Wang hopes Triple-A starts with Syracuse Chiefs keep him - 棒球

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2011-07-19T14:35

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Wang hopes Triple-A starts with Syracuse Chiefs keep him on track
for Washington
Published: Monday, July 18, 2011, 10:07 PM
Updated: Monday, July 18, 2011, 10:09 PM

The last time that Randy Knorr watched Chien-Ming Wang pitch in person,
Wang made an impression that’s stayed strong five seasons later.

Knorr was a bullpen coach for the Washington Nationals at the time and
Wang was the starting pitcher for the opposing New York Yankees. Yang(1)
handcuffed the Nationals and took a 2-1 lead into the ninth before Ryan
Zimmerman hit a two-run homer off him to win the game.

“It was an unbelievable game he pitched that day. I was sitting in the
bullpen thinking, no one can touch him,” Knorr said. “That was pretty
awesome. I’ve watched some guys pitch games before. For that one to
stand out...”

Knorr is now the first-year manager of the Syracuse Chiefs, and, however
briefly, Wang is on his side. If Knorr sees even a glimpse of the same
Wang on Tuesday that he recalled from 2006, the Nationals have could have
quite a bargain in their rotation.

Wang is scheduled to make his first Triple-A rehab start 7 p.m. at
Alliance Bank Stadium against the Buffalo Bisons. Wang is recovering
from shoulder surgery and has not pitched in a major league game since
July 4, 2009.

“I’m feeling good. I need to make adjustments,” Wang said through an
interpreter on Monday. “I’ve been (gone) two years. I’m still trying
to figure out (how to get) back to two years before.”

So much has changed for the righty in those 24 months. When healthy, he
was a Yankees ace.

Wang was 55-26 with a 4.16 ERA in 109 games in his New York career, which
ran from 2005 to 2009 after signing as an undrafted free agent in 2000.
The 31-year old had his best season in 2006, finishing second in American
League Cy Young voting after a 19-6 campaign with a 3.63 ERA.

“It’s fair. That’s me,” Wang said when asked if he’s capable of matching
those numbers again. “I’m still the same pitcher.”

But he’s still damaged goods until proven otherwise. Shoulder problems
ended his Yankees career and Washington figured he was a worthy long-term
gamble when it signed him as a free agent two off-seasons ago.

“It’s part of the game. I have to deal with it,” Wang said of his long
recovery. “I just have to become more stronger and stronger.”

Wang said he’s about 90 percent back to where he was, and the reviews on
his return have been encouraging. He is 2-0 with a 1.00 ERA in four starts
among Class-A Hagerstown, Class A-Advanced Potomac and Double-A Harrisburg.
He has tossed 18 innings and has allowed 13 hits, two runs and two walks
while striking out eight.

“All the reports are great. I’m looking forward to getting him where he
needs to,” Knorr said. “He’s got tunnel vision of what he wants to
accomplish. He wants to get back in the big leagues. My job is to watch him
and make sure he doesn’t hurt himself. That’s the only job I have

Wang’s safety net will include a 90-pitch limit. If all goes as planned
Wang will make another start with the Chiefs, likely in

“The only thing I can do is do my best,” Wang said. “I just have to
trust myself. The last two years have been up and down.”

Note — Syracuse’s game against Buffalo on Monday, the first of a four-game
set, was rained out. It will be made up as part of a doubleheader starting
at 5 p.m. on Wednesday. Today’s action was limited to a single game because
the Chiefs are visiting Fort Drum in the morning and won’t get back until
the mid-afternoon.

Lindsay Kramer can be reached at 470-2151 or [email protected].

1. Yang應該是打錯了, 想是要打Wang

Tags: 棒球

All Comments

Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2011-07-21T18:11

MLB/20日投第5場復健賽 王建民旋風即將席捲3A

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2011-07-19T09:45
記者黃樺君/綜合報導 旅美好手王建民前天(15日)在2A投了第4場小聯盟復健賽,不但內容過關,隔天身體也未 有不適,而今天更進一步消息傳出,王建民預訂將在台北時間下周三(20日)於國民3A雪 城列車長隊投第5場復健賽。 根據《》報導,國民3A雪城列車長隊今天宣布,王建民將在台北時間 ...

王建民成功復出在望 美網友:非常興奮!

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2011-07-19T08:22
王建民成功復出在望 美網友:非常興奮! 國民隊台灣投手王建民小聯盟復健賽完美,被美國網站《The Nats Blog》以「犀利」( sharp)稱讚,並期待他能以同等實力回饋大聯盟,而國民隊官網刊登出王建民即將在3A 進行第五場復健賽之後,立刻引發熱烈回響,甚至還有網友說,若建仔能在絕佳的時間點 復出,讓他 ...

王建民轉3A 20日投復健賽

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2011-07-18T08:40
(中央社記者蕭保祥台北17日綜合報導) 台灣投手王建民這星期將進行第5場復健賽,華盛頓國民今天公布王建民登板時間, 將於台灣時間20日上午到小聯盟3A的雪城領袖(Syracuse Chiefs)主場比賽。 國民3A球團雪城領袖官網今天發布消息,表示王建民將於20日在3A進行第5場復健賽,這 也是當地球隊的大 ...

重返大聯盟 建仔只差2步

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2011-07-18T08:38
中國時報【李弘斌/雪城報導】 經過第4場復健賽在2A的6局無失分好投後,旅美台灣投手王建民重返大聯盟的最後兩步, 將晉升至3A層級接受最後考驗。後天他將代表華盛頓國民隊所屬3A雪城酋長隊,於主場對 上大都會3A的水牛城野牛隊,目標是投到90球。 《》記者葛斯林指出,當建仔已投出 ...

身心都已調整好 王建民回大聯盟、快了!

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2011-07-18T07:02
身心都已調整好 王建民回大聯盟、快了! 因肩傷,國民隊台灣投手王建民將近2年未登板投球,最近,建仔正在投復健賽,為重返 大聯盟奮戰中;王建民在2A先發2場投11局,沒有投出保送,讓人印象深刻,由此也可看 出,建仔的身心狀態都已調整好,回大聯盟指日可待。 王建民效力洋基隊時期,曾在2006年及2007年連2 ...