Wang making another rehab start at T … - 棒球

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2011-07-20T10:46

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文章有夠鬼打牆 前面幾乎每一段都在說一樣的話 XD

※ 引述《yyhong68 (come every now and then)》之銘言:
: Wang making another rehab start at Triple-A

: HOUSTON -- Chien-Ming Wang was scheduled to make another rehab start
: for Triple-A Syracuse on Tuesday night.

: When he will join the Nationals remains unclear.

: "He'll probably be up here to pitch the 29th or 30th [of July] if he has
: no problems," manager Davey Johnson said. "He has to be healthy and his
: delivery easy."
經理說「沒問題的話月底回來 如果一切良好的話。」

: Wang is expected to make one more start in Triple-A before making it to
: the Majors.

: "It's all speculation," general manager Mike Rizzo said. "We haven't made
: a decision on when we'll bring him up."
另一個經理「一切都不確定 我們還沒決定」

: Wang has not pitched in the Majors since 2009, when he played for the
: Yankees. He underwent shoulder surgery in July of that year.

: Johnson hoped that Wang would throw about 90 pitches on Tuesday.

: "This is like the end of Spring Training for him," Johnson said.
: Wang pitched six scoreless innings for Double-A Harrisburg last Thursday.

: Gene Duffey is a contributor to This story was not subject to t
: he approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs.


很多飲料店都用保麗龍杯子 飲料你只要20分鐘就可以喝完
但是留下的保麗龍杯子 地球500年都消化不完
如果你只買一杯 或是買了就直接喝 請不要又拿一個塑膠袋包著喝 很浪費

夏天其實沒有真的很熱 冷氣不用開這麼冷 每人冷氣每調高一度
就可以省6%的電力 一整個夏天可以省84億度的電

Tags: 棒球

All Comments

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2011-07-22T10:23
國民隊眾經理:別再問了 我也不知道
Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2011-07-23T19:17
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2011-07-26T10:09
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2011-07-27T02:23
Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2011-07-27T10:53
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2011-07-29T11:05
是今天喔 orz
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2011-08-01T13:40
manager = 總教練 general manager = GM 總管

Wang making another rehab start at Triple-A

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2011-07-20T10:10
Wang making another rehab start at Triple-A HOUSTON -- Chien-Ming Wang was scheduled to make another rehab start for Triple-A Syracuse on Tuesday night. ...

Nationals plan on bringing Chien-Ming Wang to majors by

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2011-07-20T09:59
算是賽前的新聞 Nationals plan on bringing Chien-Ming Wang to majors by the end of July By Adam Kilgore The Nationals plan on Chien-Ming Wang making one more st ...


Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2011-07-20T09:14
IP H R ER BB SO HR ERA Wang 5.2 7 3 3 1 4 1 4.76 其實表現不算差 除了第3局爆走外 其他幾局表現還算水準之上 今天滾地球也不少 值得一提的是 對手今天棒子都很黏 這大概就是2A跟3A的差距 不過王還是跟以 ...


Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
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Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2011-07-20T08:05
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