Wilkinson added to Lions squad after proving fitness - 橄欖球

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2005-05-09T13:26

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Wilkinson added to Lions squad after proving fitness
Mon 09 May, 2:47 AM

LONDON (Reuters) - Injury-plagued England flyhalf Jonny Wilkinson has been
added to the British and Irish Lions squad to tour New Zealand after proving
his fitness to head coach Clive Woodward.
The 25-year-old Newcastle player has just returned to action after aggravating
a knee injury on his comeback from shoulder problems in March.
"When we announced the squad a number of players had to prove their fitness
before inclusion in the tour party -- this included Jonny," Woodward said on
"He has come through it with typical determination and I am delighted that he
is able to join the tour party when we assemble on the 17th May.
"I have been monitoring his progress over the past few weeks and have been
impressed, he has looked good physically and his appetite for the game has
clearly not diminished."
Wilkinson has not played a test since drop-kicking the winning goal in the 2003
World Cup final against Australia.
Ireland centre Brian O'Driscoll will captain the team for the three-test tour
starting in June. He is the first Irishman to lead the Lions since Ciaran
Fitzgerald skippered the 1983 side in New Zealand.


All Comments

Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2005-05-12T05:41
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2005-05-14T02:40
Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2005-05-18T08:35
稍微有點幹勁了= =

Official Lions website

Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2005-05-01T16:11
http://www.lionsrugby.com/ - ...

Fixture list for Lions tour to NZ

Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2005-05-01T16:10
Fixture list for Lions tour to NZ The British and Irish Lions will play 11 matches in New Zealand over six weeks, including three Tests against the All Bl ...

Re: 請問一下

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2005-04-22T01:24
印象中有很多醫學院所都有橄欖球社或比賽 以前所有軍官院校也都有隊,也都有例行比 賽現在我看都改打壘球籃球之類的。 光復初期橄欖球還有許許多多的比賽ㄋ..... 我是沒有球友,不然就是找不到地方打, 想想還是一個懶,其實有塊草皮玩玩傳接球耶不錯....... ※ 引述《totoyou (塗吐)》之銘言: : ...

Re: 請問一下

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2005-04-20T12:03
※ 引述《wiser512 (人無一德以報天)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《totoyou (塗吐)》之銘言: : : 請問一下 : : 在台灣的教育體系之中 : : 有那些學校有橄欖球校隊呢 : 我知道的有 台大 成大 陸官 : 成大有系隊....其它學校我不清楚 : ...

Re: 請問一下

Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2005-04-20T05:07
※ 引述《totoyou (塗吐)》之銘言: : 請問一下 : 在台灣的教育體系之中 : 有那些學校有橄欖球校隊呢 就我所知有:逢甲 淡江 真理 光武 台大 政大 海大 成大 中正理工 陸官       台體 北體 輔大 東海(不知道還存不存在) 淡江中學 建中 六 ...