WWE明星blog - Chris Jericho (勞軍篇) - 摔角 Wrestle

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2008-12-22T15:50

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Tribute to the Troops website:

Superstar blog - Chris Jericho


Jericho on the Troops
Thursday, December 4, 2008, 06:50 PM EST [Tribute to the Troops]

On Day 2 of Tribute to the Troops, Chris Jericho spoke with Joey Styles about
the trip so far:

這次勞軍活動的第二天,Y2J和Joey Styles聊了關於這次的行程。

JOEY: So Chris Jericho, you spent most of the day at Forward Operating Bases
here in Baghdad. You’re not known for your humility at all, but does someone
like you find is somewhat humbling that these people who risk their lives are
just so in awe of you and so thrilled to meet you and the other WWE

J: 嗯~ Y2J你目前大部分時間都在巴格達的前線操作總部。大部分人不知道你平常

JERICHO: What I find humbling more than anything is the fact that these guys
come over here for a year or 18 months at a time and they’re so excited to
see us and thanking us for coming over, saying “Oh, you’re so tired, it
must have been such a long trip.”

Y: 我覺得最讓人恭敬的是這些人來這個地方賣命一年或一年半,但他們非常興奮且
感謝我們能夠到這,說著 "喔~你來這大老遠的地方一定很累吧!"。

We’re here for three days, it’s the least we can do. So that’s very
humbling to see guys who really don’t watch wrestling that are just happy to
see anyone come visit them.

Y: 我們只來這裡三天,這只是我們所盡最小、最起碼該做的心力了。所以當我們到

That just goes to show how much it means to them to see us, and how much it
means for us to be here. It really is reciprocal the fact that they can’t
believe we’re here and I can’t believe they care that much that we made a
sacrifice to come over three days when they’re here 18 months.

Y: 他們讓我們感覺到我們的到訪對他們有多大的意義。他們好像不相信我們真的到了


粉絲留言: (節錄幾個)

1. Chris Jericho is the best there is. It doesn't get any better than him, and
I'm proud to be one of his Jerichoholics. Kudos to you, Chris.
- Cheryle

(Jerichoholic用中文翻不出那種感覺,應該說是重度成癮Y2J迷這樣 XD)

2. Jericho is a great guy in real life and people should respect that.People
hate jericho for being heel but his doing a great job and i wish he would be
world heavyweight champion again rather than that overrated cena
- _Shuan_V2

(按: 現實生活中Cena人也很好阿)

3.I have had the pleasure of meeting Chris at a Fozzy show,he is a class
act!!!! The same goes for everyone in WWE who has made this trip for our
troops over the past few years. Wrestling seems to be a business filled with
egos,however Jericho is one guy who not only is a top performer,but never
complains.He is unquestionably this years Superstar of the year in my
opinion.His fued with HBK was a classic old school type that lasted several
months instead of the typical 3 week,1 pay per view match deal.His mike
skills have been top of the line and he has evolved into a top heel.The thing
I find so impressive about his character is that it does symbolize the
frustration many fans including myself have about the current WWE.Guys like
HHH and HBK get away with anything and are always pushed to the top,Cena does
a great job too but is also overrated.Iam thankful for Jerichos title run,but
he deserves so much more, I truly hope they dont drop the ball and we see him
fall back to the mid card.WWE needs change,Jericho,Punk and hopefully
Christian need to be top guys throughout the upcoming year.And please,is it
too much to give Jericho one title run as a face?Please Vince and co. wake
up, this product is becoming way too predictable.
- PY2J


改變,Y2J、CM Punk、或也許Christian回來的話,他們應該是接下來幾年接手頂尖

Y2J值得更多肯定,上位的選手該換人了,給Y2J當無敵正派不行嗎? XD)

4. This is a prime example of what a great guy Chris is. He makes me proud to be
a Jerichoholic!
- Y2Joanna

(Jerichoholic again)


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All Comments

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2008-12-24T09:13
Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2008-12-26T02:36


Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2008-12-22T08:45
之前不是有傳言(謠言?)年底會出現. 現在都幾號了QQ 好想看RVD啊 有REY的生活雖然很歡樂. 可是沒有RVD就覺得哪裡怪怪的ˊˋ 有人有RVD最近的消息嗎? -- 華陽初上鴻門紅,疏樓更迭,龍麟不減風采; 紫金簫,白玉琴,宮燈夜明曇華正盛,共飲逍遙一世悠然。 - ...


Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2008-12-21T17:59
※ 引述《h888512 ( )》之銘言: : http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=QnOTIat687sandamp;NR=1 : 當時的劇情線是啥阿 : 為啥大秀會槓上當時拳擊冠軍 : 441.4 vs 159 科科 其實五月天不是拳擊冠軍而已...是輕量級拳擊王者。 出道39 ...

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Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2008-12-21T14:29
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Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2008-12-21T13:26
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Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2008-12-21T13:11
http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=QnOTIat687sandamp;NR=1 當時的劇情線是啥阿 為啥大秀會槓上當時拳擊冠軍 441.4 vs 159 科科 - ...