TNA Bound for Glory 2006 Results - 摔角 Wrestle

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2006-10-23T11:10

Table of Contents

‧ Preshow: Bobby Roode defeated Lance Hoyt.

‧ Kevin Nash Open Invitational X-Division Gauntlet Battle Royal:
Austin Starr defeated Jay Lethal.The other participants were
Sonjay Dutt, Matt Bentley, Jay Lethal, A1, Zach Gowen,
Frankie Kazarian, Shark Boy, Alex Shelley, D-Ray 3000, Johnny Devine,
Elix Skipper, Short Sleeve Sampson, Norman Smiley, and Petey Williams.

‧ Four Corners Tag Team Match: Team 3D (Brother Ray & Brother Devon) defeated
America’s Most Wanted (Chris Harris & James Storm), The James Gang
(BG James & Kip James), and The Naturals (Chase Stevens & Andy Douglas).

‧ Monster’s Ball Match: Samoa Joe defeated Abyss, Brother Runt, and Raven
, with Jake Roberts as the Special Referee.

‧ Chris Sabin defeated TNA X-Division Champion, Senshi, to win the title.

‧ Detroit “8 Mile” Street Fight: Christian Cage defeated Rhino.

‧ Six Sides of Steel: The Latin American Exchange (Homicide & Hernandez)
defeated NWA World Tag Team Champions, AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels
, to win the titles.

‧ Title vs. Career: Sting defeated NWA World Heavyweight Champion,
Jeff Jarrett, to win the title, with Kurt Angle as the Special Referee.

Tags: 摔角

All Comments

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2006-10-24T03:31
希望JJ短期內不要再拿腰帶了= =

Re: 請問摔角一招.....DDT

Una avatar
By Una
at 2006-10-23T01:01
※ 引述《issacchang (issac)》之銘言: : 想請問DDT這一招是什麼動作.... : 是整個身體正面往地板(臉朝地板)摔嗎? : 煩請解惑了..... 就把對方的頭夾在你的腋下再往後倒,頭會整個被種在地板上 最近的摔角手使用DDT都沒有很完全,才導致你有這樣的感覺吧 不過也有臉插下去的DDT ...


David avatar
By David
at 2006-10-23T00:57
: 不知道以耐打聞名的三澤跟小橋如果跟藤田對戰會是什麼狀況... : 三澤如果再躺著想回血 : 可能會直接被KO吧...... 跟年輕時的三澤打 應該會被宰掉 三澤可不是那種會吃對手招的人阿 要打贏年輕的三擇 除非你在現在摔角界無敵才有可能 到是很期待小橋跟他對打 小橋的比賽一向是 ....先把對手的所有招 ...


Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2006-10-23T00:56
後來還有播藤田VS永田的比賽,竟然使出剪刀夾頭翻摔 看到剪刀夾頭翻摔我真的嚇了一跳,而且還很漂亮,不輸給當年有頭髮的武藤 本來對他一直停留在會用格鬥技偷吃步的選手,至此就改觀了~ 之前還有看過一場他對上棚橋的比賽,也是把棚橋膝擊到KO,真的滿猛的 近況好像是之前來斯那三方威脅戰傷到脖子修養中,目前沒有排什麼新 ...


Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2006-10-22T23:16
應該算是近年來強力型的選手了吧 看了他跟柴田勝賴的比賽 實在很熱血 柴田在賽前就說了 「殺掉或是被殺掉」 果然 柴田被ko敗戰 但藤田實在是太猛了啊 很像是K1式的攻擊 完全就是打擊技取勝啊 看他的膝擊跟踢擊 真的會有冒冷汗的感覺 一開始柴田奇襲給了藤田一記眼角的猛烈踢擊 激起了藤田的怒火 之後.. ...


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2006-10-22T23:12
想請問DDT這一招是什麼動作.... 是整個身體正面往地板(臉朝地板)摔嗎? 煩請解惑了..... - ...