Venus Williams def. Dinara Safina. - 網球 Tennis

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2009-07-03T21:21

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tinybaby:小威說的就和之前差太多了~XD 07/03 16:02



第一時期: Miami遭Safina苦追

Q. You won't be No. 1 unless you make the finals here, you know that?

SERENA WILLIAMS: Well, I mean, I don't put pressure on myself, so we'll see.
If I make it, I make it; if not, oh, well. It will be kind of weird to be No.
2 to -- because I think the girl that would take over would be like -- lost
early here and hasn't really, whatever.
So it's like whatever. I don't really care.
我不會給自己太大壓力 但如果我丟了世界第一的話..
好吧 排名第二是有點怪的感覺 因為取代你得這個人早早就出局了..
所以 好吧 無論如何 我不會太在意

Q. Would you prefer they change the system to make it a little bit more
weighted so the Grand Slams did matter more? Those are the tournaments every
player wants to win.
你會不會希望改變排名方式 例如加重大滿貫計分 畢竟大滿貫是所有人都想贏的

SERENA WILLIAMS: Yeah, I don't really care one way or the other. Like I'm not
-- my whole goal in life isn't to be No. 1. Yeah, I want to be No. 1, but I
feel better about winning Australia or US Open or winning the French Open or
anything like that. I think I feel better with that.
Or winning here. Just winning titles. Obviously winning titles doesn't make
you No. 1 on this tour anymore.
我沒有太在乎這件事 留在世界第一也不是我全部的生涯目標
我當然想當世界第一 但當我贏得澳網或是美網 或是法網這些比賽的時候我感覺更棒
所以我只是想要多贏下一些大賽 但感覺起來贏得大賽好像也不會讓我變成世界第一

Q. Dinara doesn't have your credentials. How would it feel about to
relinquishing the No. 1 ranking to somebody who -- what are your feelings on
Dinara還沒有得到你的肯定 你對於這個將要奪走你世界第一頭銜的人有什麼感覺?

SERENA WILLIAMS: (Laughter.) Well, I mean, she's really a good girl and she
is a nice person. You know, I just have the utmost respect for not only her,
but everyone on this tour. I just think it's crazy that I can just be so
consistent throughout the year and last year and barely be No. 1.
I mean, winning two of the last four Grand Slams and getting into the finals
of three of the last four. I just -- I can't compute it. I mean, it's just
psycho really.
他是個很好的女孩 很好的人 我非常尊敬每一個選手 不只是他
我的意思是 我拿了最近四個大滿貫的兩個 並且進了三個決賽

Q. Seems like somebody who hasn't won a Grand Slam, how do they get there?
對一個沒拿過大滿貫的選手 他們是怎麼達到第一的?

SERENA WILLIAMS: I mean, she's been consistent. I don't know. It's just, you
know, she's done well in the Grand Slams, and she's been working really hard.
You can see her improvements. You got to respect that.
Like I said, I think I have the utmost respect for her. You can see her body
even changed she's worked so hard. But, you know, I think -- I feel like I
have actually -- I don't feel like, I actually have won the past few Grand
Slams and been to the finals of the last three or whatever.
So I feel like I shouldn't be in that competition of being able to stay No. 1.
他打得很穩定 他在大滿貫成績很好也很努力
你可以很明顯看到他的進步 也應該要尊敬這樣的進步
就像我說的我非常尊敬他 你甚至可以看出他的身型也變了
但你知道.. 我想我好歹也贏了最近幾個大滿貫 進了最近三個決賽

而小威除了是Miami的衛冕冠軍 也是美網.澳網應屆冠軍 溫網應屆亞軍
居然被一個近況這麼差的選手逼的這麼緊 應該都會覺得有點奇怪



Q. What about the No. 1? Safina now is the No. 1.

SERENA WILLIAMS: Well, I'm excited for her.

Q. Who do you think is the real No. 1 today? Is Safina or it's Serena, it's...
你認為誰是真正的世界第一 是Safina或是Serena?

SERENA WILLIAMS: Well, we all know who the real No. 1 is.

Q. A lot people think that if Serena dedicate all of her time to tennis and
nobody can beat her. How do you feel?
很多人都認為如果Serena全力投入在網球 沒有人可以打敗他 你有什麼感覺

SERENA WILLIAMS: I dedicate a lot of time to tennis, and I dedicate a lot
time to other things. So, you know, I have to do what's best for me. Right
now, I'm doing that. Quite frankly, I'm the best in the world.
我已經投入很多時間在網球了 我也投入很多時間在其他事情
我覺得我得做對自己最好的事情 坦白說 我認為我是最好的

這大概就是剛丟掉球后 有點酸酸的又嘴硬
而且小威也還沒有連敗 所以大概對自己還是很有信心



Q. If Safina wins the title here, will that authenticate her as the world No.1,
do you think?
如果Safina拿下法網 會證明他是貨真價實的世界第一嗎?

SERENA WILLIAMS: Well, I already think she's definitely authenticated as the
world No. 1. She's there. She has won four tournaments.
我已經認為他是真正的世界第一了 他已經拿了四個冠軍

Q. Do you see Safina as the favorite at this point in the tournament?

SERENA WILLIAMS: Um, yeah, absolutely. I definitely see her as a favorite,
for sure.
當然 我認為他是最大熱門

Q. You and your sister have dominated Wimbledon for so many years now. Dinara
Safina is the No. 1 seed this year. Wimbledon deserves the right to change
the seedings. Do you think you or Venus should have been the No. 1 seed,
especially with Venus defending?
你跟你姐姐主宰溫網好多年了 但是今年Safina是第一種子
溫網其實是有權改變種子序的 你覺得Venus應該當第一種子嗎? 特別是他今年要衛冕

SERENA WILLIAMS: No, I think Dinara should be the No. 1 seed. She's been
really consistent the last couple months. She's earned that No. 1 ranking.
我覺得Dinara該當第一種子 他這幾個月表現很穩定 也贏得世界第一的排名

Q. She's the No. 1 of the world.

SERENA WILLIAMS: She's ranked No. 1 in the world. She's worked really hard to
get there. She's been really consistent. I don't think anyone should take
that away from her.
他的確是排名第一 他很努力才站上那個位置 他的成績很穩定


我想大家都看得出來 小威的態度是慢慢有在改變的
但是如果要讓小威欽佩 需要自己先打出成績來
小威是很有自信的人 但並不是一個不講理的人
如果對方成績真的很好 小威絕對會不吝惜稱讚對方
像是Miami前Safina打成這樣 小威就會覺得如果丟掉球后很奇怪
但是在Safina紅土的瘋狂連勝 拿下羅馬跟馬德里之後

我想如果你一開始就覺得自己比別人差 那就更不用跟別人競爭了
這次我想小威頂多就是"有自信" 倒還不至於失言或貶低對手


Tags: 網球

All Comments

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2009-07-08T07:46
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2009-07-12T18:11
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2009-07-17T04:36
是啊 但我想只要講的合情合理板友們應該可以接受
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2009-07-21T15:01
我想板友們都有自己的判斷 我只是希望提供不同面向供大家思考而已
Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2009-07-26T01:26
Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2009-07-30T11:51
不錯阿 推一下
Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2009-08-03T22:16
Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2009-08-08T08:41
這篇當然是護航文 不過脈絡相當好 結論倒是可以免了我覺得有那些訪談的整理 不難看得清楚小威究竟有沒有失言
Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2009-08-12T19:06
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2009-08-17T05:31
我覺得積分完全是因為大小威比賽太少的問題 這不能強求
John avatar
By John
at 2009-08-21T15:56
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2009-08-26T02:21
還好啊 話都沒有什麼不得體的地方
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2009-08-30T12:46
Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2009-09-03T23:10
David avatar
By David
at 2009-09-08T09:35
Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2009-09-12T20:00
其實 Safina 蠻適合打紅土的,但是還是差 Henin 很多


Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2009-07-03T21:13
不好意思 突然又想到一個問題 就是SHARAPOVA她不是因傷很久沒出賽 世界排名也掉很大 那麼 這次溫布頓 為什麼還能名列24種子 種子是以世界排名 還是個人過去在這項比賽的成績當成依據呢??? 感激不盡!! -- 展元:有沒有天天三分砲的啦! 我:有的! 小破:破壞王可不是叫假的! h ...


Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2009-07-03T21:08
這是一個白痴問題 但我真的想知道 像是男單排名,分數是以最近一年的分數來看嗎? 也就是說今天2009/07/03號 所以男單積分就是以2008/07/03到今天來算嗎? 第二個問題就是像女單Safina是第一 可是為什麼他幾次四強或決賽都輸的很誇張還是能第一名勒? - ...


Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2009-07-03T20:59
去年北京奧運 RAFA不是拿金牌嗎?? 那個奧運的積分有期限嗎?? 還有 京奧 FEDERER有參加嗎??? AND FED以前有跟RAFA組雙打過嗎?? -- 展元:有沒有天天三分砲的啦! 我:有的! 小破:破壞王可不是叫假的! ...

Tommy Haas vs Roger Federer.

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2009-07-03T19:43
Tommy Haas (GER)[24] vs Roger Federer (SUI)[2]  Roger Federer def. Tommy Haas. 高品質 ...

R.Federer V.S HAAS

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2009-07-03T19:21
大家都去下一篇推 我這篇當作給連結就好!! 費神加油!!!! 費神對老將漢斯 究竟決賽門票誰拿到手? 高品質 一般畫 ...