!’

Private lesson 1-3 people (Ski/Snowboard)

1hr – 10,000 JPY
2hr – 18,000 JPY
3hr – 27,000 JPY
4hr – 32,000 JPY
5hr – 40,000 JPY
6hr – 48,000 JPY
7hr – 56,000 JPY
8hr – 64,000 JPY

A private lesson is the best way to make the most or your time on the
mountain.Lessons are available by the hour from when the lifts open until
the liftsclose, and are tailored to suit skiers age 3 and up,
boarders age 5 and up and all ability levels.

Private lesson guests get lift line priority on key lifts and both gondolas.
No lift line up means you get the most our of your time on snow!(重點2)

Family lesson (Private)
(Ski 4-10 people)(Snowboard 4-8 people)

2hr – 22,000 JPY
3hr – 33,000 JPY
4hr – 40,000 JPY

Private Group Lesson
(Must be booked at least 1 week in advance)
(Ski 4-10 people)(Snowboard 4-8 people)

2hr – 20,000 JPY
4hr – 36,000 JPY

*Important information*

At the bellow peak dates of the season an additional 1,000 JPY per hour will be
charged as we have a limited number of English Speaking instructors available.

December 30th to January 3rd (New Year)
February 18th, 19th, 20th, 23rd and February 24th (Chinese New Year)(重點3)

Equipment Rental (裝備租借)

For all lessons please make sure to rent your equipment from one of the rental
shops at the resort in time to start your lesson on time(重點4). Rental shops are
located in: For Hotel Guests, the ground floor of the following: In Building 2
next to the main elevator. In Building 4 down the hall to the left of main
hotel reception. In Building 6 behind the Phenix shop.
For Day Visitors: In the SouthGate services building where you get you lift
tickets, right next to the ski school reception counter.
In the N-Plaza services building outside the foodcourt.

Booking and Cancellation Policy (取消費用)

All guests are encouraged to book in advance and no lessons are guaranteed
unless confirmed by the school in advance. Please confirm pricing and
availability at the time of booking.
A 100% charge will be taken if there is a cancellation on the day of the
A 50% charge will be taken for a cancellation from one day before the lesson.
A 10% charger will be taken for a cancellation from two days before the

If you have any other questions please don't hesitate to ask.

Looking forward to seeing you on the snow soon!

Kind regards,

Angus Brown
Head of Naeba English Snow School

Facebook – Naeba English Snow School
Twitter – @SkiNaeba
Instagram – Ski_Naeba


All Comments

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2015-01-09T16:47


John avatar
By John
at 2015-01-07T02:34
想問問版上的前輩 關於平日住宿2號,3號館,有免費的雪具租借, 那需要上網先填寫雪具租借申請表嗎? 還是說當日再現場租就可以了。 另外平日的人潮,會不會將雪具租完? 這幾個問題請教一下版友,先謝謝囉。 -- Sent from my Android - ...


Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2015-01-07T01:05
時間:1/17 (六) 地點:新竹小叮噹 出發地:台北 預算額度:費用2700(湊齊兩人的話) Ski or Snowboard:SB(極光滑雪學校初階班) 總人數與預計招募人數:2/預計招募人數:1 主揪的話與其他注意事項: 來信確認,因為是例假日,確定好再來約教練有沒有空,或是我們橋其他時間 ...


Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2015-01-06T13:35
我想請問一下 雪板上蠟之後不是要把蠟刮掉嗎? 那這個把蠟刮掉的動作 是要盡量把蠟全部刮掉呢? 還是說只要把表面稍為刮平整就可以了? 因為第一次上蠟...所以不是很了解 想請有經驗的各位幫忙解惑一下 感謝!! - ...


Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2015-01-05T23:49
之前我11月左右有跟民宿連絡上,他們說不用急著預約雪具和雪票,只要5天前即可 但是從12月底到今天為止,我寄的預約信都沒有回音, 不知道他們是還在放年假嗎? 還是我變黑名單??? 有沒有人最近這幾天有跟他們連繫的朋友可以分享一下近況, 讓我知道是個案,還是是因為有別的原因造成? 多謝大家 - ...

雪精靈 雫石滑雪場 1/17~1/21 實滑3天半

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2015-01-05T16:34
朋友因臨時家裡有急事 需要轉讓 1 位 不知道有沒有版友 今年的滑雪計畫還沒確定的呢? 雪精靈 雫石滑雪場 1/17~1/21 實滑3天半 (第1天午餐過後就可以滑~20:00 第2~4天早上到18:00) 報名網址 : http://www.skicamp.url.tw/tour.asp?tid=3 ...