Tursunov : I'm Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - 俄網 Tennis

John avatar
By John
at 2006-08-27T19:07

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大家還記得五月份在Estoril Tursunov為ATP寫一週的Blog

這是事情的起因 搞笑的blog讓ATP網站決定讓他成為 "Resident Blogger"

現在他至少每個月會寫一篇Blog !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

這個月也是很有趣 尤其是談到Federer那邊


I'm Back! (Did You Miss Me?) (August 26, 2006)

So… After much debating I decided to start writing again because the week
of Estoril has been the best week on tour for me. People were just too afraid
to get on my bad side! They would say hello in the morning and let me take
the best croissant at the breakfast bar. They would sign up with me to
practice, and one 15-year-old kid even let me win against him on clay! So I
thought about the pros and the cons and decided that to improve my ranking I
owe it to myself to start writing again.

To be honest it’s kind of funny to see the evolution of the blog. You can
find it everywhere nowadays. You have readers review blogs on Yahoo on topics
ranging from whether Pluto is a planet or just a circular object made of
cheese to “Paramount Pictures’ concerns about Tom Cruise’s recent
misconduct on Oprah’s couch. Some tennis players have blogs on their web
sites and I hear that soon George Bush is going to blog as well. It is very
amusing to watch all of this considering, I, like, started the whole thing!

Another reason I’m resuming was just the sheer whining I had to put up
with in the locker room. “Can you please write something about me?”,
“Can you write something about Tommy?”, “Say something mean about Bobby!
I don’t like him!”, “Johnny bageled me! Tell everyone he sucks!” - and
so on and so forth. Thomas Johansson is calling me “Maestro”, “Blog King”
, “The Chosen One”, and “Richard Pryor of Blogging” after he realized how
difficult it is to blog on my level, and even Roger asked for blogging
lessons for his own web site. He is trading 3 of his Grand Slam titles
because he spent all of his money on some pastures for his cow, or something
like that, so he just wants to trade instead of paying cash! (XDXD)

So as you see, I have plenty of reasons to do this. Plus, I promised some of
the players to trash-talk some of the other guys so I can’t really back out
now. In any case, I hope you enjoy this page! I will try to put something out
at least once a month so be sure to stop by and check it out. Also you
probably noticed that you can leave your comments on this site so feel free
to leave one. Don’t worry! If it’s a negative one ATP will filter it for me
so as far as I am concerned you will enjoy this site tremendously! ;-)

Take care, Dmitry

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2006-08-29T06:29
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2006-08-30T17:52
欸..我落後這篇資訊了!__! 馬上補XD~

阿格西將告別 網協贈同齡紅酒

Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2006-08-27T17:56
【2006/08/27 聯合晚報】 @ http://udn.com 36歲網球老將阿格西究竟在今年美網會打到什程度,沒有人知道,但可以肯定的是,他已 準備好應付一場感人的告別秀。 征戰25年職業網球,經歷網球世代輪替,阿格西終於要在台北時間周二開打的美國網球賽 ,劃下職業的句點,他今天與老婆葛拉芙在紐 ...

阿格西將告別 網協贈同齡紅酒

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2006-08-27T17:48
【2006/08/27 聯合晚報】 @ http://udn.com 36歲網球老將阿格西究竟在今年美網會打到什程度,沒有人知道,但可以肯定的是,他已 準備好應付一場感人的告別秀。 征戰25年職業網球,經歷網球世代輪替,阿格西終於要在台北時間周二開打的美國網球賽 ,劃下職業的句點,他今天與老婆葛拉芙在紐 ...


Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2006-08-27T14:17
Arthur Ashe 11:30 AM 1. Womenand#39;s Singles - 1st Rnd. Maria Elena Camerin (ITA) vs. Justine Henin-Hardenne (BEL)[2] 2. Menand#39;s Singles - 1st Rnd. ...

New Haven男網賽冠軍-Davydenko

Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2006-08-27T11:23
※ [本文轉錄自 Tennis 看板] 作者: zerkchu () 看板: Tennis 標題: New Haven男網賽冠軍-Davydenko 時間: Sun Aug 27 09:04:17 2006 Singles - Final (2)N Davydenko (RUS)d (10)A Calle ...


Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2006-08-27T10:54
Arthur Ashe 11:30 AM 1. Womenand#39;s Singles - 1st Rnd. Maria Elena Camerin (ITA) vs. Justine Henin-Hardenne (BEL)[2] followed by 2. Menand#39;s Sin ...