YouTube 上 PBA Scorpion油型 影音檔的音譯及中文解說 - 保齡球

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2009-09-12T21:03

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YouTube 上 PBA Scorpion油型 影音檔的音譯及中文解說

To watch this video, we use the terms Stroker, Tweener and Power player.
If you do not know what type of bowler you are, See a certified coach and
watch the pros to determine whose style matches up yours.
Pros considered as Strokers are Walter Ray Williams Jr.
Pros considered Tweeners include Parker Bohn III.
And Power players include players like Robert Smith.
Let’s meet Team Scorpion:
(Stroker --- Ellen Tweener --- Kayla Power Player --- Erik)
Stroker --- Ellen Tweener --- Kayla Power Player --- Erik
Power Player --- Eric Vermilyea.

Now, let’s take a look at the Scorpion pattern.
At 42 feet, the Scorpion is the second longest PBA experienced patterns.
In sport league around the country, it’s one of the highest score patterns.
You can play the Scorpion from multiple angles, but the length of the pattern
typically forces bowlers to play further inside.

On the Scorpion you typically will want to use a more aggressive bowling
ball, one with a dull surface and stronger layout that gives you a
controllable reaction on the back of the lane.
Typically this pattern plays in the track area of the lane between the 8 and
14 boards to start.
Style and lane surface will dictate where you start.
With Power players starting further inside than Strokers or Tweenters, the
break point will typically be between the 6 and 10 boards to start.
Straighter angles on fresh patterns are preferable.
As the pattern breaks down, the length of the pattern should allow bowlers to
move inside to create more area.
Many find that playing Scorpion is comfortable since the break point seems
similar to most house patterns, where you may be able to play the same part
of the lane.
May have you used different bowling balls to score well on this pattern.
So, you can play a similar to the way you play in the house pattern at your
favorite center.
But you’ll have less room for error on the Scorpion pattern.
Due to the length of the pattern, bowlers can create room to miss inside.
That’s because the house shot is typically 40 feet, the Scorpion at 42 feet
gives an extra 2 feet of the length.
So, if you miss outside you won’t get bounce back like you work on the
normal house pattern, and you’ll end up light in the pocket.

To review:
The Scorpion is one of the higher scoring PBA experienced patterns.
You can play the Scorpion from multiple angles, but bowlers will tend to
migrate inside.
Typically you’ll want to use a more aggressive bowling ball on this pattern.
Power players will start further inside than Strokers or Tweenters.
The break point for all styles of play should be in the track area of the
Through the Scorpion pattern may be close to your typical house pattern, it’
s much flatter.
And you may need to use a different ball.
You’ll have less room for error.
These strategies are applied for both right and left handed bowlers.
Keep in mind that information given in this video is a good starting point.
Not every house puts down this pattern the same
You should let you bowl be your guy.
Also to really improve, see a USBC certified coach and be sure to buy your
equipment at a certified proshop. There, experts can help determine what is
right for you.

影音中以” Stroker, Tweener 及 Power player” 等術語來分類打法,
職業球員中的Walter Ray Williams Jr.被視為Stroker
Tweener則包括Parker Bohn III.
Power player的代表為Robert Smith

(Stroker --- Ellen Tweener --- Kayla Power Player --- Erik)
Stroker --- Ellen Tweener --- Kayla Power Player --- Erik
Power Player --- Eric Vermilyea.

讓我們來看一下Scorpion (蠍子) 的油型
路線的選定會依球員打法及球道表面材質而略有差異,但大致都會利用8 ~ 14塊板的二箭
Power players會比Strokers 或 Tweenters 走得更為內側,轉折區則在6 ~10塊板間。
你可以一如往常地如站館球道打球的方式來因應Scorpion pattern,但容許誤差會比較小

一般球館的油長約為40呎,42呎的Scorpion 給了球多2呎的滑行距離,如果下點往外側失

Power player的路線要比Stroker 或 Tweenter更往內移
阿超阿越保齡球家族 2009/09/12


All Comments

David avatar
By David
at 2009-09-13T07:15
^^ 感謝您 小弟弟我收錄到精華區裡了 ...

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Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2009-09-12T02:55
PTT 保齡球~台中SOD團~ 時間:09月13號 星期日 09:00 地點:台中樹德保齡球館 地圖:讓你打10個的地方 費用:每局35元 活動內容:弄倒球瓶、問題諮詢、球友聚餐 報名方式:推文報名或是直接連絡小弟(0911-686872) 球衣相信很多人都拿到了,只剩下少數幾位, 請還沒拿到 ...


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2009-09-12T01:50
時間:09月13號 星期日 19:00 地點:桃園東東保齡球館(9月9日東東剛滿一週年) 地圖:在你我心中~冷氣冷~音樂好~球瓶輕的好地方! 費用:01局40元~無男友正妹另議! 活動內容: 桃園每週的約會又來了! 上週我沒來~正妹到是來了!! 不管是想跟妹聊天也好~ 想找我打飲料也好~ 純 ...

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Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2009-09-11T23:43
之前看到一顆球 感覺有一點年紀 官方網站上也列為退休球 只是不知道確切時間 還有當時的價位 Columbia 300 action 就是這個紫色的 - ...


Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2009-09-11T21:31
※ 引述《rpm0914 (吸塵器不漏接)》之銘言: : 女子三人 : 勇奪一金一銀的好成績 : 男子三人 : 剛剛才結束!! : 獲得銀牌 : 好像輸韓國兩分 剛剛去了新喬福看男團後三局的比賽 最後男團順利摘下團體組金牌 男子組也開張拿下金牌囉 -- Come On!!! ╰(‵◇ ′#)╯ ...


Donna avatar
By Donna
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