Washington Nationals' Skipper Davey Johnson On Chien-Min - 棒球

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2011-07-30T21:55

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Washington Nationals' Skipper Davey Johnson On Chien-Ming Wang,
Tom Milone And Brad Peacock.

by Patrick Reddington on Jul 30, 2011 9:00 AM EDT


Nationals' Skipper Davey Johnson let out a long, exasperated breath as he
sat down in front of the microphone and beyond the mic the D.C. press corps
following Washington's sixth-straight loss last night, an 8-5 defeat at the
hands of the New York Mets. Asked about the effort on the part of Chien-Ming
Wang, who'd returned to the mound following over two years of rehabbing his
right shoulder, Johnson said, "I was actually impressed. I thought he threw
the ball rather pertly. That first inning he got the ball up, they've got
some good hitters in the lineup, they didn't try to do too much with it,
just hit soft little line drives. Second inning he got the ball down more.
I don't think his arm is fully strong. Some of his breaking balls were not
breaking too good, but I liked the way he threw and if he didn't have the
rough first inning where he threw a lot of pitches I probably would have
gone another inning with him."

Davey Johnson was then asked if Chien-Ming Wang will get another start,
and the manager responded clearly, "Yes he will."

"It's unbelieveable the dedication he had to get to this point," Johnson said
when asked about Wang working his way back to the mound. "I was pleased with
his delivery. It looked like he dropped down a little bit more than I'd like
to see him. I'd like him a little bit more on top, but second and third
inning I liked the way the ball was moving, but again, it's just two years,
and most of it's been building up his arm, but for me, he threw strikes, that
was great. All in all, my main concern was he come out of there healthy.
And he said he was feeling okay, he could continue, but I wanted to err on
the safe side."

The manager was also impressed by Chien-Ming Wang's reaction to a rough first
in which he surrendered four runs to the Mets. "He kept his poise in a rough
first inning," Johnson said, "after being out a couple years, I thought he
stayed right in there and kept throwing strikes and going after them. Just
got the ball up. All in all, I thought that was a good one to get under his
belt." As for Wang's sinker, Johnson said, "It's not like it was before, but
it's, again, early in his comeback. But his delivery looked free and easy,
he had some good velocity on the ball, and I was pleased. I really didn't
think I was going to see that much to be honest with you."

The loss was Wang's first since 2009 and the Nationals' sixth-straight this
season, and Davey Johnson hinted that there may be some changes soon. "We're
looking at things that we can do to help the ballclub. We're still in that
building mode. There's some moves that we have available to us that we have
a couple guys that are knocking on the door. Pitchers in particular, and
depending on what happens the next couple days, we [might] see a new young
arm up here. Right now, the starting pitching, we've got to have some
improvement there and we're looking for Chien-Ming to give us some
improvement there his next few outings."

Asked if he meant any particular "young arms" Johnson said, "[Tom] Milone
has done a great job down there, he's probably been if not the best, one of
the best pitchers in the International League, and young [Brad] Peacock came
up, threw a one-hitter. He tore up Double-A. He's the other one. So, there's
some guys that I'd like to get some experience up here."

As for what Chien-Ming Wang has to improve, Johnson said, "getting his arm
built up to full-strength. He'll get better movement, better command,
better everything. That's a typical...I wouldn't say typical, but that's
the kind of start you get out of the Spring. Right out of Spring."

But all in all, Johnson said, "I was not disappointed with what I saw
tonight." Chien-Ming Wang is back. He earned it, and in spite of the loss,
seemed to enjoy the payoff for all the hard work he's done.


Tags: 棒球

All Comments

Una avatar
By Una
at 2011-08-04T15:47
Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2011-08-07T01:16
Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2011-08-09T07:24
George avatar
By George
at 2011-08-10T15:46
Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2011-08-13T11:16
Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2011-08-16T16:27
先關心手臂的健康 其它的再慢慢回來吧 王加油~
Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2011-08-20T16:40
Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2011-08-21T03:56
Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2011-08-22T19:43
因為人家是大聯盟 所以這種表現也不可能一直忍受 像樣
Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2011-08-25T22:14
點的先發今年好歹要有幾場 不然沒球團是學佛的啦
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2011-08-26T06:00
Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2011-08-27T06:33


Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2011-07-30T20:18
http://0rz.tw/dlGnF http://0rz.tw/RFfKe (抱歉目前只有fb照片, 不過那海報還滿吸晴的哈哈~) 媽!我上現場臨時小尖叫活動了!!! 小弟不遠千里...(其實總共900miles...) 從印第安那殺到DC...其實我覺得...還滿值得的... 前 ...

現在民視新聞台 台灣演義 阿民

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2011-07-30T19:57
※ [本文轉錄自 Baseball 看板 #1EC_58LQ ] 作者: timberlandd (爭鮮) 看板: Baseball 標題: [閒聊] 現在民視新聞台 台灣演義 阿民 時間: Sat Jul 30 19:55:49 2011 如標題 7:55剛開始 民視新聞台 台灣演義 今天是阿 ...

MLB/王建民復出首戰 名球評楊清瓏肯定

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2011-07-30T17:40
原文網址: MLB/王建民復出首戰 過關名球評楊清瓏3考驗 今日新聞網 http://www.nownews.com/2011/07/30/341-2731715.htm 王建民在台北時間30日先發對大都會,儘管投4局失6分吞敗仗,但國民總教練強森 (Davey Johnson)認為建仔表現及格,將把他留在 ...

太興奮才失準 王建民談復出

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2011-07-30T17:13
王建民今天在大聯盟成功復出,在賽後接受專訪時,談起第一局一口氣失掉四分,王建民 說,當時因為心情太過興奮,沒辦法定下心來好好控球,國民隊總教練強森強調,王建民 的表現沒讓球隊失望,賽後立刻宣佈,王建民將在四天後出戰勇士隊。 對國民這支小市場球隊來說,賽後聚集那麼多媒體等待陣中的外籍球員,這真的相當罕見 , ...

擺脫緊繃情緒 王建民可以更好

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2011-07-30T16:42
作者: 曹玉烱 王建民在睽違2年之後終於重返大聯盟賽場,雖然這場與大都會的比賽僅投4局就退場,且 帳面內容也不盡理想,但球評曾文誠認為,王建民其實表現比預期要來得好。 曾文誠首先指出,首局可看得出王建民因許久未在大聯盟投球而露出嚴肅神情,而在情緒 緊張、緊繃的壓力下未能進入狀況,因而被打擊近況相當好的大 ...