The Beautiful Adventure Ends - 網球

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2006-07-09T01:36

Table of Contents

The Beautiful Adventure Ends

Justine could not take her 6th grand slam title. Amelie Mauresmo was stronger
today, but the gallant Roland Garros queen will be back again in London next
year. Her ambitions will not subside, even though this year's Wimbledon
adventure ended.

The first set was classic Justine, everything was hit with authority, punch,
and finesse. It was 6-3 in the first set.

The second set dragged a bit as Mauresmo slowed Justine down from her upward
momentum. A few errors here and there for the world's most powerful 1-handed
backhand, and Mauresmo lifted her game. The woman from France grabbed the
second set 3-6.

The third set started well for Justine, but as in typical grass court tennis;
the advantage is always with the server. Unfortunately, the gallant Belgian's
serves were a notch below the consistency level to keep the score level.
Justine was always a game behind due to her lost service hold. It took
Mauresmo only one real breakpoint to keep Justine at bay to serve for the

Final score: 2-6 6-3 6-4

Justine promises to return next year to England for another attempt to win
Wimbledon. The webteam would like to thank all the great fans, and supporters
throughout globe that lived those incredible moments from Paris to
Eastbourne, and from Eastbourne to Wimbledon SW19 with us.

不貼新聞啦 反正也應該都是講momo的...

Tags: 網球

All Comments


Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2006-07-09T00:56
sorry系統負荷無法開獎 我瞭解賭momo三盤的已經等不及要大豐收了 但請先耐心等候吧 ...我不是故意不開的啦 - ...


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2006-07-09T00:37
唉 網聚回來了 這次卻high不起來 第一盤打完以為冠軍鐵定到手了 大家還一直照相很high 沒想到第二盤第一個發球局不穩被破 當時還想說只是稍稍不穩 以第一盤的狀況應該很快破回 誰知從此局勢就轉到momo身上了 第二盤3-5*時好幾個破發點沒破 導致輸掉第二盤 第三盤又一開始就被破 結果後兩盤變成都先落後 ...

Re: 好想哭>//<

Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2006-07-09T00:18
啊啊啊啊啊啊...看完球賽回家的路上...我買了罐啤酒喝 --- life is goinand#39; on...今天真的是場好球...不過可惜了 MOMO今天發球/底線上旋/網前截擊都發揮的非常好...反觀JUJU正反手都難以發力 上網又容易被穿越...真的缺乏臨門一腳的致勝武器... 不過特色 ...


Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2006-07-08T23:43
為什麼我會這麼難過...andgt;//andlt; 在運動的世界裡,我一直相信身材的優勢,是勝利不可或缺的要素 但是看 Henin 打球,渾身充滿頑強的鬥志和獨到的智慧技術 雖然衛視主播一直說他是小不點,不過在我心中他卻像是個主宰球場的巨人 今天的第一盤Henin實在是威到不行 讓我滿心充滿期待 ...

2006 Wimbledon Ladies Singles Final

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2006-07-08T21:19
開打了! Henin 破發 0-1 加油! - ...