Wang's strong outing lost in walk-off shuffle - 棒球

Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2011-08-28T16:54

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Wang's strong outing lost in walk-off shuffle
Righty tosses six innings; Ramos belts three-run home run

By Bill Ladson / | 8/27/2011 12:22 AM ET


Miguel Cairo's single in the bottom of the ninth inning helped the Reds
defeat the Nationals, 4-3, at Great American Ball Park on Friday night.

The game was tied at 3 when Cincinnati scored the winning run off
reliever Collin Balester, who was the first to say that he was too
predictable on the mound. He said he threw almost nothing but fastballs.

With one out, Drew Stubbs singled to left field before Todd Frazier
followed with a single, putting runners on first and second. Cairo
came to the plate and swung at a 1-0 pitch, roping the ball to left-center
field and scoring Stubbs to end the game.

"You obviously don't want to go out there and lose the game for the
team, but I have to mix it up a little more. You just can't throw all
fastballs," Balester said. "They know when a fastball is coming, so I
have to throw more offspeed pitches and not be so predictable. I was
throwing fastballs in fastballs counts. They hit the ball well, and
they won the game."

The loss spoiled another solid outing by right-hander Chien-Ming Wang.
Manager Davey Johnson often talks about how much he wants to see Wang
make progress after missing almost two years with shoulder problems.

On Friday, Wang showed that he is getting stronger. He pitched six innings,
allowing two runs -- one of which was earned -- on six hits. He struck out
two batters and walked four.

"I thought he threw a strong game," Johnson said. "It looks like he got
stronger as the game went on. If the game was a little different, I would
have gone another inning with him. But he pitched a great game."

The unearned run occurred in the second inning. With one out, Frazier
reached base on an error by shortstop Ian Desmond. Three batters later,
Frazier would score the first run of the game on a single by Brandon

Wang would cruise until the sixth inning. He retired the first two
hitters he faced but walked Paul Janish and allowed a single to his
counterpart, Dontrelle Willis, before Janish came home on a single
by Phillips.

"I felt today that the sinker had good movement. I kept it down," Wang
said through an interpreter. "Location is good. I can throw the ball more
easily. The shoulder feels better. The biggest problem is the release
point. I think I can get a good release point."

The Nationals gave Wang the lead with three runs in the fourth inning,
when Wilson Ramos swung at a 1-0 pitch and hit a three-run homer over
the right-field wall. It was Ramos' 11th home run of the season.

The home run broke a 1-for-35 slide with runners in scoring position.

"The three-run home run, I thought it was a good pitch, and he put a
good swing, so hat's off to him," Willis said. "Those are the types
of games where you have to bear down and focus and not let it be 5-0,
5-1, 6-1, or kind of let the game get out of reach."

Willis didn't let the game get out of reach. He lasted seven innings
and allowed the three runs. But Johnson was disappointed that his club
didn't make Willis pay for allowing several baserunners. In fact in the
first three innings, the Nationals went a combined 0-for-6 with a walk
with runners in scoring position. For the game, Washington went 1-for-13.

"I thought he was very hittable, but he was out there a long time,"
Johnson said. "I thought we would do better than we did. It was just
the one blow. He threw a bunch of pitches and kept them in the game."

Desmond is convinced that the law of averages will be on the Nationals'
side soon.

"Sometimes you are going to get hits, sometimes you are not. Right now,
we are not," Desmond said. "You can hold us down but for so long. The
numbers are going to change our way."

Wang would end up with a no-decision as the Reds came back and tied
the score in the seventh inning off Tom Gorzelanny. With runners on
first and second and two outs, Frazier singled to center, scoring
Jay Bruce to tie the score at 3.

With the loss, the Nationals' record dropped to 62-68.

Bill Ladson is a reporter for and writes an MLBlog,
All Nats All the time He also could be found on Twitter @WashingNats.
This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or
its clubs.

Tags: 棒球

All Comments

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2011-08-31T15:26
Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2011-08-31T21:47
Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2011-09-03T11:08


Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2011-08-28T13:56
若要用4BB這個數據來說建仔控球不好 對建仔來說 的確是太苛責了 昨天主審的好球帶真的很奇怪 這就不用再冗訴了 但看到有些人說and#34;控球差!?有沒有看比賽?and#34; 我倒覺得滿納悶的 如果有看比賽 就會知道建仔這場的確有一些控球問題 尤其指前兩局 大家會覺得建仔 ...

建仔 求勝無援 內野守不住 搶分火力差

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2011-08-28T13:51 2011年 08月28日 【賴德剛╱綜合報導】王建民在大聯盟以滾地球投手著稱,但要靠此拿 勝投,就得隊友守備支援,昨2局下戴斯蒙(Ian Desmond)失誤 ...

王建民再戰勇士 挑戰更嚴厲

Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2011-08-28T11:30
記者方正東/綜合報導 ESPN預測,國民隊台灣投手王建民台北時間9月2日上午7時將再戰勇士隊,這將是建仔復出 之後,第2次碰勇士,經驗老到的瓊斯(Chipper Jones)以及強力型捕手麥肯(Brian McCann)都已歸隊,所以這一次對王建民而言,是更嚴厲的挑戰。 王建民在8月4日曾對勇士隊先發, ...


Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2011-08-28T08:10
看到很多所謂and#34;專家and#34;拿建仔昨天單場4BB 來說嘴控球不佳 但情況真的是如此嗎? 怎麼不說在昨天主審婊很大的情況下 才4BB 已經偷笑了 細部分析每個BB 第一個BB: 兩好三壞的狀況下 最後一球 壓的邊邊角角 主審沒撿 國民教練也是一臉不悅的表情 第二個BB: 對上近況火熱的 ...


Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2011-08-27T21:55
聊一點輕鬆的 王表現好比賽也結束了 但球季還沒結束 他未來要簽什麼約去那一隊現在討論也沒多大意義更別說以前的球隊如何了 以上個人感想 所以純粹無聊 把2011年國聯各隊投手打擊的數據整理一下 ----------------------------------------------------- ...