The Serve .......part 1 - 網球 Tennis

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2006-08-24T22:29

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來源:TENNIS March 2005 By Rick Macci


作者Rick Macci 曾任Andy Roddick,Jennifer Capriati,大小威的教練

You can argue many thing things when it comes to playing tennis,
but there's one issue that's not debatable---the racquet hits the ball.
And the simple fact is,if you want the ball to travel fast or with a lot of
spin,the racquet has to move quickly to do it. All the bending,twisting,
and grunting in the world won't do you any goodif your racquet is slow.
So if you're looking to rip your serve,the first thing you have to
consider is what your racquet is doing.
Put the shoulder turn and deep knee bend on the sideline for now because the
smartest way to increase the pace on your serve is to speed up your racquet.
Here are some drills and tips to help you achieve that.

你打網球時可以抱怨很多事 但只有一點你辯無可辯---發球

粗淺的一個道理 你想使你發出的球虎虎生風 或帶有強烈的上旋 你揮拍速度就要快
不然的話不管你腳蹲得再低 腰部扭轉再完全 或是不爽的咒罵老天 也於事無補

所以你想使你的發球猶如電閃雷轟 第一件事情要想到的 便是如何控制球拍
現在就在發球線上旋轉你的肩膀 蹲低你的膝蓋 因為使你發球進步最快最便捷的方法
以下是一些有用的的步驟以及小撇步 可使你改善你的發球

use only your upper body. At the 2004 WTA championships last Novmber,
Serena Williams suffered an abdominal injury in the final against Sharapova.
Because of this ailment, Serena served the entire third set using only her
upper body. With this abbreviated motion she still reached 90 m.p.h. on the
radar gun and hit a couple of aces. Unfortunately,she didn't have enough to
win,but you could see how much power she could muster just by using her upper
So practice your serve while eliminating your lowr body. I've had students
stand in ball hoppers to keep their legs quiet,but you can do it by serving
just like Serena did. You simply toss the ball and accelerate the racquet.
By taking away a part of the body,you're forcing the other elements to do more.

先只用你的上半身來發球 去年2004年11月WTA年終球后決賽小威對上莎娃時
深受腹部拉傷所苦 因為腹部傷痛 小威在整個第三盤只能依靠上半身的力量發球
儘管動作受限 測速槍顯示 她仍可發出時速90mile的發球 拿下幾記ace
不幸的 這不足以致勝 但你見識到 只靠上半身 小威仍可聚氣 來個雷霆一發
所以先練習不使用你的下半身發力 我總教我的學生雙腳站在小發球籃中固定他雙腿
這樣一來你就能和小威一樣只用上半身的力量發球了 緩拋球過頂 加快揮拍速度
使你身體部分運用受限 你才能抱殘守缺 迫出最大力量

Have your coach or friend toss the ball for you. Sometimes,by disrupting
your timing on the serve,you can speed up your racquet. I've found that
players actually serve much faster when I toss the ball for them.
I intentionally toss the ball a little low so the player is forced to get the
racquet to the contact point more quickly. This breaks up the original rhythm,
which for whatever reason was a little bit slow or disconnected,and gets the
racquet flying. Try it yourself by getting into serving position and having
someone stand off to your right[left for lefties]and toss the ball in front
of you. Don't be concerned with a big shoulder turn or loading up your legs.
You're just trying to whip your racquet around as quickly as possible.

請你的教練或是朋友再你練發球時幫你拋球 有時候 打亂你發球節奏 可使你揮拍加快
我確實發現我拋球給選手打 球速要比原本要快得多 有時我故意把球拋低一點
這一來他們不得不加快揮拍節奏以擊準球心 這原理是破壞身體擊球時的韻律
在你感到倉卒 動作不甚完整之餘 球拍不自覺的飛快騰升

嚐試在你就定位準備發球時 請某人站在你右手邊(左撇子的站左邊)幫你拋球
別因為你的肩膀旋轉不足或是下盤運用不夠而覺得不對勁 你只是試試你揮拍能有多快而已

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2006-08-25T14:52
我只怕拍子揮到丟球的人 XD
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2006-08-26T07:16
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2006-08-26T23:40
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2006-08-27T16:03
這是2005的雜誌了 官網我剛看了一下沒看
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2006-08-28T08:27
到圖片說 J版友友看到的話麻煩告知我 謝
Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2006-08-29T00:51

Re: $25K Nanjing, China

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2006-08-24T20:32
※ 引述《zerkchu ()》之銘言: : ※ 引述《vincelove ( ........)》之銘言: : : Qualifying : : first round Bye : : second round (1)Yi Chen (TPE) d. Dan-Ni Jiang (CHN) 60 60 ...


Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2006-08-24T16:31
※ [本文轉錄自 Tennis 看板] 作者: zerkchu () 看板: Tennis 標題: 2006美網男單籤表 時間: Thu Aug 24 01:22:37 2006 Roger Federer SUI (1) vs Yeu-Tzuoo Wang TPE Tim Henman GBR vs. ...


Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2006-08-24T13:27
Court 6 11:00 AM 1. Womenand#39;s Qual Singles - 2nd Rnd. Natalie Grandin (RSA) vs. 謝淑薇 Su-Wei Hsieh (TPE) Court 13 11:00 AM 5. Womenand#39;s Qual Sing ...


Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2006-08-24T13:25
每次去買球的時候都會看到店家外面有很大張的海報 有沙拉波娃 還有庫娃 那個海報哪裡可以買的到阿 實在很想在房間掛一張 每天看 andgt;and#34;andlt; - ...


Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2006-08-24T13:24
本日起開始第二輪 Court 4 5. Menand#39;s Qual Singles - 2nd Rnd. Go Soeda (JPN) vs. Peter Luczak (AUS)[29] Court 5 2. Womenand#39;s Qual Singles - 2nd Rnd. Al ...