Tyler Dibling 加盟 - 切爾西足球俱樂部 Chelsea Football Club

By Irma
at 2022-08-11T22:48
at 2022-08-11T22:48
Table of Contents
tylerdibling - 11 Aug 2022
Just want to say a massive thank you to all the staff and players
@southamptonfc for these last 10 years at the club. i'm forever grateful
for the opportunities that have been handed to me and wish the club all
the best
I'm excited to join @chelseafc and can't wait to get started!
下午4:12 · 2022年7月28日
Chelsea, still working on young talents for the Academy and now set to
sign U17 England international Tyler Dibling from Southampton £1.5m fee.
下午10:18 · 2022年8月11日
Tyler has completed his move from Southampton to Chelsea and becomes the
17th first-year scholar to join Ed Brand's Under-18s for this season.
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tylerdibling - 11 Aug 2022
Just want to say a massive thank you to all the staff and players
@southamptonfc for these last 10 years at the club. i'm forever grateful
for the opportunities that have been handed to me and wish the club all
the best
I'm excited to join @chelseafc and can't wait to get started!
下午4:12 · 2022年7月28日
Chelsea, still working on young talents for the Academy and now set to
sign U17 England international Tyler Dibling from Southampton £1.5m fee.
下午10:18 · 2022年8月11日
Tyler has completed his move from Southampton to Chelsea and becomes the
17th first-year scholar to join Ed Brand's Under-18s for this season.
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