今天的Jarrod Washburn - 美國職棒

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2007-08-11T17:42

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上Lookout Landing看到這篇文,順手翻了一下,第一次翻應該會有不少錯就是:p



平均: .738 OPS against
76-100球: .753 OPS against
100+球: 1.005 OPS against


平均: .755 OPS against
76-100球:.796 OPS against
100+球:.952 OPS against


平均:.752 OPS against
76-100球:. .845 OPS against
100+球: 1.007 OPS against

In 16 starts under Mike Hargrove this year, Jarrod averaged 99 pitches per
game, exceeding 110 just once. His OPS against was .716, and his ERA was 4.03
(4.23 FIP). This is consistent with the previous season, over which Jarrod
averaged 99 pitches per start and exceeded 110 three times in 31 games.

下了OPS .716及ERA 4.03 ( 4.23FIP ) 的成績。

In seven starts under John McLaren this year, Jarrod has averaged 110 pitches
per game, exceeding 110 five times (and throwing 108 in another). His OPS
against is .790, and his ERA is 4.91 (4.77 FIP). In the innings in or after
which he's been pulled, he's allowed eight runs in five total innings (for
example, today he allowed two in 0.2 innings in the seventh).

還有一場投了108球),他的成績來到了OPS .790 / ERA 4.91 (4.77 FIP) 。

Jarrod Washburn starts to run out of steam around 80-90 pitches. By the time
he hits triple digits, he's essentially given everything he has. The Seattle
Mariners have arguably the greatest, deepest bullpen in all of baseball,
which works out remarkably well when combined with a guy who struggles to
pitch well into the sixth or seventh innings. There are enough good arms
waiting for the call that at no point should it be necessary to cringe your
way through any important at bats. Letting Washburn go ~90 pitches and then
turning things over to RRS/O'Flaherty/Green/whoever is a recipe for success.

今天炸彈到了80-90球時就出現了自毀警訊,By the time he hits triple digits(這句

And yet John McLaren continues to ride Jarrod Washburn like a workhorse, even
though he's never given the slightest indication of being up to the
challenge. And, predictably, it's cost him time and time again. Just last
week we saw Washburn give up two critical insurance runs to the Red Sox when
he was clearly finished (for good measure, RRS then came in and blew Boston
away in relief).


At what point does this stop? At what point does McLaren get over his
ridiculous infatuation with veterans and start turning the ball over to a
comparatively inexperienced but awesome bullpen before Jarrod actually forces
him to? Because every day that he doesn't, he's hurting our chances of
winning the game, and never was this more apparent than it was tonight (for
several reasons, this being just one of them).


John McLaren is not qualified to be a Major League manager. For this reason
he should be relieved of his position immediately (late edit: or he should
just get smarter) before he deals any more damage to a team that needs every
win it can get.




All Comments

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2007-08-13T06:50
有 QQ
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2007-08-17T10:48
By the time那句應該是指"他投到100球時"
Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2007-08-20T06:53
Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2007-08-24T04:02
老哈 回來吧~~我之前錯了QQ
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2007-08-28T09:25


Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2007-08-11T07:40
http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/news;_ylt=Aoqirw59kXSN61tMKQovf8Yp0bYF? slug=ap-cardinals-spiezioandamp;prov=apandamp;type=lgns (麻煩自縮,Sorry) 記得這位老同學的人應該愈來愈少了 ...

Game 112 SEA 13:8 BAL SWEEP!!!!!

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2007-08-10T15:46
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E Seattle 3 0 1 1 0 5 1 0 2 13 15 0 Baltimore 0 0 5 0 0 2 1 0 0 ...

NUK-APIBM板有水手vs白襪的賭盤 8/11(六)08:11

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2007-08-10T10:36
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Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2007-08-10T09:47
※ 引述《Epsilon (我是EPS)》之銘言: : Mark Lowe回小聯盟 : 我們以小聯盟球員Sebastian Boucher與金鳥換牛棚投手John Parrish : 此人去年一整年沒在大聯盟出賽, 今年成績是: : 41.2 IP, ERA 5.40, 41 H, 33 BB, 36 SO, ...


Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2007-08-10T07:15
來SWEEP吧!! 目前滿壘無人出局 IBANEZ打一支安打送回一分 1:0 go go go Mand#39;s - ...