Top 100 player 2016 (37 ~ 35) - NBA

Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2015-09-11T10:28

Table of Contents's Top 100 NBA Players of 2016

本次球員:No.37 Derrick Favors No.36 Tyson Chandler
No.35 Andre Drummond



Derrick Favors

Jazz | Forward | Last year: 79

Grizzlies guard Mike Conley has been the NBA’s reigning “most underrated”
player for two or three years now, a length of time that really should
invalidate the title. So let’s nominate a new candidate: Derrick Favors. The
Jazz big man fits this bill precisely for so many reasons. He plays in Utah,
he’s a member of a young team that hasn’t turned the corner (but soon
will), his teammates Gordon Hayward and Rudy Gobert hog the spotlight, his
rise has been steady not meteoric, and he gets lost in the shuffle in a
Western Conference that is stacked with future Hall of Famers and perennial
All-Stars at his position.

Mike Conley過去兩三年被稱為最被低估的球員,現在不是了。讓我們來提名新的人選:

Derrick Favors。下列原因使這個爵士長人完全符合這個條件,他在猶他打球,他在一隻



Those are all the reasons no one ever talks about Favors. Here are the
reasons they should. Favors, 24, was one of just nine players to average 16/8
last season; he was the second-youngest member of that group, behind Anthony
Davis, and seven of his fellow members have been All-Stars during their
careers. Thanks to his productivity, efficient shooting, and strong two-way
play, Favors is the rare under-25 player who aces every major advanced stat,
ranking 14th overall in PER among minutes-qualified players, 25th in Win
Shares, 37th in Real Plus-Minus and 31st in WARP. Favors is a plus player on
both sides: Utah’s offensive rating was 4.6 points better with him on the
court last season and Utah’s defensive rating was 6.2 points better with
Favors once a midseason trade freed him from the burden of Enes Kanter.
Favors is big, strong and his presence is felt: he commands attention on the
block on the offensive end with a workmanlike offensive repertoire and he is
a strong post defender who blocks his share of shots and can live on an
island without panicking. Favors is reliable and improving: he’s never
missed more than 10 games in a season, which stands as a nice feather in the
cap for a young big playing rotation minutes, and he’s upped his per-game
output each year for five straight seasons, even though Utah has undergone
significant roster turnover and multiple coaching changes during that time.


九個能場均16分8籃板的球員之一,而且他是九個中第二年輕的,輸給Anthony Davis。


Favors是少數低於25歲能在每個進階數據都有很好的表現的。(Per:14th, Win Shares:

25th, RPM: 37th, WARP: 31st)。Favors在攻守兩端都有正值的表現,攻擊端他在場上,





It’s probably best not to hold your breath waiting for a national awakening
about Favors. Even if coach Quin Snyder is able to strike the right balance
and the Jazz qualify for the playoffs, Hayward (a legit All-Star candidate
who is by far the team’s best all-around offensive player) and Gobert (a
strong Defensive Player of the Year and All-Defensive candidate) are sure to
garner most of the praise. That’s fine and totally understandable, just don’
t completely forget about the third member of Utah’s rising triumvirate. –




2014-15: 16 PPG, 8.2 RPG, 1.7 BPG, 52.5 FG%

Advanced: 21.8 PER, Win Shares: 8.3, +3.40 RPM


Tyson Chandler

Suns | Center | Last year: 39

Phoenix pursued Chandler this summer in part because, as GM Ryan McDonough
tells it, the Suns had heard through the grapevine that then-free agent
LaMarcus Aldridge had always wanted to play with him. And why wouldn’t he?
Chandler is the kind of teammate any competitor would love: fiery, relentless
and deeply disciplined. The worst that can be said of Chandler is his play
sometimes teeters with nagging injury. Playing the way Chandler does brings
its share of strains and tweaks, the sum of which can tax a terrific two-way
center to lesser form.




Otherwise, Chandler’s team is guaranteed a player very comfortable and quite
effective within the role he’s asked to play. Defense remains his calling
card. Any coach in the league could find comfort in the notion of Chandler
commanding the back line of the defense. His help will be punctual and
informed by the scouting report. His post defense will be physical and
irksome. Chandler will be quick off the ground to challenge any shot in his
vicinity and still rank among the best rebounders in the league (last season
he finished sixth in offensive and defensive rebounding rate).





And somehow Chandler might be even better on offense. Scoring itself has
never been Chandler’s forté. Where his presence pays off is in its gravity—
the effect that Chandler has when rolling down the middle of the lane or
lurking on the baseline. Those who stray from him risk a lob to one of the NBA
’s best finishers, often at an angle no other defender could disrupt. Any
other option would involve bailing on defensive principles when they ought be
in effect. Chandler knows just where to be to force defenders into difficult
decisions on a second-by-second basis. In doing so, he stretches the value of
his dunks and athleticism to their absolute limit. – R.M.





2014-15: 10.3 PPG, 11.5 RPG, 1.2 BPG, 66.6 FG%

Advanced: 20.1 PER, Win Shares: 10.3, +4.58 RPM


Andre Drummond

Pistons | Center | Last year: 37

For three seasons, the hype and anticipation surrounding Pistons center Andre
Drummond has exceeded the results. The 6’10” Drummond, who just turned 22
in August, has the size, strength and athletic tools to be a franchise
center. But, as tends to happen with young big men, his development has been
full of starts and stops.



While he’s established himself as the league’s premier offensive rebounder
and posted impressive block rates, he’s also struggled to finish
consistently in the paint, he’s led the league twice in personal fouls, he’
s compiled such a horrific free-throw shooting percentage that he makes
Dwight Howard look like John Stockton, and he’s still a ways from mastering
the finer points of life as a back-line defender. Predictably, there have
been consistency issues too: there’s the Drummond who posted two 20/20 games
in 2014–15, joining DeMarcus Cousins and DeAndre Jordan as the only players
to accomplish the feat multiple times, and then there’s the Drummond who,
too often, couldn’t seem to buy a basket.





Slowly but surely, Pistons president/coach Stan Van Gundy has reshaped a
flawed roster to better suit Drummond, ditching space-killing big men Greg
Monroe and Josh Smith, adding a pick-and-roll point guard in Reggie Jackson,
and upgrading his perimeter options in hopes of mimicking the Howard-centric
roster he fielded during his days coaching the Magic. These are all fantastic
developments for Drummond, who should see an uptick in his minutes, touches,
responsibilities and comfort factor next season. – B.G.


Josh Smith,加入了能擋拆的控衛Reggie Jackson。希望能像當初執教魔術一樣,仿效



2014-15: 13.8 PPG, 13.5 RPG, 1.9 BPG, 51.4 FG%

Advanced: 21.4 PER, Win Shares: 7.7, +0.74 RPM

心得: 又都是長人
Tags: NBA

All Comments

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2015-09-14T18:58
西區太強 不然爵士真的很有機會
Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2015-09-17T08:09
Favors真的是穩定高效 拳王老了排名還這麼高~
Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2015-09-17T13:27
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2015-09-17T16:35
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2015-09-20T04:30
Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2015-09-23T16:58
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2015-09-24T21:09
我一直對 finisher 不知怎麼翻譯 得分終結者 像是
把得分終結了 *
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2015-09-28T01:56
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2015-09-29T02:59
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2015-10-01T19:19
原則? 我英文不太好 囧
Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2015-10-02T21:54
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2015-10-03T08:54
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2015-10-05T13:43
James avatar
By James
at 2015-10-08T03:39
Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2015-10-13T01:35
Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2015-10-15T07:05
Finisher在2K都翻終結者的樣子xD 推推
Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2015-10-15T16:58
Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2015-10-18T17:32
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2015-10-20T09:52
Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2015-10-25T07:05
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2015-10-27T18:20
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2015-10-29T06:03
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2015-11-01T13:34
終結者也沒翻錯啊 把球放進籃框就是結束攻擊
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2015-11-04T19:10
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2015-11-05T16:11
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2015-11-06T00:48
推 快剩1/3了!
Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2015-11-08T20:49
Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2015-11-11T04:23
Favors PER超高
Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2015-11-11T08:54
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2015-11-12T17:16
Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2015-11-15T01:10

波許感謝祭 傷癒復出1對30沒問題!

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2015-09-11T10:13
NBA》波許感謝祭 傷癒復出1對30沒問題! 〔體育中心/綜合報導〕邁阿密熱火前鋒「龍王」波許(Chris Bosh)上季因肺栓塞問題 住院,健康一度亮起紅燈,經數月的治療與休養後終於恢復健康,大病初癒的他並未閒著 ,趕起通告上節目《深夜秀》(The late late show),接受30名工作人員的鬥牛 ...

易建聯領銜 劉煒重返中國隊

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2015-09-11T09:48
中國時報 / 黃邱倫 亞洲男籃錦標賽23日在中國長沙登場,國際籃球總會(FIBA)昨在官網上以「老將劉煒重 返中國隊」為標題公布中國大陸男籃隊亞錦賽12人名單,但中國隊最具威脅性的攻擊重心 仍是易建聯。 中國大陸隊12人名單為:趙繼偉、劉煒、郭艾倫、趙泰隆、丁彥雨航、翟曉川、易建聯、 李根、李慕豪、王哲林 ...

NBA》湯普森遲不續約  騎士又簽下俄羅

Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2015-09-10T21:00
NBA》湯普森遲不續約  騎士又簽下俄羅斯中鋒考恩 湯普森(Tristan Thompson)遲遲不續約,騎士補強內線戰力的動作卻沒停下來,近日又 簽下俄羅斯中鋒考恩(Sasha Kaun)。根據聯盟規定,合約的細節沒有公佈。 ESPN專家史坦(Marc Stein)根據消息人士透露,考恩與騎士簽下的是一 ...


Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2015-09-10T18:57
北京時間9月10日,Seth Curry新賽季就將披上國王的戰袍,而據《體育畫報》記者Lee Jenkins報導,在簽約國王之前,Seth Curry拒絕了勇士隊給他提供的合約。 Jenkins報導稱,今夏一共有4支球隊給Seth Curry提供了合約,除了國王,其他3支是黃 蜂、鵜鶘和勇士。 “我不想去 ...


Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2015-09-10T18:19
NBA/保護老皮!Rivers:他得在季後賽保持健康 記者沈明璁/綜合報導 「真理」Paul Pierce新球季再度投入Doc Rivers麾下,將在洛杉磯快艇編織再一次的冠 軍夢,不過事隔7年,子弟兵可是老了7歲。 ...