Vermaelen 期許在今夏季前賽事回歸 - 阿森納兵工廠足球俱樂部 Arsenal Football Club

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2011-03-26T12:26

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Vermaelen targets comeback
Gunners stopper hopes for successful pre-season

Last updated: 25th March 2011

Arsenal defender Thomas Vermaelen is hoping for a full pre-season and has
targeted a successful comeback to the team.
Arsenal 後衛 Thomas Vermaelen 希望能全勤季前賽事,並期許自己成功地回到隊裡。

The 25-year-old centre-back has not played since September after picking up
an Achilles injury during Belgium's Euro 2012 qualifier with Turkey.
這名25歲的中後衛在去年 比利時vs.土耳其 的 Euro 2012 資格賽弄傷阿基里斯腱後,自

Vermaelen was initially excepted to only miss a few weeks but had to undergo
surgery in January and has had a recent return put back.
Vermaelen 起先被認為只要休養數週即可,但卻在今年一月動手術,且歸隊時期再度延後

Manager Arsene Wenger has ruled him out for the remainder of the campaign and
the cultured defender is now hoping to fine tune his fitness over the summer.
總教練 教授 證實他無法踢本季餘下的賽事,而這名文雅的後衛期許自己在今夏回到狀態

"The chances that I will play another game this season are small," he told
Belgian newspaper Het Laatste Nieuws.
『能在本季踢球的機會相當渺茫,』他對比利時的新聞《Het Laatste Nieuws》如是說

"I can understand my manager when he says that my season is over. I have been
out for seven months and I must fulfil a complete 'pre-season', so it's
logical that he won't take risks.
『我能理解 教授 說我確定不會在本季上場。我缺席了七個月之久,而我更需要實現全勤
季前所有的賽事,所以 教授 不冒險使用我是很合理的。』

"Time is ticking away and the season finishes in two months. I must first get
fit again, then gain rhythm.

"So I've still a long way to go. I can kick a ball as hard as possible, but
that's not my problem. I need to run without pain."


He added: "After surgery, you soon become impatient. I'm a player they have
to slow down - that's my problem. I felt a little pain, but I had something
in my head: I'll cope with it.

"That's wasn't too smart: you can't beat nature. After a few weeks I
personally indicated that I had to slow down. It didn't feel that
comfortable, as it feels these days.

"I always thought I would be out for six weeks [after the surgery]. That was
what I was told.

"So I never could anticipate this long absence. Maybe I would have preferred
that I knew from the start."

Vermaelen has thanked his team-mates at the Emirates for helping him through
what has been a tough time.
Vermaelen 感激在 Emirates 的隊友們全力支持他走出這段難捱的時期。

"I wanted to stay in the dressing room [during my rehabilitation] to be with
my team-mates," he remarked.

"I had so much support from my friend Robin van Persie for example. Robin is
a very helpful guy. He has experience with long injuries and often gave me
good advice."
『我從作為榜樣的 Robin van Persie 得到很大的支持。Robin 是個善於幫助人的夥伴。



Goal! Goal! Arsenal!
We r the Champions !

wing2000:不只Robin,我們家很多人都有長期傷病的經驗... 03/26 12:33
superhoya:加油 帶刀後衛趕快回來吧 03/26 13:21
※ 編輯: changyg 來自: (03/26 13:29)
thomas34:長期的傷病經驗...這點還真是沒法反駁呀... 藥水快康復吧 03/26 13:48
labixiaoxin:聽說呂門受傷喔???? 03/26 14:52
COCOSEL:lol 03/26 19:21
ahsoo:對我來說,鋁門受傷是好事 XD 03/26 21:42
jrhard:囧!?鋁門也傷 大叔上場 不就連板凳都沒人了嗎 03/26 23:01
labixiaoxin:下一場很可能看到大叔的英姿.. 03/26 23:29
lang1025:鋁門為什麼又傷了啊...門將們中邪了嗎一個接一個傷了又傷 03/26 23:49
trilvie: 阿穆受傷的大概是心吧 Orz 03/27 00:03
trilvie:據聞受傷只是藉口 教授考慮讓大叔代替上一場失誤的阿木 03/27 00:04
fieryglacier:大斯快來吧!! (咦) 03/27 00:05
eleec:推樓上,不過我想很難XD 03/27 09:32

Tags: 足球

All Comments

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2011-03-28T19:01
Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2011-03-31T01:36
加油 帶刀後衛趕快回來吧
Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2011-04-02T08:10
長期的傷病經驗...這點還真是沒法反駁呀... 藥水快康復吧
Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2011-04-04T14:45
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2011-04-06T21:20
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2011-04-09T03:55
對我來說,鋁門受傷是好事 XD
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2011-04-11T10:29
囧!?鋁門也傷 大叔上場 不就連板凳都沒人了嗎
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2011-04-13T17:04
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2011-04-15T23:39
Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2011-04-18T06:14 阿穆受傷的大概是心吧 Orz
Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2011-04-20T12:49
據聞受傷只是藉口 教授考慮讓大叔代替上一場失誤的阿木
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2011-04-22T19:23
大斯快來吧!! (咦)
Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2011-04-25T01:58

0比2不敵巴基斯坦 中華男足挑戰盃吞三連敗

Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2011-03-26T10:49
挑戰盃第三場比賽,25日中華隊雖抱著必勝決心但表現卻不如前兩場,巴基斯坦分別在第 26分鐘及第64分鐘射門成功,終場巴基斯坦就以2比0完封中華隊,中華隊在2012年挑戰盃 資格賽吞下三連敗,2014年挑戰盃需要從最低階級的會外賽開始打起。 中華隊本場比賽缺少靈魂人物陳柏良,上半場表現大為走樣,與前兩場比賽落 ...


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2011-03-26T00:39
原文: 翻譯: 譯者:rockgun,阿森納中國網   官方網:2011年3月24日報導   威爾希爾認為他的推特搭建了一個阿森納球員與球迷之間的和諧之橋。   這位19歲 ...


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2011-03-26T00:25 阿森納今夏約戰綠城 槍迷們你們準備好了嗎 來源:青年時報 作者/譯者: 2011年03月25日 17:30 美麗足球是阿森納進攻文化的核心。近10年來,阿森納被公認為是最具有觀賞性的球隊, 即便在巴賽隆納最如日中天的現在, ...

奧運女足資格賽/越南踢走泰國 中華晉級無望

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2011-03-25T23:00
中華女子足球隊能否晉級第二輪的「越南、泰國」之戰,勝負在今天晚上9點多揭曉,越 南在兩分鐘的補時中,踢進致勝的一球,以2:1結束長達90分鐘的僵持,確定晉級第二輪 資格賽,而中華隊幾乎已經確定無緣晉級。 目前總積分為:越南9分、泰國6分、中華4分、緬甸4分、香港0分。 27日在國家體育場將進行最後的兩場比 ...


Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2011-03-25T22:50
剛剛在臉書上看到羅志恩在線上 硬著頭皮問了一下今天的情況... 結果是二比零輸球... 我就不好意思多問詳情了... 我相信球員們一定是拼了命的努力過了 但是無奈我們與對手還是有點落差 最近這幾場大家的巴掌好像賞的太痛了點... 國家隊球員們都陷入了低落的情緒 所以...明天就請手下留情鞭小力 ...