UNDERTAKER DESIRE裡有誰聽得出來UT說什 … - 摔角 Wrestle

By Anonymous
at 2009-04-04T21:55
at 2009-04-04T21:55
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※ 引述《HBKshawn (HBK)》之銘言:
: 影片有點久了,WWE幾年前好像有出一些摔角手的desire影片
: 有ut, HBK, HHH,THE ROCK...很多
: 其中有一部是undertaker的desire,
: 背景音樂是限制級戰警的主題曲"ADRENALINE"
: 找到連結了
: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uLe-SoqHs0
: 影片的前段和後段UT都有說一些台詞
: 我英文不好聽不是很清楚
: 前段:
: The desire to be....
: You sacrifice, you sacrificed the time with your kids you miss...
: You know that one day, all the sacrifices...
: ...to make it easier for your children...
The desire to be in this business, you sacrifice
You sacrificed the time with your kids, you missed them growing up
But you have a goal in mind
You know that one day, all the sacrifices that you made
It's gonna make it easier for your children
You just hope you there, to enjoy it
: 後段:
: I love................people's emotions.
: I enjoy.....
: I like..take my body to...
I love the fact I'd be grown up there and I can affect people's emotions
I enjoy going out there and laying them all out on the line
I like taking my body to the limit
I love what I do
For the fans that have been watching me over these years
I just hope them realize that I gave everything that I had in my body and
: 聽得不是很懂啊,有英文高手看過這部影片且聽得懂ut在說啥嗎?
: 我很想知道啊!拜託了。
: 影片有點久了,WWE幾年前好像有出一些摔角手的desire影片
: 有ut, HBK, HHH,THE ROCK...很多
: 其中有一部是undertaker的desire,
: 背景音樂是限制級戰警的主題曲"ADRENALINE"
: 找到連結了
: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uLe-SoqHs0
: 我英文不好聽不是很清楚
: 前段:
: The desire to be....
: You sacrifice, you sacrificed the time with your kids you miss...
: You know that one day, all the sacrifices...
: ...to make it easier for your children...
The desire to be in this business, you sacrifice
You sacrificed the time with your kids, you missed them growing up
But you have a goal in mind
You know that one day, all the sacrifices that you made
It's gonna make it easier for your children
You just hope you there, to enjoy it
: 後段:
: I love................people's emotions.
: I enjoy.....
: I like..take my body to...
I love the fact I'd be grown up there and I can affect people's emotions
I enjoy going out there and laying them all out on the line
I like taking my body to the limit
I love what I do
For the fans that have been watching me over these years
I just hope them realize that I gave everything that I had in my body and
: 聽得不是很懂啊,有英文高手看過這部影片且聽得懂ut在說啥嗎?
: 我很想知道啊!拜託了。
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