"The List of Jericho" is missing - 摔角 Wrestle

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2016-10-26T01:05

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官方影片 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVooJZQvUf0




部份人名簡化Christ Jericho=Y2J,Kevin Ownes=KO,Seth Rollins=SR
Stephanie McMahon=SM

something that can change the course of wwe.(audience:sparkle crotch*6 )
somebody is stolen The List of Jericho.
(audience:no no no no.) I will not leave this ring,I will not have another
match,I am not gonna have anythingto do backstage,
anything to do with this company until I get my list on my hands.

觀眾:Booooooooooo~ 原因是因為一件很可怕的事,這足以改變WWE走向
觀眾:sparkle crotch,sparkle crotch,sparkle crotch(註1)
有人偷走了Jericho名冊 觀眾:NO NO NO NO NO

KO:you know I don't know who has the list. frankly I don't care about
the list. but look I know you care so here is I am gonna do,I know you
care and I care about you so here is I am gonna do,I am gonna help you
find the list,we'll find the list together but only once we take care
of SR on our match tonight,so here is what I need you to do I need
stop think about the list. we need to get on the same page.
you understand that what I need you to do.


SM:you have triple threat match tonight ,against SR in the main event of
monday night raw you need to get on the same page,stopping so rediculous


Y2J: what what do you say to me,be rediculous this is the list,there is no
triple threat match. I want the list.

Y2J:你你剛剛說什麼阿,荒謬的行為??? 這可是名冊阿,沒名冊沒比賽啦

SR:hahaha I found the list everybody(SM:OK chris relax,SR you bring that list
right down here to me right now)nah nah nah nah stephan actually I'm glad you
out here.i'm going with the list,it's pretty lengthy,it got a lot of name
on it,Enzo、Seth、sparkle crotch、Bon Jovi but tour the bottom of the list,
there is another name i thought Stephan you've been interesting actually,
it come with explanation says that for putting my best friend inside
hell in a cell Stephanie McMahon.

SR:(被剪片)哈哈哈 大家,我找到名冊囉~
SR:nah nah nah Stephanie,事實上我很高興你出來,在這份囉嗦的名冊中有很多名子
在說明欄註明把我最好的朋友放進地獄鐵籠Stephanie McMahon

KO:nonono you are not get away with this one
SR:you should see the last name on this list,my former best frind KO

SR:你應該看看名冊上最後一個名子,我的前好友Kevin Owens

Y2J: you just took too far Rollins ok.KO would never on the list an honorable
a loyal man a best friend would never on the list ok,unless the list is
made by barbarian,stupid idiot like you like Mick Foley like everybody here
in this ring tonight that me say this one more time to you rollins,i want
the list ani want it back now!

除非這名冊是由野蠻人,笨蛋白癡的人像你或Mick Foley還是今晚擂台上的其他人

SR:i can't like the list,I'm feel nice tonight ,I'm nice guy.but before I do
that I feel like I need to make some alteration to the list actually,maybe
make a new list dedicate to your body, the man literally handed the wwe
universal championship the list dedicate to KO,but Kevin this gonna be a list
by barbarian,stupid idiot this gonna be a list of all the part of your body
will never be the same after you step hell in a cell with me this sunday.
this sunday hell in a cell I'm gonna rip you apart Kevin and when I
Pedigree you through that mate,I'm gonna sent a message to you Stephan and
Triple H I'll stop nothing to take that universal title from you and burn your
whole astonished man to the ground.
so Chris you want your list back come and get it

我要給Stephan和Triple H一個訊息,在我拿到冠軍腰帶前我是不會停止的。

註1:"sparkle crotch"是上周RAW SR嘲笑Y2J幫他取的綽號,暫翻閃亮小褲褲。
註2: Enzo八月初的RAW裡,Y2J叫他Hip-Hop Hobbit(嘻哈哈比人)。
註3: Triple H的終結技,現在由SR繼承。

對了後面還有找到名冊的劇情 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZrc689p6nA
SR丟在休息室,Braun Strowman撿到,最後有回到Y2J手上
Tags: 摔角

All Comments

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2016-10-30T14:30
Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2016-11-04T03:56
樓上 被放進list是非常嚴重的事 千萬不要被記上去
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2016-11-08T17:21
The List of JERICHO
Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2016-11-13T06:46
Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2016-11-17T20:12
我看了一下 好險List上面沒有我的名字 嚇死我
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2016-11-22T09:37
有一段KO說我才不在乎你的名冊 Y2J變臉 超好笑的
Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2016-11-26T23:02
Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2016-12-01T12:27
List 是神聖不可侵犯的
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2016-12-06T01:53
好想要看The List of Jericho拿下DDT Pro Wrestling Ironman Heavymetalweight Championship哦
Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2016-12-10T15:18
有趣 喜歡名冊這個梗
Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2016-12-15T04:43
有邦喬飛是嫉妒他成就吧 XDDD

The Club (本週Raw雷)

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By Michael
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Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2016-10-21T23:47
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