TIME MAGAZINE - Andy的10個問題 - 網球

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2009-09-02T05:30

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※ 引述《chachcova (愛麗絲的兔子)》之銘言:
: 這是我昨天收到的TIME雜誌裡面的文章
: 打上來跟大家分享一下~
: ---
: 10 Questions.

: America's top tennis player takes the court at the U.S. Open on Aug. 31.
: Andy Roddick will now take your questions.

: Q1. How exactly does it feel to hit a serve at 240km/h ?
碰到時速240公里的發球是什麼感覺? (算是雙關? 沒提是接球還是自己發的)

: Andy: It's better hitting it than having someone hit it against you. But I'll
: take a slow one that wins me the point as opposed to a faster one that
: doesn't.

: Q2. You definitely had your chances of winning against Roger Federer at this
: year's Wimbledon final. What do you think are the things that cost you
: the match?
溫網決賽的時候你絕對有機會打敗Federer 你認為是什麼原因讓你輸球?

: Andy: I don't think there are things. In the end, he put more returns on the
: court than I did in the fifth set.
我不認為有什麼特別的原因 比賽最後他在第五盤回發球回進的比我多

: Q3. Do you believe that you are unfortunate to play tennis in the era of
: Federer and Rafael Nadal and hence not able to win as many Grand Slam as
: you deseve?
你會不會覺得自己生在Federer跟Nadal有點不幸 沒辦法拿到你值得的大滿貫數量?

: Andy: No. You know, I feel fortune that I get to play tennis at all. There
: have been great champion in every generation. Maybe not as dominant as
: Roger has been, but I'm certainly not going to complain about the hand
: that I've been dealt.
不會 我覺得能打網球已經很幸運了 每個世代都有偉大的冠軍
或許不是都像Roger的主宰力這麼強 但我不會因為這樣就對我所面臨的條件抱怨

: Q4. Your famous temper has mellowed. What do you attribute this change to?
你的脾氣成熟了下來 你認為這該歸功於什麼?

: Andy: I don't think it's rare for a 26-year-old to be more mature than they
: were at 19. I think I've just had an audience for a lot of it. With
: that come some good decisions, some bad decisions. I certainly like to
: think I learned from majorty of them.
我覺得26歲比19歲成熟很正常 我覺得有很多因素
有時候我做出好的決定 有時候是壞的決定 我想我從中學到很多

: Q5. Why is it that American tennis seems to be unable to produce the tennis
: star we used to?

: Andy: Well, to me it's pretty obvious. The fact of the matter is, [tennis is]
: now pulling from a worldwide talent pool. We're probably the second
: biggest sport worldwide, and there's not really a country that's not
: involved in tennis right now. So with the growth of the game worldwide,
: the talent is going to be a lot more spread out. I think you're seeing
: that on a smaller scale with basketball. It used to just be, How much
: is the American team going to win? Now the sport has grown so much that
: the Olympics are interesting again.
對我來說很明顯的原因在於現在網球現在成為全球化的運動 或許是全球第二普及的
沒有一個國家能真正壟斷網球 所以因為全球化的成長
天才球員也散佈各地 籃球就比較沒這方面的問題 之前大家都問美國能贏多少
現在網球越來越成長 奧運(各國的競爭)也越來越有趣了

: Q6. Who do you really idolize in the world of tennis?

: Andy: I was completely lucky and spoiled growing up. I was able to catch the
: tail end of John McEnroe and Jimmy Connors and lived through the golden
: age of American tennis with Andre Agassi and Pete Sampras and Jim
: Courier and Michael Chang. Even cooler than that, I've been able to
: establish a relationship with mpst of them. I'm glad that I had those
: guys to look up to.
我有幸能看見John McEnroe.Jimmy Connors的生涯末段
更酷的是我能跟他們建立起良好的關係 我很榮幸能跟隨他們的腳步

: Q7. Which former tennis star would you like to go up against in their prime?

: Andy: It'd probably be Arthur Ashe. It's be great to take Bobby Riggs' spot
: in the "battle of the sexes" too and let Billie Jean King beat up on me
: a little bit.
或許是Arthur Ashe吧
如果能取代Bobby Riggs的位置跟Billie Jean King打性別大戰也很酷

: Q8. I have hardly seen you play tennis without your cap. Is it your lucky
: charm?
我很少看見你不帶著帽子打球 這算幸運物嗎?

: Andy: No. It's just habit. It's something that I used to do in Florida when I
: was younger just because of the heat and sun. To be honest, now it just
: feels weird without it.
只是習慣而已 我年紀比較小的時候在佛州都是這樣 因為那裡太陽太又很熱

: Q9. Why don't you like chair umpires?

: Andy: Because they're the ones who have a lot of the control at our matches,
: and if it doesn't go my way, I'm a little annoyed. I talk to them and
: they're like "You're fine away from the court, and we actually like
: you. But you are evil when you're on the court." They say I'm getting a
: little better.
因為他們對我們的比賽有掌控權 如果他們的決定對我不利
那我就會很生氣 我跟他們講話的時候
他們給我的感覺像是"只要你在場下 一切都ok 我們其實很喜歡你 但在場上你就像惡魔"

: Q10. Is it really true that you lost a match to Serena Williams a long time
: ago?
: (這個問題又被問了XD)

: Andy: Serena and Venus and I, we all grew up together training at the same
: place in Florida, and I did lose to Serena when we were 9 or 10 years
: old. She is very forthcoming with that result whenever she'd asked
: about it. But she won't give me a rematch.
我們在佛州的同個地方練球 我們九歲十歲的時候我輸給Serena過
每次你問他這件事他保證都會非常樂意談 但他不讓我再跟他比一次

: ---
: 這都是球迷提問的
: 我沒有把球迷的姓名打出來就是了~
: 然後我也無法翻譯 囧
: 然後time.com/10questions 有這段訪問的影片
: 雜誌裡面還有一張Andy很帥的照片>///<
: ps 這是September 7 , 2009 那一期


Tags: 網球

All Comments

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2009-09-03T07:34
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2009-09-04T12:05
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2009-09-08T22:29
Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2009-09-10T13:46
Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2009-09-12T18:15
Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2009-09-13T14:18

TIME MAGAZINE - Andy的10個問題

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2009-09-01T14:55
這是我昨天收到的TIME雜誌裡面的文章 打上來跟大家分享一下~ --- 10 Questions. Americaand#39;s top tennis player takes the court at the U.S. Open on Aug. 31. Andy Roddick will now ...

[新聞] 美網/禁推特 洛迪克嗆:無聊

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2009-08-31T22:29
※ [本文轉錄自 Tennis 看板] 作者: sonyptt ( ) 看板: Tennis 標題: [新聞] 美網/禁推特 洛迪克嗆:無聊 時間: Mon Aug 31 14:52:57 2009 【聯合晚報╱記者陳宛晶/綜合報導】 美國網球公開賽昨天才宣布,將限制球員的推特(Twitter)內容, ...

Andy 27歲生日快樂

Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2009-08-30T19:55
發現都沒人出聲 那我來搶頭香啦 因為我也今天生日XD http://tinyurl.com/mm58g2 Happy 27th Birthday, Andy!!!!! 很喜歡你以前得分時很high地鼓舞自己的樣子 不過溫布敦是那種沉穩更令人感動 希望你美網也能像溫布敦一樣勇猛!!!! - ...


Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2009-08-30T11:21
Arthur Ashe Stadium 11:00 Start Womenand#39;s Singles - 1st Round Viktoriya Kutuzova(UKR) vs. Kim Clijsters(BEL) Not Before:13:00 Menand#39;s Singles ...


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2009-08-28T02:06
※ [本文轉錄自 Tennis 看板] 作者: ronanchang (蓄勢待發) 看板: Tennis 標題: 2009美網男單籤表 時間: Fri Aug 28 01:29:32 2009 (1) Roger Federer SUI vs (WC) Devin Britton USA Qualifie ...