Valencia從ATP賽事除名 Antwerp取而代之 - 網球 Tennis

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2016-03-12T22:25

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1. Valencia去年降級為ATP 250之後就傳出財務狀況不佳可能

2. Antwerp站在上個世紀末也曾經舉辦過ATP等級的比賽,1982

3. 1998年最後一屆比賽的冠軍是英國選手Greg Rusedski。

Antwerp Returns To The ATP World Tour In 2016

ANTWERP, December 12, 2015
It is the end of a very long wait. With the tournament
in Antwerp, taking place from 17 to 23 October, Belgium
returns to the calendar of the ATP World Tour in 2016.

Antwerp’s last edition of the European Community
Championships took place in 1998 with Greg Rusedski
winning the final against Marc Rosset in four sets.
This special indoors exhibition tournament was first
held in 1982 on carpet. Players could not earn any
ATP ranking points until 1992 when the event became
part of the ATP Tour and switched surface to hard
courts in 1997.

According to Yves Simon of Sudpresse, Kristoff
Puelinckx, rich businessman from Ghent, bought the
rights of the ATP tournament in Valencia. Sébastian
Grosjean will be involved in the new event.

In October this year, the organizers of the Valencia
Openannounced that the tournament’s licence will
be sold to Belgium.

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