The Ashes 2015 3rd Test - 板球

Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2015-08-09T17:11

Table of Contents

Australia vs England

136/10 (36.4) 1st Innings 281/10 (67.1)
265/10 (79.1) 2nd Innings 124/2 (32.1)

England won by 8 wickets

Tags: 板球

All Comments

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2015-08-10T08:08

The Ashes 2015 1st Test

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2015-07-12T23:22
The Ashes, Game 1 Wednesday, July 8, 6:00 PM Sophia Gardens, Cardiff England vs Australia 430/10 (102.1) 1st Innings 308/10 (84 ...

The Ashes 2015 Schedule

Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2015-07-12T00:54
Jul 08 Wed - Jul 12 Sun England vs Australia, 1st Test 10:00 3:30 PM 18:00 Sophia Gardens Cardiff Jul 16 Thu - Jul 20 Mon ...

紐西蘭 V.S 南非

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2015-03-24T18:17
這場剛結束的準決賽非常值得一看... 比賽因雨中斷而減少至43個overs... 先攻的南非最終得到281runs(5個出局)...(D/L後297) 換紐西蘭進攻時... 一路苦苦追分... 直到最後兩球才分出勝負... 在全場的加油聲中逆轉 化不可能為可能... 雙方的攻擊與防守站位十分精彩 ...

紐西蘭 vs 西印度

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2015-03-21T09:07
四強賽開打啦!! 沒人po live文, New Zealand v.s. West Indies 西印度加油~! - ...

3/7 Pakistan vs South Africa的D/L

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2015-03-08T22:48
這裡想要請問各位大大,因為這場比賽先攻方Pakistan印象中有遇到一次因雨暫停, 之後比賽就縮減到47 Overs。後攻方South Africa也因此縮減到打47 Overs。 若依照我在wiki查到的算法 ( ...