US OPEN 07 - Born To Be Alive - 網球

David avatar
By David
at 2007-09-08T08:32

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US OPEN 07 - Born To Be Alive

Justine rocked Arthur Ashe stadium and defeated Venus Williams 7-6 (7-2) 6-4
in the battle of the creme de le creme in the US OPEN. It was one of the most
brilliant performances seen in a semi-final at Flushing Meadows since
Justine's 2003 match against Jennifer Capriati. It was two hours of
astonishing shot making, athletism, deft hands, and exhilrating speed from
two champions. Justine plays Svetlana Kuznetsova in the finals on Saturday
night for the ultimate prize.

The last time Justine played Venus Williams was January 23, 2003, roughly
four and 1/2 years ago. To put things in tennis season perspective Roger
wasn't a name anyone associated with tennis, the top ten weren't
multi-national yet, America ruled at majors, and Justine was known as that
Belgian player not named Kim.

There was a slight breeze on Arthur Ashe stadium this late Saturday
afternoon, but temperatures were in the mid 80's Fahrenheit. Proceedings took
a while to start with Williams walking off court. Justine paced like a caged
tiger on the baseline waiting to pounce, and she ran off in a 3-0 lead
breaking the legendary Williams serve in the opening game. The Belgian tennis
queen continued to hit outstanding shots, but let Williams back into the
match at 5-3. The quality of each game rose to the climax tiebreaker with the
one of highlights being a 27 stroke rally point that covered all corners of
the court which Williams won. A highly animated Super Henin claimed each
point as if match point to take the tiebreak 7-2.

Both players seemed to lose a bit of steam after the first 4 games of the
second. Both players had problems with unforced errors on serve, but the
level of play rose as the tension dropped. Justine kept her lead and closed
in for the finish as Williams seem to wilt under pressure and looked defect
with fatigue. Justine took match point with rock star strut on the wilting
Williams service games.

Final score 7-6 (7-2) 6-4 in 1 hr 59 min.

Visit our forum to voice your thoughts on final four. Help Justine go all the
way at the US OPEN. Let her know she has your support. Leave a personal
message in JH's Guestbook.

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2007-09-10T23:55
Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2007-09-11T01:43
Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2007-09-14T01:42
話說 在台灣 ju的知名度真的沒有大小威或莎娃來的高
上次我做了張溫網冠軍熱門版面作業 即使貴為球后 教授
Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2007-09-17T21:47
還是不清楚juju的來頭呢.... 我頓時是有點傷心XDDD
Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2007-09-22T03:19
美國媒體對ju很不友善囉 所以會刻意忽略他的功績
台灣沒辦法 法網沒轉撥差很多 ju又不太作秀
Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2007-09-25T12:50
NIKE行銷很強 adidas是為了配合Henin的低調個性嗎
都不幫他多弄點廣告 新球衣之類 竟然同個design穿一年
Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2007-09-26T07:02
我真希望快點把這套換掉,一點也不好看 ~"~
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2007-09-27T04:44
Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2007-10-01T15:42
一份作業,我打算來剪輯一段Henin us open的冠軍之路給我

海寧呼吸不暢仍取高質量勝利 全心拚搏乃獲勝本因

Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2007-09-08T07:47 海寧呼吸不暢仍取高質量勝利 全心拚搏乃獲勝本因 2007年09月08日07:23 新浪體育   新浪體育訊 在一場堪稱當今女子網壇最高水平的 ...

Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2007-09-08T07:42
不能再同意妳更多。 其實近二年會說Henin怕大小威的人,大概沒有真的在追縱Henin的比賽, 雖說紅土上的優勢無庸置疑, 但可以看出Henin已在多次對戰中,慢慢發展出對付小威的絕竅, 今年澳網不算,近幾年只要有對戰,Henin都不會硬碰硬和對方抽底線, 而是變換角度,能切就切,出其不意的重覆落點 ...


Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2007-09-08T07:37
大威是可敬的對手 這是今年到目前為止最棒的比賽 兩人為了每一分,打出無數可以當每日一球的鏡頭 這場比賽贏了超開心,但對我來說還包含很大的意義 我想有不少版友跟我一樣 都是在01年的溫網開始對juju有印象 強力網球之外的另一種選擇,雖然現在強力已是種必備的能力 決賽雖然被大威在第三盤時橫掃 但在那種時候能把 ...


Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2007-09-08T07:36
henin實在太厲害 前4輪各賞對手1個6:0 八強和四強又連過小威和大威 而且1盤未失 這也算是個很了不起的紀錄 其實我不會擔心henin體力的問題 因為在2003準決賽 他和卡姊打了3個小時的比賽 打到脫水 賽後在醫務室打點滴 休息不到20個小時還是很瀟灑的兩盤打敗Kim 我相信明天應 ...

David avatar
By David
at 2007-09-08T07:07
熬夜爆肝看這場比賽 ju vs 大威 絕對值得 爽 話說03年達到顛峰後的juju之前一直沒遇到大小威 每次都沒法證實實力已經不同而與 老要被人唱衰 說即使贏也是只能在紅土上 總算今年對小威大滿貫八強三連勝 對戰記錄打平 且首度在硬地跟草地獲勝 大威更是四年沒遇到 終於在對方主場上直落二拿下 只是2-7 ...