Wang back in camp - 棒球

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2010-03-09T11:46

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台灣媒體High 翻了, 約來了十幾家媒體, 小王是國民隊史上最受人注目的亞洲球員,
故引來一堆台灣媒體的報導。先前對他國民隊會造成多大改變的疑慮, 在週一早上消失了


Wang back in camp

By Ben Goessling on March 8, 2010 10:28 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)

The dozen or so Taiwanese media members present at Nationals camp this
morning diligently ordered themselves just outside the third-base dugout,
cameras ready to go.

Several players had fun with it, mugging for the cameras as if the attention
was for them. But when Chien-Ming Wang emerged from the home dugout at Space
Coast Stadium to a symphony of shutters and led his entourage to the
outfield, it was clear a new wrinkle had developed in the Nationals' universe.

Wang is the highest-profile Asian player in the team's history, bringing with
him a gaggle of reporters and the attention of the world's most populous
nation. If there was any doubt about how much his presence will change the
Nationals, it disappeared Monday morning.

But from a pure baseball standpoint, Wang's arrival doesn't mean much yet. He
came back Monday after continuing a throwing program in Arizona to rebuild
strength in his surgically-repaired shoulder.

On Monday, he was scheduled to play catch from 120 feet with Jordan
Zimmermann, another pitcher recovering from major surgery. He isn't expected
to be ready for a major-league game until May, and even then, it's uncertain
whether he can regain the form he had when he won a combined 38 games with
the Yankees in 2006-07.

"I know how talented he is," manager Jim Riggleman said. "But like anybody
else, you're vulnerable to elbow and shoulder problems. We hope that those
are behind him by the time he gets on the mound, because he could be a real
boost to this club."

Riggleman refrained from putting a timetable on when Wang could get on the
mound. But if he comes back, he could be a huge boost to the rotation in May
or June. He throws a hard-sinking fastball, and would have a chance to be one
of the Nationals' top starters if he's capable of regaining the form he had
with the Yankees.

"I know the comments the hitters have made about him, that he threw hard and
the ball really sinks," Riggleman said. "He gives you a chance to have some
quick innings, ground-ball outs. You just have to withhold judgment until
he's healthy, and I look forward to that day."

Tags: 棒球

All Comments

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2010-03-10T11:18
Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2010-03-12T22:41
world's most populous nation?把我們當中國了嗎?科科
Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2010-03-14T23:38

建仔抵佛州 3/9春訓報到

William avatar
By William
at 2010-03-09T03:47 民視新聞網 王建民在費雪訓練中心歷經1個多月的自主訓練,8日終於結束,並且帶著妻小搭機抵達佛 羅里達,準備在9日投入國民隊的春訓,王建民投入春訓後,將先把傳接球距離拉長到160 呎, ...

國民投手群又放火 熱身賽4戰狂丟50分!

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2010-03-09T00:42
唉唉..看來王葛格以後要拿勝投是難上加難了 ( ̄□ ̄|||)a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ...

王建民加入春訓 預告五月登板

Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2010-03-08T15:45
【台灣醒報記者林永富綜合報導】旅美投手王建民成為國民隊一員之後,美東時間三月八 日將加入春訓行列,結束在亞歷桑那的復健,開始隨國民隊移動。仍在復健的王建民,國 民隊預告約可在五月成為固定輪值的先發投手之一,目前先列入傷兵名單。 「今日美國報」(USA Today)報導,國民隊季初的先發投手安排,依序為左投蘭 ...


Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2010-03-05T00:00
請問 我如果要報考體育班(棒球)
體育� ...

MLB/「單季沒300安就扁你!」 小葛逗笑一朗

Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2010-03-04T17:46
記者石屹軒/綜合報導 西雅圖水手的日本球星鈴木一朗,今年將挑戰大聯盟史無前例的連10季200安打紀錄,隊 上的精神領袖小葛瑞菲(Ken Griffey Jr.),將扮演拿著教鞭在旁監督的「鐵血教官」。 「一朗你今年最好給我打300支安打。」葛教官發出警告了,「要是我看不到300安,小心 我把你KO掉!」 ...