The Backhand Lob of Justine Henin - 網球

Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2007-07-27T23:55

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The Backhand Lob of Justine Henin
The Belgian uses perfect disguise for maximum effectiveness.
By Lynne Rolley

Justine Henin is a big player for such a small woman. I just saw her play
when she was 10 years old and it was apparent even then that she was
tremendously talented. Her signature shot, the one-handed backhand, was well
on its way to becoming the beautiful stroke it is today. There’s nothing
Henin can’t do with her backhand. In this sequence we see her produce one of
the most difficult shots in the game, the backhand topspin lob.

1. Disguise is key for an effective topspin lob and there’s nothing about
Henin’s preparation that signals that she’s about to hit one. Instead, she
gets directly behind the ball and positions herself as if she’s going to hit
any other passing shot. The racquet is up behind her head and her shoulders
and hips are turned, which is critical on a one-handed backhand. You can’t
see it in this photo, but her left hand is cradling the racquet at the throat
to assist in her shoulder turn. She’s also bending her knees and loading her
weight on her back foot.

2. Henin begins to drop the racquet head under the ball. Her left hand is
just coming off the throat, which gives you an indication of how much she
uses it to guide the racquet. She has an extreme grip as opposed to the
classic Eastern backhand grip. I’d call it a semi-Western backhand, because
her hand is so far around on the handle. Her balance and posture are
excellent, and her head is very still as she begins to transfer her weight to
her front foot.

3. Only now can you tell that Henin is going to hit a lob. Her racquet head
has dropped very low so it’s well under the ball. She’s going to bring her
racquet up quickly to brush behind the ball and lift it over her opponent’s
head. Her hitting arm is extended out and she’ll make contact well ahead of
her front foot. Her head has not moved since the ? rst frame.

4. If you compare this frame to the previous one, you can see Henin’s
sharply vertical swing and how she’s rotated her arm to produce the topspin
she wants. She can do that because her extreme grip keeps her racquet face
more closed than a conventional Eastern. I also like how her left hand stays
back to counterbalance her hitting arm. She has fully transferred her weight
to her front foot and sent the ball on its way, yet her head is virtually in
the same place it was in the first frame.

5. The momentum resulting from Henin’s extreme upward swing path and the
extension of her hitting arm has carried her slightly up onto the ball of her
front foot. But Henin has maintained perfect posture and balance, showing
that she has excellent technique and strong core muscles.

6. It’s interesting to see that Henin has kept the same 90-degree angle
between her racquet and forearm in the last three frames. Instead of using
her wrist to flick the racquet as you might expect, she rotates her forearm
and shoulder to produce a sharp upward sweep. Though we can’t be certain,
this may be because she decided to hit the lob at the last instant. Either
way, she disguised and executed it perfectly.
leumas 不是打單反的
有辦法學juju的絕技嗎 呵呵..

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2007-07-29T13:40

夢寐以求的對決 Henin vs Graf!

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2007-07-27T23:20
Henin 跟 Steffi在十月將有慈善表演賽! 夢幻的單手反拍對決 ....兩個人來比誰切的深吧....好期待! 以下from Greeout -- JUSTINE andamp; STEFFI! Together, in a match an exhibition match for Steffia ...


Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2007-07-27T12:08
感覺很久沒看到Henin啦~ 剛剛整理硬碟發現以前的小短片.. 提供給大家解解悶囉! 順便猜猜這是哪一年的哪場比賽? 更厲害的連對手都猜依下是誰好了.. http://myweb.hinet.n ...


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2007-07-27T01:51
好啦…大家應該對這篇比較有興趣吧……哈哈 首先,先說好我去問衣服的價錢、估價之後 決定一件衣服先定370大洋 因為我之前沒有處理過這些事情 所以我去參照其他版版服或者是拍賣的算法 郵資的部份(包含包裝費用) 1件 50元 2~5件 70元 5件以上 120元(應該不會有這個選項吧…… = =) ...

看板 選情報導

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2007-07-26T22:13
◆ 票選題目描述: 決定一下屬於大家的版服吧 有衣服款式,和圖案搭配需要大家投票 當然,這是多數決^^ ◆投票結果:(共有 39 人投票,每人最多可投 3 票) 選 項 總票數 + 推文票數 = 最後票數 普通的白 ...


Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2007-07-24T17:34
這幾天大家投票投的很開心 我也花了一些時間去做了市場調查 所以想和各位講一下現況 以目前的投票狀況看來 POLO衫應該會比白T多一點票數 但有件事實得提出來給大家參考一下 我問了幾間專門團購衣服的店 POLO衫的平均價位大概比白T多了100元…… 這個價差其實還滿多的 而且我們的數量應該並不足以殺價殺到 ...