YouTube 上 PBA Viper油型 影音檔的音譯及中文解說 - 保齡球

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2009-08-09T12:41

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YouTube 上 PBA Viper油型 影音檔的音譯及中文解說

To watch this video, we use the terms Stroker, Tweener and Power player.
If you don’t know what type of bowler you are, See a certified coach and
watch the pros to determine whose style matches up yours.
Examples pros considered as Strokes are Walter Ray Williams Jr.
Pros considered Tweeners include Mike Mchuga.
Power players include bowlers like Robert Smith.
Let’s meet Team Viper:
(Stroker --- Brend Viater. Tweener --- Bill Mance Power Player --- Derek
Now, let’s take a look at the Viper pattern.
At 38 feet, the Viper is the second shortest of the PBA experienced patterns
and one of the more challenging. The shorter lane gives the Viper its bite.
You have to start further outside and throw it as straight as possible.
Through you can play the Viper from multiple angles; typically you’ll start
with straighter angles from outside.
Straighter angles are preferable on a fresh pattern.
However in some situations, it may work to start from the inside, starting as
far out as possible.
To allow the pattern to break down in a more forgiving way as the session
progresses, starting too far inside may cause this pattern to play difficult
and will reduce the margin for error as the pattern breaks down.
Multiple angles may be used when attacking this pattern and large adjustments
may be required.
But it may require a bigger adjustment in position to break the pattern down
depending on whom you’re bowling with and what angles they’re playing.
Power players should start far inside the track area of the lane.
Tweeners will be just outside of that and Strokers typically will be even
further outside of Tweeners.
For all bowlers your break point should be just outside the track area.
So, keep your angles close and deliver as straight shot as possible.
The Viper is shorter than most house shot, so your ball will hook sooner.
That means you need control on the backend of the lane.
On the Viper pattern, you’ll want to use a smooth reacting ball with some
surface on it to give you that control.
Any surface operations must be done prior to the first bowler’s competition.
And you must do the entire ball.
To review:
The Viper is the second shortest PBA experienced pattern at 38 feet.
Attack the Viper from multiple angles.
Start as far outside as possible and large adjustments may be required so you
can regain to control the pocket.
Power players typically start in the track area of the lane and further
Tweeners will be outside of the Power players’ and Strokers even further
Start with a smooth reacting ball that has some surface on it to give you
control on the back of the lane.
These strategies are applied for both right and left handed bowlers.
Keep in mind the information given in this video is a good starting point.
Each center will have different characteristics: lane surface, types of
machine use…etc.
They could cause the part of play different from center to center.
Let you bowl. Be your guy.
Also to really improve, see a USBC certified coach and be sure to buy your
equipment in a certified proshop. There, experts can help determine what is
right for you.

影音中以” Stroker, Tweener 及 Power player” 等術語來分類打法,
職業球員中的Walter Ray Williams Jr.被視為Stroker
Tweener則包括Mike Mchuga
Power player的代表為Robert Smith
Stroker --- Brend Viater. Tweener --- Bill Mance Power Player --- Derek

讓我們來看一下Viper(毒蛇) 的油型
38呎的Viper頗具挑戰性,其長度是PBA五大油圖中第二短的 (僅次於36呎的Cheetah)

球局進行中,考量油層被破壞時仍有路可走,開始時走了極內側(too far inside)的路線
,會使這個油型變得難打,油象紊亂(break down)時,也會減損球的容錯率。


一開始Power player 的球應遠落於二箭以內。
Tweener 剛好在二箭外緣,Stroke的路線則要比Tweener更外面些。


Power player的路線一般都從二箭甚至二箭以內開始。
Tweener的路線比Power player外側,Stroker則又更為外側。

鄭把拔 & Jake Cheng on Fathers Day 2009


All Comments

Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2009-08-14T07:34
^__^感謝你 這將收錄到精華區中


Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2009-08-08T19:38
大風大雨的週末夜 版上眾高手若是有空的話 指點一下小弟的動作吧 不好意思手機拍得不是很清楚 -- home~mommy~baby~home - ...


Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2009-08-08T17:50
※ 引述《rmp4vu03 (小葉)》之銘言: : 請問,一般來說剛踏入保齡球界的新手,應當要與鑽孔師互動 : 幾次、修改幾次孔才能找到適合自己的掌距?要有什麼樣的互動是 : 要球員提出呢? : 若是因為新手出手不固定,所以就找不到該球員適合的掌距 : 偏分、近退分、倒角...等等;這樣的說法 ...


Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2009-08-08T13:03
PTT 保齡球練球團 時間:8月9日 星期日09:00 地點:豐原雙木保球館 地圖:請盡量提供 費用:1局40~50元 活動內容:公司內一些大叔級要練球~參加22日之比賽~預計打5局 報名方式:自由參加~自行至櫃檯繳費買球道~我們有8個人~佔據2隻馬 - ...

台中"踹"死格鬥S.O.D打保團 (08/09)日

Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2009-08-07T17:02
PTT S.O.D打保團 時間:08月09號 星期日 09:00 地點:台中樹德保齡球館 費用:每局35元 活動內容:打球、問題詢問、聚餐 報名方式:推文報名、當天自行到場也可以(要提早到,較好調整) 上禮拜各位捧優們,都很配合在時間內到場, 這禮拜因為颱風的關係,球館也不確定當天是否營業, ...


Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2009-08-07T07:43
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