Victoria Azarenka 宣布私人因素退出美網 - 網球 Tennis

Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2017-08-17T23:57

Table of Contents


My incredible fans and friends, who have supported me throughout my career des
erve to know why I may not be able to compete at the U.S Open this year.

The day my son Leo was born, back in December of last year, was by far the hap
piest day of my life. I now have a brand new appreciation for how new mothers
- and fathers – juggle the many different responsibilities for their families
. However, like most working mothers, despite my unconditional love for my son
, I am faced with a difficult situation which may not allow me to return to wo
rk right away.

In Belarus back in March, with my family in tow, I started working toward the
goal of returning to the tennis tour and competing at a high level by July 31s
t. I was able to return early, playing in Mallorca mid-June followed by Wimble

Shortly after Wimbledon, Leo’s father and I separated and as we work to resol
ve some of the legal processes, the way things stand now is that the only way
I can play in the US Open this year is if I leave Leo behind in California, wh
ich I’m not willing to do.

Balancing child care and a career is not easy for any parent, but it is a chal
lenge I am willing to face and embrace. I want to support men and women everyw
here who know it is ok to be a working mother - or father. No one should ever
have to decide between a child and their career, we are strong enough to do bo

I am incredibly grateful for all of the support I have received from women and
men around the world who recognize the importance of supporting working moms
and our right to be with our children. I look forward to hopefully having posi
tive developments soon so that this difficult situation can be resolved and I
can get back to competing. No parent should have to decide between their child
or their career.

I remain optimistic that in the coming days Leo’s father and I can put aside
any differences and take steps in the right direction to more effectively work
as a team and agree on an arrangement for all three of us to travel and for m
e to compete but, more importantly to ensure that Leo has a consistent presenc
e from both of his parents.

(也就是說如果要參加美網 就必須離開小孩)



Tags: 網球

All Comments

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2017-08-18T01:12
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2017-08-18T02:28
Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2017-08-18T03:44
加油vika 希望能快點談好回歸
Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2017-08-18T04:59
Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2017-08-18T06:15
只能說慘 ! 想到當年跟Redfoo交往的Aza場內外活潑開心多了 希望能順利取得監護權好好把孩子帶大
Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2017-08-18T07:31
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2017-08-18T08:46
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2017-08-18T10:02
Vika 加油
Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2017-08-18T11:18
太衰了吧 剛生完小孩就遇到這種鳥事
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2017-08-18T12:33
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2017-08-18T13:49
人不對的話 結婚生子女可能更慘XDD
Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2017-08-18T15:05
據說男方偷吃外還有家暴過 若能提出證據AZA拿到監護權應該不難 只是男方是美國籍 在撫養權未判定前小孩歸男
Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2017-08-18T16:20
方照顧 AZA不覺得男方照顧得好就只能待在加州了
Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2017-08-18T17:36
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2017-08-18T18:52
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2017-08-18T20:07
Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2017-08-18T21:23
應該說 官司解決前不能隨便移動小孩 所以很麻煩美國監護權官司很麻煩的 小把柄都會被拿出來細看
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2017-08-18T22:39
這麼說 AZA到監護權官司判決完之前 都不能打比賽了嗎?
Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2017-08-18T23:54
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2017-08-19T01:10
希望最後的結果能夠圓滿 早點回到球場
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2017-08-19T02:25
Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2017-08-19T03:41
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2017-08-19T04:57

辛辛那提網賽/蒙特婁剛捧冠 澤瑞夫爆冷

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2017-08-17T22:09
UDN 辛辛那提網賽/蒙特婁剛捧冠 澤瑞夫爆冷落馬 持外卡才站上辛辛那提名人賽舞台,美國19歲小將帝亞弗今天卻寫下生涯最大勝利,世界 排名87的他以4:6、6:3、6:4逆轉剛在蒙特婁名人賽摘冠的德國「一哥」澤瑞夫,寫下 今天最大冷門。 兩人雖只相差一歲,世界排名卻有80名的差距,擊落第4種子的帝亞弗說 ...

辛辛那提網賽/超級搶十險勝 辛然配、謝

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2017-08-17T22:04
UDN 辛辛那提網賽/超級搶十險勝 辛然配、謝淑薇晉8強 美網前哨戰辛辛那提女網賽今天進行女雙16強賽事,我國共有兩組人馬出賽,詹詠然與搭 檔「瑞士公主」辛吉絲(Martina Hingis)及謝淑薇與羅馬尼亞搭檔妮可拉絲克( Monica Niculescu)都在超級搶十中勝出,驚險晉級8強賽。 「辛 ...

辛辛那提網賽/大威爆冷出局 普莉絲可娃

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2017-08-17T22:02
UDN 辛辛那提網賽/大威爆冷出局 普莉絲可娃過頭關 現任世界球后普莉絲可娃(Karolina Pliskova)與下周將登上世界球王寶座的納達爾( Rafael Nadal)今天皆在辛辛那提名人賽出賽,最終兩人都以直落二的成績輕鬆晉級,反 觀美國名將大威廉絲(Venus Williams)卻在第二輪意外 ...

莎娃外卡折射出網壇無奈 美網甘為眾矢之

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2017-08-17T15:47
莎娃外卡折射出網壇無奈 美網甘為眾矢之的圖啥 當地時間8月15日,美國網球協會正式公佈了今年的美網外卡歸屬,前賽會冠軍俄羅斯人 莎拉波娃將時隔三年再度亮相女單正賽。   美網外卡是莎娃禁賽期結束後收到的第一張大滿貫外卡,此前法網和溫網都沒有向她 提供“綠色通道”,這令美國網球協會的做法受到不少質疑。   ...


Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2017-08-17T15:43
小威透露孕期看自己比賽視頻學習 渴望再次征戰  在一個七月的周日早晨,確切地說是溫網周日休賽日的早上,當球員們都在休息,草地 正在恢復的時候,小威從夢境中醒來,就像每一位懷孕的媽媽一樣,她的夢如此生動。夢 裡的她正在比賽,不是在溫網賽場,也不是在任何一片球場,而是在以跳舞為主題的“威 廉姆斯姐妹邀請賽”上。 ...