不滿聯盟輕放湖人 溜馬老闆準備控告聯盟 - NBA

By Megan
at 2017-09-05T12:11
at 2017-09-05T12:11
Table of Contents
Exclusive - Pacers owner Simon may sue NBA, Lakers over Paul
George tampering case
獨家 - 溜馬老板Simon可能會因Paul George非法引誘案控告NBA及湖人
Following the NBA's 2003-04 season, LeBron James' coming out
pro party, the Cavaliers had the right to exercise an option
on Carlos Boozer. The Duke forward had been the 37th pick in
the '02 draft, and was locked into a relatively scrawny salary
(600G) for someone who'd just averaged 15.5 points and 11.4
rebounds as a soph.
在2003-04年季, LBJ的首個職業球季後, 騎士擁有Carlos Boozer的
選擇權, 這位杜克大學的前鋒在02年選秀以37順位被選上, 薪水被限
The Cavs finished 37-45 that year, a lotto team despite the
advent of the high school kid dubbed The Chosen One, who still
smelled like milk. Cleveland was hardly a desired destination
of flashy free agents.In an effort to do right by Boozer (the
first teammate who didn't want to play with LeBron) and send
a message to prime time players throughout the league, Gordon
Gund, an honors' owner, did the unthinkable; he took an agent
and his client at their word.
當年騎士以37-45結束賽季, 儘管被稱為秋森萬-但仍乳臭未乾-的高中
生降臨, 他們仍然是一支樂透球隊。騎士通常不是優秀自由球員的目
的地, 為了要留下Boozer(第一個不想跟LBJ打球的隊友)並給聯盟其他
優秀球員傳遞訊息, 老板Gordon Gund作了不可思議的事情--他相信了
“Booz wanted to get paid earlier,” recounted an ex Cavs'
employee. “We absolutely would've done a significant long-term
deal with him.”With agent Rob Pelinka by his side, Boozer
told Gund and GM Jim Paxson to their faces, “Let me out early
and I'll do the right thing.”Clearly, that meant he'd sign
a new deal with the Cavs. “As soon as we let him out, Pelinka
started entertaining other offers, against his word,” said the
former employee.” Boozer signed with the Jazz.
份大長約」, Boozer和他的經紀人Rob Pelinka一起當面告訴Gund和
GM Jim Paxson「讓我早點跳出合約, 我會作出正確的決定」, 顯然,
那意味著他會與騎士簽訂一份新合約, 「當我們讓他跳出, Pelinka
就違背承諾, 開始接受其他報價」該名前員工說「Boozer和爵士簽約
When Lakers' chairwoman Jeanie Buss, at long last, relieved her
brother, Jim, of his fruitless duties, and replaced him, Feb.
17, 2017, with Magic Johnson, she stated he could hire anyone
he wanted as GM. Jerry West was specifically named as a possibility.
當湖人的董事長Jeanie Buss以一事無成為由, 終於放逐了他的兄弟
Jim並取代了他, 2017年2月17日她和Magic Johnson說他可以雇用任
何人當GM, Jerry West是當時具體的可能人選
Not a chance! Not for one mistaken moment did Magic consider
appointing the team's former exalted executive as a tutor, to
teach him free agent and salary cap rules, how to avoid talk
show appearances, where only fools rush in and act stupid, you
know, the basics, minor face/franchise-saving details.
門都沒有!魔術強生考慮任命一個前球隊高層作為他的導師時, 他錯
蠢的笨蛋才會上的談話節目, 你知道的, 一切關於拯救球隊的基礎和
Magic adroitly looked off West. He only had eyes for Pelinka.
魔術沒有看上West, 他看上Pelinka
What front office wouldn't want a leader of such high morals?
Are we even slightly surprised what happened a month or so after
Pelinka became Lakers' GM?
在Pelinka成為湖人GM之後一個月發生的事情, 我們根本不用感到驚訝
Actually, I am slightly surprised. Even for him, that was awfully
fast to get down and dirty.
事實上, 我還是被震驚了, 即使是他, 那也墮落的太快太骯髒
According to an impeccable source, for two months, the independent
law firm hired by the league, investigated tampering charges filed
by Pacers' owner, Herb Simon.
根據可靠的消息來源, 兩個月前, 聯盟雇用了獨立的律師事務所, 調
查溜馬老板Herb Simon提出的非法引誘指控
And it determined that Pelinka was the Palooka who communicated
with Paul George's agent, Aaron Mintz, and expressed interest in
his Indiana-contracted client.His exact words, I'm informed, were
, “We'd like your guy to play for us.”
調查確認, Pelinka這個癟三曾經和Paul George經紀人Aaron Mintz聯
絡, 並且表達了對他仍與印第安那有合約的客戶的興趣, 我被告知,
My initial reaction upon learning the Lakers had been fined 500-large
by commissioner Adam Silver for tampering was, do I get a finder's
當我知道湖人因為非法引誘被聯盟理事長Adam Silver處以50萬元罰
Unprecedented penalty aside, it translates into petty cash for an
organization valued at $3 billion. Well, guess what? Catching a
team tampering is also unprecedented. Seems to me, the league's lark
in the park judgment was extra light in its legislation.
史無前例的罰款(X), 價值三十億美元球隊的零用錢(O), 抓到一支球
隊非法引誘更是史無前例。對我而言, 聯盟狼狽為奸的判決更嚴重的
(lark in the park指的是兩情相悅)
No suspensions of a Laker executive or two? No draft pick(s)
forfeited? No forbidding George to sign with the Lakers (see
below) next summer? No forcing the Lakers to watch reruns of
the insipid Magic Hour? No substantive sanctions!
Show me the deterrent!
When a team is finally found guilty, finally found culpable
of committing an anti-tampering violation, the sentence needs
to be sizably stiffer as a warning to other executives.
當一隻球隊最後被發現有罪、最後被發現犯有非法引誘的罪名, 這個
Now they just know they have to be more careful.
Still, just because Adam Silver feels his punishment fits the
crime, it doesn't mean Herb Simon will accept it. A confidant
of the Pacers' long-time owner, says he plans to raise a stink
at the league's next Board of Governors meeting. "He's so fed
up, don't be shocked if he sues the league and the Lakers for
不過, Adama Silver認為他的處罰符合罪行, 不代表Herb Simon會接
受, 一位受這位溜馬老闆信任的人說, 他計畫在下一次聯盟理事會上
提出質疑, 「他真的受夠了, 如果他為所受的損失向聯盟和湖人提告
Jeanie Buss is probably quietly celebrating her team's avoidance
of more drastic consequence, but now's not the time to lay low.
She needs to assert herself internally. She owes it to her
father, family and the fans to demonstrate dishonesty won't be
Jeanie Buss可能正在暗自慶助她的球隊沒有受到更激烈的處罰, 但現
在不是保持沉默的時候, 她需要在內部堅持, 她必須向他的父親、家
族及球迷表明, 不誠實是不會受到容忍的
Pelinka disgraced the integrity of one of the most revered franchises
in professional sports! That alone should trigger Jeanie to
suspend him indefinitely. Jerry Buss would’ve fired him before
the announced verdict escaped the league office. Jim Buss is no
doubt laughing his *** off.
因此立刻將他停職, 如果是老巴斯的話, 他會在聯盟判決前就先解雇他
, 無疑的, Jim Buss他媽的快笑死了
For placing the Lakers in serious jeopardy of losing valuable
assets other than paper, and staining the Lakers' image, Pelinka
has earned an early exit.
為了避免湖人嚴重損害湖人的價值和形象, Pelinka應該早點滾蛋
At the same time, who believes for a split second Magic wasn't
well aware of what his GM was doing? Jeanie needs to get tough
and vaporize him, too, I don't care how many times he calls her
his sister. Pelinka and Magic should be deported, it says here.
That is, unless Jeanie endorsed the tampering.
同時, 誰相信Magic不知道他的GM在做甚麼?Jeanie必需硬起來火掉他
, 我才不管他稱呼Jeanie多少次姊妹, Pelinka和Magic必須被驅逐,
Exclusive - Pacers owner Simon may sue NBA, Lakers over Paul
George tampering case
獨家 - 溜馬老板Simon可能會因Paul George非法引誘案控告NBA及湖人
Following the NBA's 2003-04 season, LeBron James' coming out
pro party, the Cavaliers had the right to exercise an option
on Carlos Boozer. The Duke forward had been the 37th pick in
the '02 draft, and was locked into a relatively scrawny salary
(600G) for someone who'd just averaged 15.5 points and 11.4
rebounds as a soph.
在2003-04年季, LBJ的首個職業球季後, 騎士擁有Carlos Boozer的
選擇權, 這位杜克大學的前鋒在02年選秀以37順位被選上, 薪水被限
The Cavs finished 37-45 that year, a lotto team despite the
advent of the high school kid dubbed The Chosen One, who still
smelled like milk. Cleveland was hardly a desired destination
of flashy free agents.In an effort to do right by Boozer (the
first teammate who didn't want to play with LeBron) and send
a message to prime time players throughout the league, Gordon
Gund, an honors' owner, did the unthinkable; he took an agent
and his client at their word.
當年騎士以37-45結束賽季, 儘管被稱為秋森萬-但仍乳臭未乾-的高中
生降臨, 他們仍然是一支樂透球隊。騎士通常不是優秀自由球員的目
的地, 為了要留下Boozer(第一個不想跟LBJ打球的隊友)並給聯盟其他
優秀球員傳遞訊息, 老板Gordon Gund作了不可思議的事情--他相信了
“Booz wanted to get paid earlier,” recounted an ex Cavs'
employee. “We absolutely would've done a significant long-term
deal with him.”With agent Rob Pelinka by his side, Boozer
told Gund and GM Jim Paxson to their faces, “Let me out early
and I'll do the right thing.”Clearly, that meant he'd sign
a new deal with the Cavs. “As soon as we let him out, Pelinka
started entertaining other offers, against his word,” said the
former employee.” Boozer signed with the Jazz.
份大長約」, Boozer和他的經紀人Rob Pelinka一起當面告訴Gund和
GM Jim Paxson「讓我早點跳出合約, 我會作出正確的決定」, 顯然,
那意味著他會與騎士簽訂一份新合約, 「當我們讓他跳出, Pelinka
就違背承諾, 開始接受其他報價」該名前員工說「Boozer和爵士簽約
When Lakers' chairwoman Jeanie Buss, at long last, relieved her
brother, Jim, of his fruitless duties, and replaced him, Feb.
17, 2017, with Magic Johnson, she stated he could hire anyone
he wanted as GM. Jerry West was specifically named as a possibility.
當湖人的董事長Jeanie Buss以一事無成為由, 終於放逐了他的兄弟
Jim並取代了他, 2017年2月17日她和Magic Johnson說他可以雇用任
何人當GM, Jerry West是當時具體的可能人選
Not a chance! Not for one mistaken moment did Magic consider
appointing the team's former exalted executive as a tutor, to
teach him free agent and salary cap rules, how to avoid talk
show appearances, where only fools rush in and act stupid, you
know, the basics, minor face/franchise-saving details.
門都沒有!魔術強生考慮任命一個前球隊高層作為他的導師時, 他錯
蠢的笨蛋才會上的談話節目, 你知道的, 一切關於拯救球隊的基礎和
Magic adroitly looked off West. He only had eyes for Pelinka.
魔術沒有看上West, 他看上Pelinka
What front office wouldn't want a leader of such high morals?
Are we even slightly surprised what happened a month or so after
Pelinka became Lakers' GM?
在Pelinka成為湖人GM之後一個月發生的事情, 我們根本不用感到驚訝
Actually, I am slightly surprised. Even for him, that was awfully
fast to get down and dirty.
事實上, 我還是被震驚了, 即使是他, 那也墮落的太快太骯髒
According to an impeccable source, for two months, the independent
law firm hired by the league, investigated tampering charges filed
by Pacers' owner, Herb Simon.
根據可靠的消息來源, 兩個月前, 聯盟雇用了獨立的律師事務所, 調
查溜馬老板Herb Simon提出的非法引誘指控
And it determined that Pelinka was the Palooka who communicated
with Paul George's agent, Aaron Mintz, and expressed interest in
his Indiana-contracted client.His exact words, I'm informed, were
, “We'd like your guy to play for us.”
調查確認, Pelinka這個癟三曾經和Paul George經紀人Aaron Mintz聯
絡, 並且表達了對他仍與印第安那有合約的客戶的興趣, 我被告知,
My initial reaction upon learning the Lakers had been fined 500-large
by commissioner Adam Silver for tampering was, do I get a finder's
當我知道湖人因為非法引誘被聯盟理事長Adam Silver處以50萬元罰
Unprecedented penalty aside, it translates into petty cash for an
organization valued at $3 billion. Well, guess what? Catching a
team tampering is also unprecedented. Seems to me, the league's lark
in the park judgment was extra light in its legislation.
史無前例的罰款(X), 價值三十億美元球隊的零用錢(O), 抓到一支球
隊非法引誘更是史無前例。對我而言, 聯盟狼狽為奸的判決更嚴重的
(lark in the park指的是兩情相悅)
No suspensions of a Laker executive or two? No draft pick(s)
forfeited? No forbidding George to sign with the Lakers (see
below) next summer? No forcing the Lakers to watch reruns of
the insipid Magic Hour? No substantive sanctions!
Show me the deterrent!
When a team is finally found guilty, finally found culpable
of committing an anti-tampering violation, the sentence needs
to be sizably stiffer as a warning to other executives.
當一隻球隊最後被發現有罪、最後被發現犯有非法引誘的罪名, 這個
Now they just know they have to be more careful.
Still, just because Adam Silver feels his punishment fits the
crime, it doesn't mean Herb Simon will accept it. A confidant
of the Pacers' long-time owner, says he plans to raise a stink
at the league's next Board of Governors meeting. "He's so fed
up, don't be shocked if he sues the league and the Lakers for
不過, Adama Silver認為他的處罰符合罪行, 不代表Herb Simon會接
受, 一位受這位溜馬老闆信任的人說, 他計畫在下一次聯盟理事會上
提出質疑, 「他真的受夠了, 如果他為所受的損失向聯盟和湖人提告
Jeanie Buss is probably quietly celebrating her team's avoidance
of more drastic consequence, but now's not the time to lay low.
She needs to assert herself internally. She owes it to her
father, family and the fans to demonstrate dishonesty won't be
Jeanie Buss可能正在暗自慶助她的球隊沒有受到更激烈的處罰, 但現
在不是保持沉默的時候, 她需要在內部堅持, 她必須向他的父親、家
族及球迷表明, 不誠實是不會受到容忍的
Pelinka disgraced the integrity of one of the most revered franchises
in professional sports! That alone should trigger Jeanie to
suspend him indefinitely. Jerry Buss would’ve fired him before
the announced verdict escaped the league office. Jim Buss is no
doubt laughing his *** off.
因此立刻將他停職, 如果是老巴斯的話, 他會在聯盟判決前就先解雇他
, 無疑的, Jim Buss他媽的快笑死了
For placing the Lakers in serious jeopardy of losing valuable
assets other than paper, and staining the Lakers' image, Pelinka
has earned an early exit.
為了避免湖人嚴重損害湖人的價值和形象, Pelinka應該早點滾蛋
At the same time, who believes for a split second Magic wasn't
well aware of what his GM was doing? Jeanie needs to get tough
and vaporize him, too, I don't care how many times he calls her
his sister. Pelinka and Magic should be deported, it says here.
That is, unless Jeanie endorsed the tampering.
同時, 誰相信Magic不知道他的GM在做甚麼?Jeanie必需硬起來火掉他
, 我才不管他稱呼Jeanie多少次姊妹, Pelinka和Magic必須被驅逐,
All Comments

By Victoria
at 2017-09-08T01:44
at 2017-09-08T01:44

By Yedda
at 2017-09-09T23:24
at 2017-09-09T23:24

By Ivy
at 2017-09-11T05:25
at 2017-09-11T05:25

By Candice
at 2017-09-14T10:30
at 2017-09-14T10:30

By Vanessa
at 2017-09-18T23:59
at 2017-09-18T23:59

By Hamiltion
at 2017-09-21T17:13
at 2017-09-21T17:13

By William
at 2017-09-26T15:57
at 2017-09-26T15:57

By Kristin
at 2017-09-28T12:36
at 2017-09-28T12:36

By Genevieve
at 2017-09-28T22:07
at 2017-09-28T22:07

By Lily
at 2017-09-29T07:41
at 2017-09-29T07:41

By Genevieve
at 2017-10-01T02:31
at 2017-10-01T02:31

By Kristin
at 2017-10-05T03:05
at 2017-10-05T03:05

By Anonymous
at 2017-10-09T17:02
at 2017-10-09T17:02

By Emma
at 2017-10-13T09:33
at 2017-10-13T09:33

By Michael
at 2017-10-14T22:29
at 2017-10-14T22:29

By Donna
at 2017-10-15T04:54
at 2017-10-15T04:54

By Zora
at 2017-10-18T04:01
at 2017-10-18T04:01

By Quintina
at 2017-10-18T11:10
at 2017-10-18T11:10

By Madame
at 2017-10-19T20:42
at 2017-10-19T20:42

By Liam
at 2017-10-21T01:44
at 2017-10-21T01:44

By Olive
at 2017-10-22T06:33
at 2017-10-22T06:33

By Isla
at 2017-10-22T17:26
at 2017-10-22T17:26

By Ida
at 2017-10-22T21:17
at 2017-10-22T21:17

By Oliver
at 2017-10-23T17:04
at 2017-10-23T17:04

By Gilbert
at 2017-10-25T00:52
at 2017-10-25T00:52

By Heather
at 2017-10-28T21:32
at 2017-10-28T21:32

By Ina
at 2017-11-02T19:59
at 2017-11-02T19:59

By David
at 2017-11-03T08:37
at 2017-11-03T08:37

By Frederic
at 2017-11-08T02:50
at 2017-11-08T02:50

By Rosalind
at 2017-11-10T07:48
at 2017-11-10T07:48

By Jacky
at 2017-11-13T09:21
at 2017-11-13T09:21

By Hedy
at 2017-11-15T04:36
at 2017-11-15T04:36

By Zenobia
at 2017-11-18T05:35
at 2017-11-18T05:35

By Yuri
at 2017-11-19T21:03
at 2017-11-19T21:03

By Daniel
at 2017-11-22T12:43
at 2017-11-22T12:43

By Olivia
at 2017-11-27T03:36
at 2017-11-27T03:36

By Olivia
at 2017-12-01T02:44
at 2017-12-01T02:44

By Edward Lewis
at 2017-12-01T18:03
at 2017-12-01T18:03

By Iris
at 2017-12-03T02:05
at 2017-12-03T02:05

By Ingrid
at 2017-12-05T05:11
at 2017-12-05T05:11

By Agatha
at 2017-12-10T04:34
at 2017-12-10T04:34

By Ivy
at 2017-12-13T20:26
at 2017-12-13T20:26

By Queena
at 2017-12-14T02:26
at 2017-12-14T02:26

By James
at 2017-12-14T07:35
at 2017-12-14T07:35

By Steve
at 2017-12-15T17:53
at 2017-12-15T17:53

By Mary
at 2017-12-19T18:11
at 2017-12-19T18:11

By Ina
at 2017-12-24T16:46
at 2017-12-24T16:46

By Mason
at 2017-12-26T17:20
at 2017-12-26T17:20

By Zanna
at 2017-12-28T22:50
at 2017-12-28T22:50

By Edward Lewis
at 2017-12-30T18:06
at 2017-12-30T18:06

By Tristan Cohan
at 2018-01-04T03:59
at 2018-01-04T03:59

By Hardy
at 2018-01-06T18:51
at 2018-01-06T18:51

By Kyle
at 2018-01-08T00:41
at 2018-01-08T00:41

By Franklin
at 2018-01-12T06:28
at 2018-01-12T06:28

By Kelly
at 2018-01-15T05:56
at 2018-01-15T05:56

By Wallis
at 2018-01-20T02:44
at 2018-01-20T02:44

By Aaliyah
at 2018-01-24T14:39
at 2018-01-24T14:39

By Audriana
at 2018-01-29T14:16
at 2018-01-29T14:16

By Kelly
at 2018-02-03T03:00
at 2018-02-03T03:00

By Noah
at 2018-02-03T06:33
at 2018-02-03T06:33

By Damian
at 2018-02-04T18:53
at 2018-02-04T18:53

By Susan
at 2018-02-06T19:51
at 2018-02-06T19:51

By Iris
at 2018-02-08T13:05
at 2018-02-08T13:05

By Rae
at 2018-02-09T21:51
at 2018-02-09T21:51

By Hedy
at 2018-02-12T20:28
at 2018-02-12T20:28

By Anthony
at 2018-02-15T16:00
at 2018-02-15T16:00

By Barb Cronin
at 2018-02-19T04:16
at 2018-02-19T04:16

By Robert
at 2018-02-23T18:35
at 2018-02-23T18:35

By Leila
at 2018-02-26T03:14
at 2018-02-26T03:14

By Rachel
at 2018-03-01T15:57
at 2018-03-01T15:57

By Emily
at 2018-03-05T09:04
at 2018-03-05T09:04

By Sierra Rose
at 2018-03-05T18:09
at 2018-03-05T18:09

By Andy
at 2018-03-08T15:42
at 2018-03-08T15:42

By Gary
at 2018-03-13T12:21
at 2018-03-13T12:21

By Belly
at 2018-03-13T19:04
at 2018-03-13T19:04

By Agnes
at 2018-03-15T13:01
at 2018-03-15T13:01

By Kristin
at 2018-03-19T12:05
at 2018-03-19T12:05

By Rachel
at 2018-03-21T21:32
at 2018-03-21T21:32

By Emily
at 2018-03-24T05:24
at 2018-03-24T05:24

By Dora
at 2018-03-24T12:45
at 2018-03-24T12:45

By Sierra Rose
at 2018-03-26T09:07
at 2018-03-26T09:07

By Michael
at 2018-03-31T01:58
at 2018-03-31T01:58

By Linda
at 2018-04-02T17:00
at 2018-04-02T17:00

By Anonymous
at 2018-04-06T16:42
at 2018-04-06T16:42

By Ula
at 2018-04-08T11:06
at 2018-04-08T11:06

By Kyle
at 2018-04-12T02:49
at 2018-04-12T02:49

By Zanna
at 2018-04-15T10:32
at 2018-04-15T10:32

By Heather
at 2018-04-19T04:43
at 2018-04-19T04:43

By Edith
at 2018-04-22T08:43
at 2018-04-22T08:43

By Joe
at 2018-04-24T19:00
at 2018-04-24T19:00

By Brianna
at 2018-04-26T10:56
at 2018-04-26T10:56

By Sarah
at 2018-04-29T19:54
at 2018-04-29T19:54

By Brianna
at 2018-05-04T01:12
at 2018-05-04T01:12

By David
at 2018-05-05T13:14
at 2018-05-05T13:14

By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2018-05-08T21:53
at 2018-05-08T21:53

By Yuri
at 2018-05-11T11:35
at 2018-05-11T11:35

By Ursula
at 2018-05-14T16:49
at 2018-05-14T16:49

By Sarah
at 2018-05-18T11:42
at 2018-05-18T11:42

By Queena
at 2018-05-23T10:49
at 2018-05-23T10:49

By Delia
at 2018-05-24T22:38
at 2018-05-24T22:38

By Elizabeth
at 2018-05-25T22:00
at 2018-05-25T22:00

By Rae
at 2018-05-29T16:27
at 2018-05-29T16:27

By Candice
at 2018-06-02T20:57
at 2018-06-02T20:57

By Anthony
at 2018-06-04T21:47
at 2018-06-04T21:47

By Charlie
at 2018-06-09T08:45
at 2018-06-09T08:45

By Mary
at 2018-06-10T10:09
at 2018-06-10T10:09

By Zanna
at 2018-06-13T01:41
at 2018-06-13T01:41

By Bennie
at 2018-06-16T00:17
at 2018-06-16T00:17

By Emily
at 2018-06-17T16:35
at 2018-06-17T16:35

By Dinah
at 2018-06-20T05:28
at 2018-06-20T05:28

By Isabella
at 2018-06-21T19:55
at 2018-06-21T19:55

By Kelly
at 2018-06-23T08:35
at 2018-06-23T08:35

By Quintina
at 2018-06-25T10:37
at 2018-06-25T10:37

By Liam
at 2018-06-27T19:00
at 2018-06-27T19:00

By Liam
at 2018-06-30T00:05
at 2018-06-30T00:05

By Edwina
at 2018-06-30T13:22
at 2018-06-30T13:22

By Wallis
at 2018-07-04T08:11
at 2018-07-04T08:11

By Steve
at 2018-07-07T17:22
at 2018-07-07T17:22

By Frederica
at 2018-07-08T19:17
at 2018-07-08T19:17

By Daph Bay
at 2018-07-12T04:50
at 2018-07-12T04:50

By Irma
at 2018-07-14T11:46
at 2018-07-14T11:46

By Susan
at 2018-07-18T12:26
at 2018-07-18T12:26

By Franklin
at 2018-07-19T20:24
at 2018-07-19T20:24

By Joseph
at 2018-07-24T06:12
at 2018-07-24T06:12

By Quintina
at 2018-07-24T07:50
at 2018-07-24T07:50

By Rae
at 2018-07-28T20:06
at 2018-07-28T20:06

By Isla
at 2018-07-29T21:25
at 2018-07-29T21:25

By Oliver
at 2018-08-03T04:46
at 2018-08-03T04:46

By Steve
at 2018-08-05T01:34
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By Isabella
at 2018-08-09T22:22
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By Madame
at 2018-08-11T01:09
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By Irma
at 2018-08-15T21:11
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By Gary
at 2018-08-16T15:07
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By Yedda
at 2018-08-17T10:00
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By Genevieve
at 2018-08-22T07:59
at 2018-08-22T07:59

By Madame
at 2018-08-24T12:47
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By Linda
at 2018-08-27T09:29
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By Dora
at 2018-08-30T17:43
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By Ingrid
at 2018-09-02T11:59
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By Skylar Davis
at 2018-09-03T01:09
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By Genevieve
at 2018-09-06T07:19
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at 2018-09-07T22:13
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By Tom
at 2018-09-09T21:56
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at 2018-09-10T13:05
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By William
at 2018-09-11T03:26
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By Jacob
at 2018-09-14T00:26
at 2018-09-14T00:26

By Kumar
at 2018-09-18T21:32
at 2018-09-18T21:32

By Oscar
at 2018-09-21T14:17
at 2018-09-21T14:17

By Ida
at 2018-09-23T13:55
at 2018-09-23T13:55

By George
at 2018-09-27T15:23
at 2018-09-27T15:23

By Dora
at 2018-09-28T15:47
at 2018-09-28T15:47

By Dorothy
at 2018-10-01T18:21
at 2018-10-01T18:21

By Franklin
at 2018-10-02T03:34
at 2018-10-02T03:34

By James
at 2018-10-07T01:44
at 2018-10-07T01:44

By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2018-10-08T23:02
at 2018-10-08T23:02

By Annie
at 2018-10-12T10:36
at 2018-10-12T10:36

By Lauren
at 2018-10-12T15:58
at 2018-10-12T15:58

By Ethan
at 2018-10-16T05:30
at 2018-10-16T05:30

By Brianna
at 2018-10-17T20:02
at 2018-10-17T20:02

By Franklin
at 2018-10-19T16:25
at 2018-10-19T16:25

By Damian
at 2018-10-21T13:51
at 2018-10-21T13:51

By Sarah
at 2018-10-22T22:41
at 2018-10-22T22:41

By Zenobia
at 2018-10-23T21:41
at 2018-10-23T21:41

By Anthony
at 2018-10-28T11:21
at 2018-10-28T11:21

By Necoo
at 2018-11-02T03:33
at 2018-11-02T03:33

By Caroline
at 2018-11-04T17:34
at 2018-11-04T17:34

By Lucy
at 2018-11-05T04:14
at 2018-11-05T04:14

By Agatha
at 2018-11-09T18:30
at 2018-11-09T18:30

By Jack
at 2018-11-11T13:33
at 2018-11-11T13:33

By Cara
at 2018-11-15T19:35
at 2018-11-15T19:35

By Yedda
at 2018-11-19T17:58
at 2018-11-19T17:58

By Una
at 2018-11-23T21:24
at 2018-11-23T21:24

By Emily
at 2018-11-25T00:31
at 2018-11-25T00:31

By Mary
at 2018-11-25T22:58
at 2018-11-25T22:58

By Donna
at 2018-11-30T03:04
at 2018-11-30T03:04

By Tristan Cohan
at 2018-12-03T16:59
at 2018-12-03T16:59

By Hardy
at 2018-12-04T19:35
at 2018-12-04T19:35

By Jack
at 2018-12-08T05:28
at 2018-12-08T05:28

By Vanessa
at 2018-12-09T09:39
at 2018-12-09T09:39

By Tristan Cohan
at 2018-12-11T04:25
at 2018-12-11T04:25

By John
at 2018-12-13T23:28
at 2018-12-13T23:28

By Agatha
at 2018-12-14T03:34
at 2018-12-14T03:34

By Hamiltion
at 2018-12-14T10:07
at 2018-12-14T10:07

By Caitlin
at 2018-12-17T16:19
at 2018-12-17T16:19

By Edith
at 2018-12-22T11:05
at 2018-12-22T11:05

By Isabella
at 2018-12-24T21:49
at 2018-12-24T21:49

By Mia
at 2018-12-27T06:53
at 2018-12-27T06:53

By Necoo
at 2018-12-31T18:26
at 2018-12-31T18:26

By Erin
at 2019-01-02T16:42
at 2019-01-02T16:42

By Zanna
at 2019-01-07T03:21
at 2019-01-07T03:21

By Odelette
at 2019-01-07T20:08
at 2019-01-07T20:08

By Freda
at 2019-01-10T22:25
at 2019-01-10T22:25

By Rae
at 2019-01-14T21:24
at 2019-01-14T21:24

By Quintina
at 2019-01-18T09:07
at 2019-01-18T09:07

By David
at 2019-01-20T20:24
at 2019-01-20T20:24

By Belly
at 2019-01-21T18:45
at 2019-01-21T18:45

By Queena
at 2019-01-21T22:14
at 2019-01-21T22:14

By Irma
at 2019-01-26T01:43
at 2019-01-26T01:43

By Dinah
at 2019-01-30T00:59
at 2019-01-30T00:59

By Lauren
at 2019-02-03T11:19
at 2019-02-03T11:19

By Suhail Hany
at 2019-02-06T14:16
at 2019-02-06T14:16

By Dorothy
at 2019-02-07T14:16
at 2019-02-07T14:16

By Madame
at 2019-02-08T14:28
at 2019-02-08T14:28

By Puput
at 2019-02-11T09:42
at 2019-02-11T09:42

By Rachel
at 2019-02-13T03:40
at 2019-02-13T03:40

By Tom
at 2019-02-15T07:50
at 2019-02-15T07:50

By Emma
at 2019-02-19T12:26
at 2019-02-19T12:26

By Noah
at 2019-02-24T08:55
at 2019-02-24T08:55

By Rachel
at 2019-02-26T06:20
at 2019-02-26T06:20

By Leila
at 2019-03-01T08:29
at 2019-03-01T08:29

By Blanche
at 2019-03-03T07:17
at 2019-03-03T07:17

By Anonymous
at 2019-03-04T04:30
at 2019-03-04T04:30

By Bennie
at 2019-03-04T10:20
at 2019-03-04T10:20

By Sandy
at 2019-03-07T21:26
at 2019-03-07T21:26

By Ida
at 2019-03-10T12:20
at 2019-03-10T12:20

By Rebecca
at 2019-03-11T00:59
at 2019-03-11T00:59

By Edith
at 2019-03-11T07:54
at 2019-03-11T07:54

By Selena
at 2019-03-12T11:50
at 2019-03-12T11:50

By Olivia
at 2019-03-15T09:14
at 2019-03-15T09:14

By Erin
at 2019-03-19T23:38
at 2019-03-19T23:38

By Caitlin
at 2019-03-23T16:56
at 2019-03-23T16:56

By Catherine
at 2019-03-28T07:43
at 2019-03-28T07:43

By Frederica
at 2019-03-28T19:41
at 2019-03-28T19:41

By Rebecca
at 2019-04-01T16:41
at 2019-04-01T16:41

By Dorothy
at 2019-04-03T02:56
at 2019-04-03T02:56

By Jacky
at 2019-04-03T19:26
at 2019-04-03T19:26

By Eden
at 2019-04-04T04:47
at 2019-04-04T04:47

By Odelette
at 2019-04-08T07:24
at 2019-04-08T07:24

By Hardy
at 2019-04-12T15:09
at 2019-04-12T15:09

By Brianna
at 2019-04-17T12:20
at 2019-04-17T12:20

By Delia
at 2019-04-21T22:26
at 2019-04-21T22:26

By Jack
at 2019-04-24T00:24
at 2019-04-24T00:24

By Sandy
at 2019-04-25T18:41
at 2019-04-25T18:41

By Joseph
at 2019-04-28T15:20
at 2019-04-28T15:20

By Hazel
at 2019-04-29T15:54
at 2019-04-29T15:54

By Megan
at 2019-04-30T09:38
at 2019-04-30T09:38

By Brianna
at 2019-05-01T05:27
at 2019-05-01T05:27

By Edwina
at 2019-05-05T14:05
at 2019-05-05T14:05

By Eartha
at 2019-05-08T17:32
at 2019-05-08T17:32

By Quintina
at 2019-05-10T23:26
at 2019-05-10T23:26

By Una
at 2019-05-14T21:46
at 2019-05-14T21:46

By Isabella
at 2019-05-19T02:42
at 2019-05-19T02:42

By Sierra Rose
at 2019-05-21T04:57
at 2019-05-21T04:57

By Steve
at 2019-05-22T03:04
at 2019-05-22T03:04

By Rosalind
at 2019-05-25T07:29
at 2019-05-25T07:29

By John
at 2019-05-29T15:13
at 2019-05-29T15:13

By Charlie
at 2019-05-30T07:42
at 2019-05-30T07:42

By Victoria
at 2019-06-01T03:24
at 2019-06-01T03:24

By William
at 2019-06-04T23:58
at 2019-06-04T23:58

By Steve
at 2019-06-05T04:21
at 2019-06-05T04:21

By Blanche
at 2019-06-10T03:13
at 2019-06-10T03:13

By Valerie
at 2019-06-14T14:34
at 2019-06-14T14:34

By Harry
at 2019-06-15T19:30
at 2019-06-15T19:30

By Oliver
at 2019-06-17T14:54
at 2019-06-17T14:54

By Isabella
at 2019-06-17T17:32
at 2019-06-17T17:32

By Freda
at 2019-06-19T16:15
at 2019-06-19T16:15

By Gary
at 2019-06-22T22:44
at 2019-06-22T22:44

By Tom
at 2019-06-27T15:32
at 2019-06-27T15:32

By Edith
at 2019-06-30T13:34
at 2019-06-30T13:34

By Franklin
at 2019-07-01T21:17
at 2019-07-01T21:17

By Dorothy
at 2019-07-03T09:51
at 2019-07-03T09:51

By Enid
at 2019-07-05T23:33
at 2019-07-05T23:33

By Ophelia
at 2019-07-07T02:18
at 2019-07-07T02:18

By Isla
at 2019-07-11T21:06
at 2019-07-11T21:06

By Megan
at 2019-07-14T17:51
at 2019-07-14T17:51

By Jacob
at 2019-07-16T09:01
at 2019-07-16T09:01

By Belly
at 2019-07-20T18:02
at 2019-07-20T18:02

By Ingrid
at 2019-07-22T02:34
at 2019-07-22T02:34

By Kristin
at 2019-07-25T21:13
at 2019-07-25T21:13

By Jacky
at 2019-07-26T16:13
at 2019-07-26T16:13

By Dora
at 2019-07-27T14:37
at 2019-07-27T14:37

By Elvira
at 2019-07-28T21:43
at 2019-07-28T21:43

By Catherine
at 2019-07-30T11:53
at 2019-07-30T11:53

By Daniel
at 2019-08-02T21:47
at 2019-08-02T21:47

By Skylar Davis
at 2019-08-04T09:24
at 2019-08-04T09:24

By Caroline
at 2019-08-09T06:26
at 2019-08-09T06:26

By Joe
at 2019-08-10T07:36
at 2019-08-10T07:36

By Emma
at 2019-08-12T17:55
at 2019-08-12T17:55

By Mason
at 2019-08-16T18:48
at 2019-08-16T18:48

By Blanche
at 2019-08-17T17:32
at 2019-08-17T17:32

By Ida
at 2019-08-19T13:14
at 2019-08-19T13:14

By Oscar
at 2019-08-22T14:02
at 2019-08-22T14:02

By Dorothy
at 2019-08-25T18:36
at 2019-08-25T18:36

By Emma
at 2019-08-28T22:20
at 2019-08-28T22:20

By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2019-08-29T08:03
at 2019-08-29T08:03

By Regina
at 2019-09-02T08:10
at 2019-09-02T08:10

By Joseph
at 2019-09-04T14:52
at 2019-09-04T14:52

By Noah
at 2019-09-09T11:13
at 2019-09-09T11:13

By Necoo
at 2019-09-12T04:20
at 2019-09-12T04:20

By Queena
at 2019-09-15T10:17
at 2019-09-15T10:17

By Heather
at 2019-09-15T18:56
at 2019-09-15T18:56

By Puput
at 2019-09-16T21:32
at 2019-09-16T21:32

By Yuri
at 2019-09-21T21:20
at 2019-09-21T21:20

By Puput
at 2019-09-25T02:16
at 2019-09-25T02:16

By Emma
at 2019-09-29T16:16
at 2019-09-29T16:16

By Ursula
at 2019-09-30T18:36
at 2019-09-30T18:36

By Zora
at 2019-10-05T14:26
at 2019-10-05T14:26

By Hedy
at 2019-10-09T22:54
at 2019-10-09T22:54

By Hamiltion
at 2019-10-14T10:31
at 2019-10-14T10:31

By Iris
at 2019-10-17T09:33
at 2019-10-17T09:33
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