Wes Sims Interview - 綜合格鬥 Mixed Martial Arts

Una avatar
By Una
at 2009-10-12T00:55

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"I want to start working on my porn career."

"I just want to make sure because everybody knows I've got the largest crotch
in the sport"

"Frank Trigg did some gay shit."

WS: Are you kidding me? I flew a chick out there and I started beating the
fuck out of her immediately. I had my girl fly out and I fucked the shit out
of her in the hotel. I locked us in the hotel; we didn't get out for an
entire day.

TVO: Did you paralyze her or what?

WS: Oh my God. At first go was horrible for myself because it was just
ridiculous. But after that, I about ripped her guts out. I tell ya one
thing . . . if I was someone waiting to get her kidney or something, I'd be
dead because her shit's all bruised up.

TVO: So what's the dirtiest thing you've ever seen Phil Baroni do?

WS: Man, I just think some of those internet pictures where his pants are
hiked down well below his belt line just above his incredibly small penis.
And it just makes me sick. I can't imagine some of the shit he's done. I can
only assume, I can only assume he's had unprotected gay sex for money. And
quote me for that, please.


All Comments

Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2009-10-13T06:23
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2009-10-15T09:59
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2009-10-19T12:48
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2009-10-20T09:18
I'm so blessed that I don't read English~~~~~

K-1 World Max 2009 Final Preview Video

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2009-10-11T22:03
http://www.mmatko.com/fields-k-1-world-max-2009-preview-video/ -- 歡迎到PTT總合格鬥版 12 國家體育場 汗水, 鬥志, 膽識 5 PttSport 運動 Σ運動/水上/冰上/極限/體操/武術 19 ˇ ...

Hidden Camera 搞笑節目惹錯人了

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2009-10-11T09:13
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mNOmSw9u7g 平常都還蠻愛看這種節目..不過這個也不錯 XD 真的是高手.... - ...

Brock Lesnar vs. Bobby Lashley

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2009-10-11T02:54
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Roger Gracie vs Ronaldo "Jacare" Souza

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2009-10-11T02:00
http://tinyurl.com/yhvb9qh -- 歡迎到PTT總合格鬥版 12 國家體育場 汗水, 鬥志, 膽識 5 PttSport 運動 Σ運動/水上/冰上/極限/體操/武術 19 ˇMMA 運動 ●總合格鬥、K-1、UFC - ...

西門町6號出口 一起練拳

Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2009-10-10T20:16
各位鄉民: 有興趣一起跟我們練習嗎? 參加方式: 直接到現場 逾時不候 時間:明天(10/11) 下午一點 集合地點:台北市 西門町六號出口 練習內容: 站立技 教練: Jason Bukich 費用: 免費 P.S.:請自備飲用水 著運動鞋 帶個人訓練裝備 疑問請撥: 0986-00878 ...