U23主教練邁爾斯、U18主教練布蘭德 - 切爾西足球俱樂部 Chelsea Football Club

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2019-07-15T01:10

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z83420123: 艾德華茲走誰管U18阿?07/11 02:55

: 原U23助教:Ed Brand 原U18主教練:Andy Myers 原U18助教:Jon Harley
: 目前還沒有公佈誰去管U23


Myers and Brand take on new Academy coaching roles

14 Jul 2019

Andy Myers will take charge of our development squad following the
promotion of Joe Edwards to a position on Frank Lampard's backroom staff.



The 45-year-old former Blues defender has spent over a decade working in
various coaching roles in our Academy, most recently last season as lead
coach of our Under-18s, as well as acting as number two to successive
coaches with the development squad. He also spent the 2016/17 campaign as
assistant coach at Vitesse Arnhem.

Myers succeeded Jody Morris, another of Lampard's newly-appointed
assistants, in the role of youth team manager last summer and guided the
young Blues to a third-place league finish. After progressing through the
Academy ranks himself as a player, he made over 100 senior appearances for
us between 1991 and 1999, winning the FA Cup and Cup Winners' Cup.

Jon Harley, who also moves up from the Under-18s after working closely
with Myers last term, will take the role of development squad assistant.


Brand worked with our development squad last season

Meanwhile, Ed Brand is the new Under-18s head coach. Formerly a youth team
captain as a player, the 32-year old has been coaching in our Academy for
10 years, most recently as assistant to Edwards with the development squad
last season. He also worked with Morris during a two-year period in which
the team won every competition they entered.


He will be assisted by James Simmonds, another former schoolboy player who
has turned his hand to coaching since hanging up his boots and is promoted
from Under-16s head coach.


Both teams travel to Dorset this weekend for a double-header against
Bournemouth and Poole Town.



Tags: 足球

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Bennie avatar
By Bennie
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Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2019-07-19T03:57
教 官網也沒更新

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