V.Williams USA (6) v.s. C.Suarez Nav … - 網球 Tennis

Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2009-01-22T21:41

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Q. Tell us what the win meant to you.

CARLA SUAREZ NAVARRO: For me is a very good match. So I feel very good. And
now I'm very good, so...
對我來說是場非常棒的比賽 所以我覺得很棒 我表現很棒

Q. What kind of strategy or tactics did you prepare before the match?

CARLA SUAREZ NAVARRO: (Translated from Spanish) Nothing special in tactics.
Just to go on court, to try to be positive, to try to do my best.
In the first set she never thought that she's going to lose. She was still
thinking positive all of the match.
沒什麼特別的 就只是出場 盡量保持積極樂觀 是著打出最佳表現
第一盤他沒想過會輸吧 他還是想得很樂觀

Q. Are you normally as attacking as you were tonight throughout the match?

CARLA SUAREZ NAVARRO: (Translated from Spanish) You must be aggressive during
all the match because, if not, she's going to take control of you.
跟他打就是得有攻擊性 不然的話 他就會掌控賽局了


Q. Obviously a difficult loss. Would you tell us what happened, what went
wrong out there?
令人心痛的敗仗 發生了什麼事? 哪裡不對勁了?

VENUS WILLIAMS: Yeah, you know, I think she played some really good tennis.
She was super consistent and aggressive and just went for her shots. I think
she just played really well.
他打得很好 他打得非常持久 也很有攻擊性 試著打出自己的球 我認為他打得很好

Q. What do you think made the difference? You looked in control of the match
the first set. It turned around after that.
你覺得造成差距的地方在哪裡? 第一盤你看起來掌控全局 之後卻發生變化了

VENUS WILLIAMS: Yeah, like I said, she played well. You know, I think she
took her opportunities and really showed a lot of character.
It's pretty close after the match. We haven't quite figured out exactly, you
know, which areas went wrong. But I definitely have to credit her.
就像我剛說的 他打得很好 他展現出了他的堅韌 比賽才剛過不久
所以我還沒真的分析哪裡出了問題 但我得把這樣的結果歸功給他

Q. What did you make of the crowd? Did you feel at all like the crowd was
against you at times?
你對觀眾有何看法? 你覺得今天的觀眾是不支持你的嗎?

VENUS WILLIAMS: Yeah, you know, I focus so much on the ball, I don't really
focus too much on the crowd, so...
我只是集中精神在球上面 我不太注意觀眾如何

Q. You don't notice the cheering during the match?

VENUS WILLIAMS: Of course, I notice cheering. But more than anything, I'm
focusing on my game plan and what I'm trying to achieve at that moment.
當然有 但我最主要還是集中在自己的戰術上 還有自己當下的目標

Q. What did you know about her going into the match?

VENUS WILLIAMS: I've seen her play before. But obviously she played very
well. Probably one of her best matches she's ever played.
我曾經看過他打球 他打得很好 這場也許是他目前打得最好的比賽

Q. Are you surprised?

VENUS WILLIAMS: When you go out on the court, you got to expect anything. So,
of course, everyone out here is professional, capable of playing great. So
I'm not surprised at how well she played.
當你走出球場 就必須要有面對任何事情的心理準備
每個選手都是很職業的 都有能力打得很好 所以我不會對他打得這麼好而訝異

Q. Do you think maybe you played a little bit too defensively in the third

VENUS WILLIAMS: Yeah, I wasn't in control of the points. I definitely noticed
that she kept getting the first shot. I was definitely playing defense. I'm
definitely used to dictating the points a little bit more. It was kind of a
pattern that wasn't the best for me.
對 我沒有控制好一些球 我注意到他從第一球就開始進攻 而我太保守了
我比較習慣主導 所以這樣的打球方式對我來說不是最有利的

Q. How heavy were her balls?

VENUS WILLIAMS: She hit a lot of good balls. I felt like I was hitting my
balls a little too short. I think she was taking good advantage of that.
他打了很多好球 我覺得有些球我打太短了 所以他得到一些優勢

Q. Were you feeling a hundred percent out there?

VENUS WILLIAMS: Yeah. Like I said, I think she just played well. Really,
really played well.
對 就像我說的 他打得真的很好

Q. On your part, is it a little bit maybe the fact you come in here without
a lot of matches? Maybe historically you haven't had a strong showing here at
the Australian Open.
在你的部分 你覺得自己在澳網前打的比賽太少嗎? 因為你的澳網戰績並不是很好

VENUS WILLIAMS: I think that, uhm - I think that when you lose a match, you
have to kind of look at the mistakes you made. I'm not going to blame anything
on, you know, previous matches that I played or didn't play.
So learning from this match, I'll definitely see what I did wrong, what could
I have done better.
我想每場敗仗之後 你還是得回頭看你犯了什麼錯
我不想歸罪在其他是上面 包括我打過哪些比賽或是沒打哪些比賽
所以從這場比賽中 我想我會好好檢視看看我做錯了哪些 哪些可以做得更好

Q. You haven't played a lot of matches this year, obviously.

VENUS WILLIAMS: I played five matches before. So maybe more matches isn't
good - not for me. I feel like I did a good preparation before.
來這裡之前我已經打了五場了 所以或許多點比賽不是好事 至少對我不是

Q. Are you beginning to feel like you're jinxed in this tournament? You went
out in the first round in '06. Is it frustrating?
你覺得自己在澳網很衰嗎? 2006年你第一輪就出局了 讓你很難過嗎?

VENUS WILLIAMS: I don't believe in jinxes because I don't believe in witches
or warlocks or magical creatures and stuff. Therefore, I can't believe in a
我不信這個的 我不相信什麼巫術之類的東西 所以我不信有厄運這回事

Q. It's not long afterwards, but what is your overwhelming emotion at the
比賽還沒結束很久 你現在的心情如何

VENUS WILLIAMS: I think, of course, I would have liked to have played better.
I definitely would have liked to play better. I mean, that's really what I
feel like now. I spent a lot of time preparing and I would have liked to have
played better.
But I think, yeah, that's really it right now.
當然我覺得我應該要打更好的 這事我目前的感想 我花了很多時間準備
但我想我該打更好的 就這樣

Q. How deep is the sense of disappointment then?

VENUS WILLIAMS: Uhm, I mean, losing's never the best fun, to say the least
(smiling). But fortunately I've also had a lot of nice wins, too. So
hopefully that will balance it out.
輸球從來就不有趣 但幸運的是我之前已經有過許多很棒的勝仗了

Q. You closed out plenty of close matches at Grand Slams. Obviously tonight
you had some opportunities to close it out. What kind of turned it?
你曾經在大滿貫結束過很多比賽 今天你也有機會結束的 什麼事改變了?

VENUS WILLIAMS: Yeah, I don't know, I didn't feel like I was in the right
position in correlation to the ball. Felt sometimes too close, sometimes too
far. Just really not getting my footwork right.
I was just not taking advantage. I'm definitely used to taking advantage of
my opportunities, but today it didn't work out.
我也不知道 我覺得我沒有站在適當的地方擊球 有時候靠太近 有時候太遠
我今天步法調的不好 通常我能把握我的機會 但是今天沒有

Q. She was in the quarterfinals at the French. Do you see her following
through with this, doing better than that?
他去年法網進過八強 你覺得他接下來成績會比八強更好嗎?

VENUS WILLIAMS: I don't know. I think she's obviously very talented. This is
a great sport where you can choose your own destiny. Obviously she has a lot
of opportunities in her future.
我也不知道 他很有天分 這是一項你可以靠自己掌握自己命運的運動

Q. I'm talking about your opponent.

VENUS WILLIAMS: That's what I meant, yeah.
對啊 這就是我的看法

Q. 14 years into your career, how hard do you take losses like this?
今年是你在網壇的第十四年了 處理這樣的輸球有多難?

VENUS WILLIAMS: Well, I don't like to lose just as much as the first day when
I started playing. So it's still the same.
從我開始打球的第一天 我就不喜歡輸球 到現在仍然如此

Q. Hard? Harder? Something you're going to carry for days?
對你來說很困難? 更困難? 會讓你在意很長的一段時間?

VENUS WILLIAMS: I have to play a doubles match tomorrow, so I need to recover
and get ready for that because I still want to play well. So that will be my
next focus, then getting ready for the next tournament after this.
我明天有場雙打要打 所以我得讓自己趕快情緒恢復 為雙打比賽好好準備
我還是想要打得很好 所以我下一個比賽會好好準備

Q. Is it hard sometimes when you've been in the game for so long to find that
motivation all the time?
從事這項運動這麼久了 有時候會很難找到動力嗎?

VENUS WILLIAMS: No, because I love what I do. So for me I like the hard work
because it usually pays off.
不 因為我愛我的工作 我喜歡努力 因為通常努力都有收穫

Q. Does not having a Williams sister semifinal on the horizon help Serena's
prospects here?
沒有威家四強內戰了 會對小威這個比賽的前景有幫助嗎?

VENUS WILLIAMS: Well, Serena's a great player no matter who she plays. So I
don't look at it that way at all.
他是個偉大的選手 不管他對上的是誰 所以我不會這樣想

Q. I know you won Wimbledon last year, you're still towards the top of the
game. A lot of these young players, the teenagers, seem to be getting pretty
good, strong off the ground. Do you feel that?
去年你贏了溫布頓 你仍然在這項運動邁向頂尖 很多年輕選手也打得更好 你有什麼看法?

VENUS WILLIAMS: Everyone's good. Everyone's always been good. And, uhm, you
have to go out there and be ready to play no matter who that person is across
the net.
So that's the way the sport has always been.
每個人都很好 當你上場就是得要好好的準備 不管你的對手是誰 這項運動就是這樣


Tags: 網球

All Comments

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2009-01-24T08:26
小將可能不太會說英文 所以也不好再問下去.....
Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2009-01-25T19:10
第一個問題好多GOOD 哈哈XDD
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2009-01-27T05:55
大威沒關係~~~回去看看你的溫布頓獎座 XD
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2009-01-28T16:39
Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2009-01-30T03:24
記者的問題有些惡劣 但這也是觀眾想看的問題 科科
Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2009-01-31T14:08
Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2009-02-02T00:52
應該是英文不佳 現場訪問時她連問題還沒問完就想跑 XD
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2009-02-03T11:37
因為贏的還有機會被採訪 輸的就掰掰了 QQ
Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2009-02-04T22:21
Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2009-02-06T09:06
我忽然覺得比賽好恐怖喔 還要講英文 萬一聽不懂怎麼答.....如果是我被訪問 一定僵在那邊 最後說 This is a book~
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2009-02-07T19:50
呃 如果他能打的越來越好 也許會跟NADAL一樣有多練習接
Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2009-02-09T06:35
大威風度好+1 !!
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2009-02-10T17:19
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2009-02-12T04:03
大威不但風度好 身材也好 身上完全沒有贅肉 打球超輕盈有些女網手 小肚肚很大 就不太想看
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2009-02-13T14:48
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2009-02-15T01:32
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2009-02-16T12:17
Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2009-02-17T23:01
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2009-02-19T09:46
大威~~~╭( ′▽`)-o█ (遞)
Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2009-02-20T20:30
Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2009-02-22T07:15
就算輸球 一樣是巨星風采阿
Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2009-02-23T17:59
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2009-02-25T04:43
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2009-02-26T15:28
Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2009-02-28T02:12
Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2009-03-01T12:57
風度好+1 明天的雙打加油吧!
Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2009-03-02T23:41
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2009-03-04T10:26
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2009-03-05T21:10
推大威的風度好~~ 小將英文不輪轉 真可愛 ^^
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2009-03-07T07:54
David avatar
By David
at 2009-03-08T18:39
再看一次重播 還是很喜歡大威 小將既然打贏了大威 就要
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2009-03-10T05:23
好好的打下去 (她的單反真的很有威力耶)
Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2009-03-11T16:08
風度滿分 讚
Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2009-03-13T02:52
大威風度真的很好 而且也很會回答問題 會不斷稱讚小將
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2009-03-14T13:37


Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2009-01-22T20:15
香港賽成績 澳網成績 備註 1999 冠軍 Venus 八強 對上Davenport髮珠串灑落球場遭警告 比賽中斷 亞軍 Graf 八強 對上Seles得到後者復出後交鋒唯一敗仗 2000 冠軍 Capria ...


Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2009-01-22T19:55
已把 Feb.2 2009會扣掉的分數都扣過了(包含第二週有男女單都有挑戰賽) 另補上打進第三輪但排名不在前75的選手 今日掉落種子: 女單: Venus Williams(USA)[6]、Patty Schnyder(SUI)[14] 男單: Ivo Karlovic(CRO)[25] WTA: Des ...

Andy Murray vs Marcel Granollers

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2009-01-22T19:30
Andy Murray vs Marcel Granollers 冠軍大熱門 身高 190 英國新希望 (舊希望!?) 世界排名 51 重新把單薄的身體重訓 ...

有點想支持Suarez Navarro

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2009-01-22T19:17
剛剛大家都看了一場相當精采的比賽 應該是澳網到現在為止女單最有質量的比賽 爆出本屆賽事的最大冷門 從2-5 變成 7-5 還化解大威的賽末點~ 小將的單反 也讓人聯想到海寧 (很想念海寧....) 這場彷彿就好像海寧打大威 另外就在剛才 維基百科馬上更新了 Carla Suarez Navarro 的資料 ...


Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2009-01-22T19:10
單反國王 : 費神 單反女皇 : 海寧 (度假中) 現在來了一個 單反小公主 : 納法蘿 (*^▽^)/‧★*and#34;`and#39;*-.,_,.-*and#39;`and#34;*-.,_☆,.-*`and#39; ...