Trevor Bauer Receives 324-Game Suspens - 美國職棒

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2022-04-30T13:31

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※ 引述《saiulbb (#KEEP MLB GREAT!)》之銘言:
: 1. 新聞來源:
: mlbtraderumors
: 2. 新聞標題:
: Trevor Bauer Receives 324-Game Suspension
: 3. 新聞內容:
: By Steve Adams | April 29, 2022 at 2:15pm CDT
: 英文很長節錄重點。
: 4. 新聞連結:
: 5. 備註:


Why would MLB issue such a long suspension after the Los Angeles D.A. did not
see evidence worthy of charges?

The standards in criminal and civil cases differ from those of a private
business. The judge dissolving the temporary restraining order and declining
to issue a permanent one does not absolve Bauer of liability within the joint
policy. Neither does a prosecutor passing on pressing charges.

MLB's imposed discipline is based on its own investigation, separate from the
criminal proceedings. The league's investigation into Bauer's case lasted 10
months. Details about MLB's findings have not been released, but the league's
investigators considered more than just the sexual assault allegations of the
San Diego woman from last year. They looked into at least one other
allegation, from an Ohio woman who sought a temporary restraining order
against Bauer in June of 2020, details of which were reported by the
Washington Post.

Hours after Bauer's suspension was announced, the Post published a story
about another Ohio woman who accused Bauer of choking her unconscious without
consent during sex on multiple occasions over the course of a relationship
that dated back to 2013. Bauer's attorneys denied those allegations, as they
did the allegations by the other women. But the two Ohio women told the Post
they cooperated with the league's investigation, and we don't know if others
were involved as well.


=> 聯盟的調查是獨立進行 和法院訴訟無關 然後目前已知有三位女性控告Bauer

所以聯盟在調查完所有資料後(包括但不限於那三女) 才對Bauer開罰

Do players win appeals?

Occasionally. In August 2013, MLB suspended Alex Rodriguez for a record 211
games after he possessed and used performance-enhancing drugs over multiple
years. He appealed and was allowed to play for the remainder of the season.

Rodriguez's suspension was ultimately reduced to the full 2014 season -- 162
games. The most recent suspension known to be fully overturned was Ryan
Braun's positive performance-enhancing drug test, which was nullified because
of a chain-of-custody issue. Braun later agreed to serve 65 games for his
involvement with Biogenesis, the same lab that provided Rodriguez with PEDs.

A fully overturned suspension for a domestic violence case seems unlikely,
according to sources familiar with the grievance process, but because this
will be the first such case appealed, anything is possible.

以前有Braun上訴成功的經驗 而A-Rod有爭取到減輕禁賽的待遇

不過Bauer案 熟悉上訴程序的消息人員認為很難完全翻盤


All Comments

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2022-05-01T00:23
覺得不太可能不禁賽 頂多吃掉前面的行政處分MLB就很讓了
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2022-05-01T11:16
Braun是主席的乾兒子 Bauer像主席的殺父仇人 可想而知www
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2022-05-01T22:08
現在主席從以前就是幹這種私下骯髒活出頭的 再搞不意外
Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2022-05-02T09:01
Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2022-05-02T19:53
樓上有看再來嗆吧 不然一樣
William avatar
By William
at 2022-05-02T09:57
Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2022-05-02T20:49
因為性癖終結生涯的第一人 OOTP24不考慮加入演算法嗎


Lauren avatar
By Lauren
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Trevor Bauer Receives 324-Game Suspens

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2022-04-30T09:07
1. 新聞來源: mlbtraderumors 2. 新聞標題: Trevor Bauer Receives 324-Game Suspension 3. 新聞內容: By Steve Adams | April 29, 2022 at 2:15pm CDT 英文很長節錄重點。 4. 新聞連結: ...

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