Vera's Moscow Blog 10/20/09 - 俄網 Tennis

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2009-10-22T12:08

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Well today was the first day I had a chance to sleep in! Because this is a
men's and women's combined tournament the courts are pretty booked up, and
for the first few days I was practicing very early in the morning, usually as
early as 8am. But today I was able to sleep until 10 or so. It was nice!

My match wasn't scheduled until night time, so I took it pretty easy during
the day. I read a few magazines, the newspaper... nothing special in the
morning. I was supposed to practice at 4:15pm but the first match took so
long I knew I wouldn't play my match at the scheduled time, so I switched the
practice court to 6pm. Jelena's match went to three sets as well. But I'm
experienced enough to know you just have to be patient and relax, and
sometimes you have to stay up a little later than you would like :)

I won my match against Olaru, 62 62, but the score doesn't really mean the
match was easy. Ioana is a tough opponent, a young player with a good future
ahead of her, and I think my experience helped me win that one. I'm happy to
win my first match. I'm thankful to all the spectators who stayed up so late!

I took a very quick shower and just got back from the car ride back to the
hotel. It's after midnight! My physio is here and will probably give me 30-40
minutes of treatment for my foot, then I'll go to bed. It's never easy to
fall asleep right away when you play so late, but I'll put a movie in and
hopefully it'll happen...

Actually I started that comedy movie last night but fell asleep halfway
through it! Maybe tonight I'll start where I left off and it'll help me go to
sleep again :) Then I can finish it tomorrow. It's actually pretty good. The
quality isn't so great, it's not a Hollywood movie, it's Russian - but it's
funny. I like the light ones sometimes.

I'm practicing later in the afternoon tomorrow so hopefully I can sleep in
again and follow the normal routines! Now time for some questions...


What are your favorite things to do in Moscow? Mathieu, France
I just like walking outside, roaming around the city... It's nice to be in
Moscow where everyone speaks Russian. I love some of the restaurants where
you can have food you'll never see anywhere else. It's just a beautiful city.

Jennifer Capriati's last match came against you... did you enjoy playing her
and do you miss her? Richard, UK
She was a great player, a big plus for women's tennis. It's unfortunate when
players have to finish their careers because of injury, and I hope that
doesn't happen to her. It was always exciting to watch her play and to play
against her. I'm not sure if she'll come back... I just don't know.

Tags: 網球

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精銳盡出 海碩盃記者會圓滿落幕

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2009-10-22T10:20
小的我一點在記者會拍的照片分享喔 噓~ 小聲點 有動態呢!! 時間越來越近了,希望大家都能一起參予囉 票還是不用錢,當然有辦就繼續支持 應該跟去年一樣,每天都在外面有球童們幫忙發票 所以不住在台北的也不用擔心,只要有移臀幾乎都嘛有票 去年看的很精采,不像在家有50趴機率被施展史力普(sleep)魔法 第一天 ...

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Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2009-10-22T03:41
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精銳盡出 海碩盃記者會圓滿落幕

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2009-10-21T16:35
* 【09海碩女子職業賽】精銳盡出 海碩盃記者會圓滿落幕 網協新聞/整理報導 98.10.21 「2009台北海碩國際職業女網賽」記者會上星光熠熠,台灣菁英女將全數到齊,吸引了各 大電子平面媒體爭相採訪,湧入的人潮擠爆了三樓大禮堂。昨日才返國的台灣新一姐張凱 貞將首場記者會獻給了海碩盃。除此之外謝淑薇、莊 ...

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Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2009-10-21T14:33
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Hingis rules out comeback to tennis

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2009-10-21T00:47
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