The Dream Team: Goldfine and Roddick - 網球

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2005-11-26T14:45

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The Dream Team: Goldfine and Roddick

November 24th, 2005 02:32 am
By Jen Moschella

“It’s a dream come true working with a guy who has the potential to stay at
the top for a long time,” Coach Dean Goldfine said about Andy. “Andy wants
to win slams and that shows his willingness and dedication.”

When Andy first turned pro with Coach Tarik Benhabiles, Dean was coaching
Todd Martin. Dean first met Andy in Cincinnati when Andy had received a wild
card into that tournament. But what impressed Dean was seeing Andy blow away
his own player in practice in Switzerland early the next year. That caught
Dean’s eye and he slowly became more familiar with Andy’s game by watching
his tournament matches, and then, ultimately working with him during Davis
Cup. Time and circumstances finally brought the two together as player and

“We were friends first,” noted Dean, “and that helps make for a good
working relationship, especially since we are able to separate into
coach/player mode when it comes to what Andy needs to get done to win.” Dean
went on to describe how eager Andy is to work hard and do what it takes to
play his best. Andy knows what Dean expects from him. “Andy is ready to jump
as high as he can when I ask,” Dean said. There is a great deal of trust
between the two when it comes to helping Andy’s game grow and evolve without
losing it’s foundation.

Dean added that one of the most exciting things for the upcoming year is that
Lance Hooten, Andy’s trainer in Austin, thinks Andy has just scratched the
surface when it comes to improving his speed and agility. In 2004, Andy
really buckled down to get in the best shape of his life and made huge
improvements with his movement and court coverage. “Andy is driven, focused,
and will do whatever it takes to reach his full potential,” Dean said. “Our
first conversation (as player and coach) focused on what Andy needed to
improve: his volleying, transition game, and service returns.” We have seen
all of those become a stronger part of Andy’s game this past year.

When it comes to Andy’s matches, we’ve watched Dean taking notes, but what
exactly is he writing? Dean charts Andy’s shots and net approaches. He makes
suggestions on certain points and what will be worked on in the next
practice. He also tracks Andy’s opponent’s tendencies so they can prepare
for the next time those two meet. For example, if Andy will be playing a left
handed opponent, then practices are scheduled against left handed players.

It is a game of preparation and Coach Goldfine is all over Andy’s game and
preparing him to add more “W’s” to his tally sheet every time he steps on
the court.

“Andy really is a coach’s dream,” Dean concluded. “He is always ready to
go with no questions asked.”

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