"We Miss TAI Tzu Ying" by 英國鐵粉 - 羽球

Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2020-10-03T18:16

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We Miss TAI Tzu Ying
October 3, 2020 (新鮮出爐)

The bombshell word ‘retirement’ was spoken by TAI tzu Ying about a year
ago and a shudder passed through her millions of fans. Seven months into
lockdown with no big tournament since YAE I’m beginning to understand what
the badminton landscape will look like without this extraordinary player and
I don’t like it. Jaw dropping visionary play blended with virtuoso racket
skills is a mix made in badminton heaven so a tournament without the chance
to witness a reverse slice straight backhand drop executed by the Queen
suddenly loses a little glitter.

In her most recent interview on Badminton Unlimited TTY offers some
reassurance to her supporters. She is certain that she will continue to
compete until next season ends and then she will mull over her options. This
means that we can enjoy the anticipation of watching her participate in her
third Olympics. I would love to see her on that podium in Japan, alongside
some of my other favourites like Ratchanok, Nozomi or Akane. Imagine a Gold
medal match between May and Tzu Ying; this would be a version of paradise for
me and lots of other fans.

這畫面太美 不過小拉應該需要大爆氣才有可能
開心作者大大另外喜歡的是奧原跟小茜 :D

Coach Lai has been smart in keeping training fresh. TTY has mentioned before
that she doesn’t go out ‘much’. Pictures on Instagram frequently show her
enjoying being outdoors and I’ve often joked that she should work for the
Taiwan tourist board when she retires. The beautiful scenery around her gives
a spectacular backdrop to a bike ride or hike with her training partners.
Without the intensity of a jam-packed tournament calendar she should be able
to address any niggling injuries, and enjoy a fitness programme with an
altered aim. I think that the focus will have been adjusted because she will
not have to be on a (literal and metaphorical) treadmill to get prepared for
next week’s match. This is why we have seen her enjoying cross training and
sports like beach football and boxing. The emphasis on agility and
flexibility remains but there will be interesting cross-fertilisation from
other sports. It’s a good time to review technique and strategies but most
of all this is a chance to emotionally refresh and rest intelligently.

行銷台灣觀光 考慮一下小戴的影響力吧

The playing career of an elite player is really quite short. Movement has to
be explosive with instant changes in direction and this can trigger severe
pressure on knees and arms. Press conferences after finals are often
conducted with the winners pressing ice-packs to their shoulders. The
emotional cost of competition can be challenging too; stepping onto court
with the hopes of your nation upon your shoulders is not easy; especially
when supporters don’t see the hours of sweat in training. Added to this are
the constant demands of the tournament schedule: international travel may
seem glamourous but an endless landscape of airports and hotels can quickly
dull the excitement.

We have three tournaments planned for Thailand in January 2021 with exacting
covid protocols insisted upon by the Thai authorities. Quarantines, regular
swab tests and temperature checks blended with stringent hygiene requirements
and social bubbles should give reassurance to many but perception of risk is
diverse. It’s impossible to predict where we will be in the trajectory of
this pandemic by then.

Covid has annihilated the tournament schedule and it has given many athletes
time to pause and reflect on their career path. The motivation to train
without a reason is hard to maintain so it is reassuring to see that Tai Tzu
Ying can still get up early in the morning, leave her house at 7am and start
training at 8.30. This is the mark of a true champion. The players who can
keep their enthusiasm and focus amidst the crisis will be the ones who return
stronger. I long to watch her next game.

If you enjoyed this here is a link to my review of TTY’s performance at
Taiwan’s Mock Olympics

and this one about her recent acquisition of patience

作者 Amanda Bloss

懶得看英文沒關係 猜想有機會這篇可以上台灣新聞的


Tags: 羽球

All Comments

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2020-10-07T10:10
Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2020-10-09T12:27
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2020-10-13T23:15
都忘記看比賽胃痛的心情了 好像模擬小戴退休時期QAQ
Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2020-10-17T23:52
沒羽球都不像十月了 以前十月就是爆肝月RRRRRRR

羽球/跨界挑戰 坤達和戴資穎下戰帖

Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2020-10-01T11:38
羽球/跨界挑戰 坤達和戴資穎下戰帖 2020-09-30 17:09 聯合報 記者曾思儒/即時報導 藝能界羽球高手坤達在全新錄製的網路節目《揪健身吧!魔鏡》大展身手,勇敢向台灣知 名羽將「世界球后」戴資穎下戰帖,另外藉機和小戴團隊請教健身菜單,並請教練偷偷分 享賽事間的小戴趣事。 小戴曾在社群網站分享自 ...

萬華國中 徵求 1~2 人合報

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2020-10-01T11:24
# 時間: 每星期一晚上 19:00 ~ 21:00 # 地點: 萬華國中 # 費用: 3 人上課 $750/2hr, 4 人上課 $550/2hr, 季繳 # 說明: 有 2位同學暫停上課,目前加我剩下 2個學生,所以想徵 1~2 位球伴一起來上課 上課方式是教練輪流指導每個學生,同一個時間只會有 ...


Una avatar
By Una
at 2020-09-30T20:10
教練我想打球.... https://i.imgur.com/8Rnei7Y.jpg 希望在東湖、南港及汐止附近...。 平日晚上或星期六晚上 謝謝 - ...

10/4 14-18博愛國小場地分租

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2020-09-28T23:54
分租信義區場地(有冷氣)~近捷運市府站、象山站 10/4(日)-1400-1600 2面(2小時1000元) 10/4(日)-1600-1800 2面或3面(2小時1000元) 10/11(日)-1600-1800 1面(2小時1000元) 意者站內信,謝謝。 - ...

10/05(一) 永和運動中心 1000-1200

Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2020-09-28T23:47
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