丹尼爾斯撰文感念哈登:他出錢給我買鞋 - NBA

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By Belly
at 2015-10-04T19:05

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我的時尚觀-Troy Daniels

Threads Report: Troy Daniels
日  期:OCT 1 2015
作  者:Troy Daniels (現役夏洛特黃蜂隊球員)

基於這個理由,《球員論壇》開闢了Threads Report專欄,
最新一篇由Troy Daniels撰寫。


Designer Sneakers 設計師球鞋

I’m really into designer sneakers, high-end sneakers: Balenciaga, Giuseppe,
Christian Louboutin. What I like about high-end sneakers is that they’re so
well made. I don’t wear them so people can look at me and go, “Nice shoes.”
But at the same time, I like to collect quality things.

我非常迷戀設計師球鞋、頂尖品牌運動鞋,像是巴黎世家、Giuseppe,還有 Christian

I’ll tell you how I got my first pair.


About two years ago, I was in Atlanta with James Harden — back when James and
I were teammates on the Rockets. We were at the mall, and I saw this nice pair
of shoes. I mean they were real nice. And I turned to James, and I said, “Hey
James, you like these shoes?” And he said, “Yeah, those are fly.” I just
couldn’t stop admiring them.


They were really expensive, though — and this was when I was brand new to the
League, not yet established. So I didn’t have the kind of money where I could
afford to buy that type of shoe. But I still kept looking at them, sizing them
up, just, you know … taking them in. It was this aspirational thing.


And before I knew it, James looked at me and he went, “Hey man, throw them up
there. Throw them up there on the counter.” And I asked him, “What? What do
you mean?” And he was like, “Put them up there on the counter. I’ll get’em
for you.” You might think that that sort of thing happens in the League all
the time, but trust me, it doesn’t. James is one of the real ones. I was so


I can afford nice shoes now, and that’s a blessing. But none of them — not
even the ones I’ve bought for myself — mean as much to me as that first pair,
from James. And the irony is, I don’t even wear those shoes now because the
gesture meant more to me than wearing them ever would.


Expensive-Looking, but Not Expensive 高貴不貴

When I’m putting together an outfit, I’m focused on one thing only: I want it
to look nice. For a lot of people, an outfit “looking nice” is synonymous
with it “costing a lot” — but I take pride in not being one of those people.
It might look like I spend thousands and thousands of dollars on my clothes …
but really, I don’t.


For example, I shop at H&M, which is very reasonable. A pair of jeans at H&M
probably costs $30, maybe $20 if they’re on sale. But they look really
high-end. You don’t look like you’re being cheap. And even more importantly:
They look good on me. They’re a good fit. And that’s everything. For
button-up shirts, it’s the same deal. My go-to for those is Zara. They look
nice, but at a reasonable price point. That’s the sweet spot.

我會在 H&M 買衣服,因為他們價位合理。
襯衫我會去 Zara 買,價位和牛仔褲差不多。物超所值,這就是精髓。

Francisco Garcia was a big guy for me, with that — just teaching me how to
spend my money, and save my money. We used to have lots of talks. One year, he
came over for Thanksgiving and we just got to talking. We’d sit there and talk
for hours: about life in general, about life in the NBA — and specifically
about life as a young guy in the NBA.


And one of the main things that Francisco always would stress with me is to
save my money, because it doesn’t last forever. He kept telling me that, and
kept telling me that, and kept telling me that … and then finally, going into
my third year, I think it really started to stick with me. You’ve really got
to be smart and preserve. Especially if you want to grow up, and have a family
eventually, or any of that. We make great money in the league … but the league
doesn’t last. A career can go by like that.


And fashion was one of the first areas of my life where I really got the hang
of applying some of the advice Francisco gave me. I realized that I could spend
my money smartly, and still look sharp. And to be honest, it’s like a game:
When someone comes up to me and tells me my ‘fit is nice, and I know I only
spent $100 total on it — that’s a win.


The Perfect Outfit 完美衣著

What’s the perfect Troy Daniels Outfit? I’mma give you two:

Option one is going to start with some tight blue jeans — never baggy. Sorry,
that’s the rule. Maybe they’ll be ripped a little bit … with some nice
Balenciaga sneakers, or my favorite pair of Christian Louboutins. And then I’
ll pair that with a simple button-up shirt. As for my shirt color, I’m really
basing that off of my shoes — whatever color my shoes are, that’s what I’m
going to use as a reference point for my shirt. I want those two to complement
each other.

什麼是 Troy Daniels 的完美衣著?讓我舉兩個例子:

可以有點小刷破、配雙巴黎世家球鞋,或是我最愛的Christian Louboutins紅底鞋。


For example, the Louboutins: They have spikes on the front, at the toe. Then on
the sides they have a rainbow color, with a cloth type feel. And they’re red
on the bottom. So if I went with the Louboutins, I’d throw on some blue jeans
and, say, an all-white button-up. Roll those sleeves up. Put a nice watch on.
Button that shirt all the way to the top. (Always to the top.) And then
probably put two chains on, to make the whole thing pop a little bit.


And then for option two, I’m going to wear a fitted two-piece suit. Could be
tailored, although it doesn’t have to be. I’ve done both. Tailor-made is
nice, but I’ve also had a lot of luck with Express — if you get the right
size, and are really deliberate about it, you can come pretty close to that
tailored look. It’ll fit right.

量身訂製很棒,但我也常常在 Express 挖到寶,只要精挑細選、尺寸對了,

As for the fit itself, personally I like it on the tight side. I want it to
look slim, and like it was meant for my body — but I also want to feel
comfortable in it. It’s a fine line. Color-wise, I’m into dark blues. Navy
pants, navy jacket. Then a white shirt, which I’ll leave unbuttoned a bit. And
maybe finish it off with some brown dress shoes. For those: Cole Haan is just
fine. Don’t have to be no gators. Cole Haans will cost you about $100 in the
store, and you’ll look plenty good.

推薦Cole Haan這牌子,不用買到鱷魚皮,花個100塊左右,你看起來就夠體面了。

You want to look like an NBA player, but you’re working with a budget? There
you go. Those two outfits are the Troy Daniels Specials. Put those on and you’
re basically in the league already. Now go work on your jumper.


Tags: NBA

All Comments

Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2015-10-05T11:30
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2015-10-10T07:05
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2015-10-13T12:32
Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2015-10-14T02:47
Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2015-10-16T16:11
Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2015-10-18T18:40
推丹丹 還有老賈 之前的火箭更衣室領袖
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2015-10-21T23:17
Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2015-10-25T12:12
叮噹肯 : 啥 垮褲 ?
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2015-10-28T03:15
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2015-10-29T04:40
我也有cole haan 讚
Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2015-10-29T17:08
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2015-11-03T02:59
Cole haan真的一百鎂就很不錯
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2015-11-06T04:45
第六段要不要改一下 沒看原文可能會誤會他意思是哈
Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2015-11-09T11:29
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2015-11-09T18:23
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2015-11-12T01:07
Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2015-11-15T11:05
Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2015-11-17T06:27
Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2015-11-20T19:28
Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2015-11-22T21:47


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